Trump Advocates for State-Level Decision Making on Abortion Rights

Yep. This issue is going to be their Waterloo. Good.
It could very well be. There are other specific issues polled as more important, but since 1) Half of American voters are women and 2) since all good Americans support individual rights, the abortion issue could sink the Republicans in November.

Why else would Traitor Trump be backpedaling like a circus clown on this issue is it wasn’t crucial?
It is for the woman giving up that child who finds out that that child has done well for his/her life. You wouldn't understand...
Those are rare since most records are sealed. The only way to find out is DNA ancestry testing and hope they are in the database.
She could have received an abortion in Ohio...but mom was trying to protect the boyfriend...and Social Services was helping... and they put it off until someone reported it...and then they turned it into a activist's news story...
The "doctor" sure took advantage...and never let a small girl's tragedy go to waste...the undocumented rapist was never in question...that was known from the beginning, and the reason that tragedy unfolded as it did...
He received a life sentence...but will be eventually eligible for parole...because the family "begged" the judge for mercy and she ruled on it...
That's where the outrage should continue...

Thanks for confirming my prior statements that your outrage was directed at the treating physician who reported the child's abuse and subsequent procedure, as mandated by law. If only this doctor had disobeyed and kept her trap shut, the harsh light of scorn and horror would not have shone so brightly upon Ohio. If only the story had never made the news, Ohio voters would have stayed home last year and not enshrined reproductive freedom into the state's constitution.

It must be excruciatingly painful to always been so wrong. How do you bear it?
It's never a happily ever after for the woman giving up that child.

I’m not so sure. Sure, they might wonder, but being able to go to college, get a good job or move to a better area are all options more open to motherless women than those saddled with an unwanted pregnancy.
Never, ever ever ever let a good tragedy Go to waste... especially if it involves a young child...
That social worker and "pyschologist" don't have jobs anymore... And that illegal rapist will never get parole...

The stupid reply again belongs to you.

You created the critique of Joe with 'EVERY American living comfortable' as the standard for critique.

Was EVERY American living comfortably when Trump was is in? Or do you not care about that standard then and only apply it to Joe.

Bingo. The following will be ignored by Debbie Downer, whose face is planted firmly in Trump's... lap. She never said boo about homelessness during the Four Long Years of Sorrow.

After the Bush and Obama administrations embraced a Housing First policy, homelessness in America began to decline. But in 2016, that progress stopped, and homelessness rapidly rose in the years that followed.

Fortunately, we have begun to slow the rapid rise in homelessness – and we did it during a global pandemic and economic crisis. The number of Americans without a home remained largely flat from 2020 to 2022, proving that we can make progress even during the most difficult times.

From 2019:

Homeless population rises for third year in a row
It could very well be. There are other specific issues polled as more important, but since 1) Half of American voters are women and 2) since all good Americans support individual rights, the abortion issue could sink the Republicans in November.

Why else would Traitor Trump be backpedaling like a circus clown on this issue is it wasn’t crucial?

Exactly. And why would our forum forced-birthers be so frantically trying to deny that a national ban is *exactly* what they want?
I’m not so sure. Sure, they might wonder, but being able to go to college, get a good job or move to a better area are all options more open to motherless women than those saddled with an unwanted pregnancy.

The vast majority of mothers who surrender a child to adoption wonder the rest of their lives how they turned out, what they look like, and if they will ever meet again. That's not to say that they regret their decision. It's just that the child who grew under your heart will always be in it.
That famous STOTURant... Definitely a game changer for November's election... And not in Joe's favor...

House Republicans don Laken Riley pins ahead of Biden's address

Of course, now you all are saying "Laken WHO?"
First we had the clown-faced President in Traitor Trump and now the Republican Congress is going full clown suit. Ronald Reagan must be rolling in his grave.

The vast majority of mothers who surrender a child to adoption wonder the rest of their lives how they turned out, what they look like, and if they will ever meet again. That's not to say that they regret their decision. It's just that the child who grew under your heart will always be in it.
I can understand the wonderment, but for most I’m guessing it worked out for the best. Not so sure about the kids.
I can understand the wonderment, but for most I’m guessing it worked out for the best. Not so sure about the kids.

The people I've known who were adopted are forever grateful to their adoptive parents and think of them as their "real" mom and dad. But there is a lingering sadness that their bio mom didn't keep them, too. All in all though, I agree that if the pregnant woman can manage to make it to term and then adopt her child out, it is a better solution than abortion which comes with its own type of lifelong sorrow. But she MUST HAVE THE CHOICE or we can quit pretending to be a nation that believes in individual rights and freedom.