Trump Advocates for State-Level Decision Making on Abortion Rights

sorry but you are wrong......Ohio would have permitted the ten year old to have an abortion......they also would have convicted and jailed her rapist......YOU are the one who didn't want that to happen......I mean, he might have been deported just for raping a ten year old.......

House republicans if they had their way would not.
get serious, what difference does it make if only 1% of abortions occur in the third trimester?......what matters is that you fucks WANT abortions to be available until the moment of cannot deny enshrined that into the Michigan state constitution.......

You are correct, if a doctor in the third trimester tells a woman that her child has no skull or a condition where it will not live, her right to abort it in the third trimester should be enshrined.
"what they did" = decide that until the legislature passes a new law the old one is still the law.......I don't know any other lawyer in the world who won't admit that MUST be legal......

The governor said it won't be enforced but I agree as with the law as well, it is the sort of fucking stupid thing republicans are pushing for which will cause Biden to easily win AZ and be an example to others why you don't want to vote for any fucking republicans anywhere.
You've adopted dogs in the past haven't you? And you haven't given birth... And I only say that because you mentioned you hadn't had a miscarriage either.. There are many wonderful stories of human adoption as well... Birth mother and adoptive parents... Who doesn't love a happily ever after?

It's never a happily ever after for the woman giving up that child.
It's never a happily ever after for the woman giving up that child.
That's simply not true... She has the knowledge her child will be well cared for...and not the knowledge her child doesn't exist...and never had a chance...
What a stupid question and reply.

You want a socialist utopia where unless every homeless druggie is doing well...with no financial worries, then the economy is not doing well. :laugh:

In the strongest economies some people will still run up debt. Some go bankrupt. Some make bad choices and abuse drugs and alcohol.

The bar of 'EVERY American living comfortable' you are demanding as proof the economy is doing well, is just stupid.

I think she believes that if trump is president there will be no homelessness or poverty or crime. A truely hypnotized trump nazi.
Which is precisely the reason that there is no upside to keeping them around.
The means of excision should be the primary national discussion right now.

So very true. I used to look at candidates for office and select the one I thought best and many times that was a republican, not any more. After seeing how fucked up our house of representatives is now and how the senate was when they ran the show I vote straight democrat down the ballot every time. When even the republican with balls can't vote his conscience because of his party I can't support any of them.
I think she believes that if trump is president there will be no homelessness or poverty or crime. A truely hypnotized trump nazi.
What a silly response to an equally silly post...
Things were better, and will be again when Joe is doesn't help when a president constantly "announces" he is there to help...and then does nothing...and that's Joe...
A good percentage of working America is truly struggling right now, as they watch resources given away to others for votes...that's going to end in November...
Remember when that whole travesty was going down? The only reason it was in the media is because the treating physician reported it to authorities, as she was mandated by law to do. Rather than being outraged that the child had to leave the state of Ohio to receive care, or that she was raped to begin with, Toxic and other forced-birthers were outraged at the DOCTOR, They screeched for her arrest and/or to have her license revoked. They didn't start blaming the rapist until it was revealed that he was allegedly an undocumented migrant.

That's the kind of self-anointed "moral" people we're dealing with here.

While they try and feed us the bullshit that oh, she could have gotten an abortion in Ohio. Republicans would be happy to enact a nationwide ban with no exceptions and that is what you will hear in this election. There are plenty of republicans quoting just such a barbarian policy.
We will hear them and they will turn people off to the party from coast to coast, not just states with referendums.


Another juvenile picture when they have no reasonable response to pure fact.
While they try and feed us the bullshit that oh, she could have gotten an abortion in Ohio. Republicans would be happy to enact a nationwide ban with no exceptions and that is what you will hear in this election. There are plenty of republicans quoting just such a barbarian policy.
We will hear them and they will turn people off to the party from coast to coast, not just states with referendums.
She could have received an abortion in Ohio...but mom was trying to protect the boyfriend...and Social Services was helping... and they put it off until someone reported it...and then they turned it into a activist's news story...
The "doctor" sure took advantage...and never let a small girl's tragedy go to waste...the undocumented rapist was never in question...that was known from the beginning, and the reason that tragedy unfolded as it did...
He received a life sentence...but will be eventually eligible for parole...because the family "begged" the judge for mercy and she ruled on it...
That's where the outrage should continue...
Wrong again. He is clarifying his position which the loons on the left in the media and Joes Democratic Party of Lying Jackasses keep lying about.

Wrong again. Biden supports his party's loony abortion for anyone at any time policy, Trumps is moderate and has an expiration date.

I don't think you can post without lying, being dishonest, bloviating strawmen and looking woefully uninformed.

This is what republicans would do asshole and everyone knows trump would not stand in their way if elected.

House Republicans Endorse a National Abortion Ban with Zero Exceptions in Latest Budget
the Republican Study Committee, which represents 100% of House Republican leadership and nearly 80% of their members, released a budget that—among its many other anti-choice restrictions—endorses a national abortion ban with zero exceptions for rape or incest.
Supports eliminating reproductive freedom for all women in every state.
Endorses banning mifepristone.
Supports eliminating policies that help ensure our Nation’s veterans have access to abortion care when their health or lives are at risk or in cases of rape or incest.
Guts funding for contraception

That is what republicans are clamouring for and the country will vote it down emphatically. How anyone could be against contraception and yet be against abortion makes no fucking sense whatsoever. Contraception has caused the number of abortions in this country to drop like a rock and you assholes are against it?
Many wonder how you can function without a brain. Nothing but empty space between your ears. :palm:



Trump knows the public has a brain between their ears which is why he is doing everything he can to backpedal. Outlawing abortion without exception is fucking stupid and he knows it. Too late asshole, people can see the writting on the wall and will send republicans packing. Nobody with any sense believes a word that asshole says.
Trump Leads Biden in Six of Seven Swing States, WSJ Poll ...

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Apr 2, 2024 — Incumbent trails in most battlegrounds that decided 2016 and 2020 elections. Former President Donald Trump participated in a campaign event in ...

Can you say President Trump?