Trump Advocates for State-Level Decision Making on Abortion Rights

The people I've known who were adopted are forever grateful to their adoptive parents and think of them as their "real" mom and dad. But there is a lingering sadness that their bio mom didn't keep them, too. All in all though, I agree that if the pregnant woman can manage to make it to term and then adopt her child out, it is a better solution than abortion which comes with its own type of lifelong sorrow. But she MUST HAVE THE CHOICE or we can quit pretending to be a nation that believes in individual rights and freedom.
I have a limited knowledge of adoptions and none with mothers who gave up their babies for adoption versus those who aborted.

Agreed on CHOICE. That goes for all Americans; individual liberty and freedom from government interference in personal issues.

America First movement is not even a veiled white supremist movement as those proudly wearing their veils shows and proves.

Yep. I think what Toxic really meant though was to praise the current incarnation, which is "TRUMP FIRST." That being said, she keeps her Kleagle sheets ready to respond when called. :laugh:
Are you saying that you've met your birth mother? I can assure you that even if she knows that you've had a good life and are a good person, inside there will always be sadness that she wasn't the one who was able to hold you and raise you and praise you, and see your triumphs and your flubs.

Indirectly, years ago. She knew of my adoptive parents. We knew of her.
Interesting assessment, and possibly true. I wouldn't know if there's an
attachment that grows with what's growing inside her, or not. My intuition
says there is, if just curiosity...
You are full of shit, unemployment is the lowest in years and our inflation has been easing ever since Biden was elected. It's lower than every other developed nation proving that it was never the presidets fault anyway. I'm sorry migrants are taking your job, you should have gotten an education.

Unemployment is low because our labor force is at an all time low. They are not migrants they are illegals. I am educated, objective and retired. There is no job to take.
An ignorant shithead like you spouting utter bullshit carries no weight. No one here believes you

You choose to believe people who lied about Russia and censor what you hear. You have nothing but blind trust in a dishonest media owned by people that want you dead. Moron.
Since you keep refusing to define the term, I doubt you even know what one is, Pinkie.

I'm surprised you can read that fourth-grade-girl font. I put him on ignore for that reason. Maybe some day he'll grow up and use something readable.

And no, you're not a troll.
I'm surprised you can read that fourth-grade-girl font. I put him on ignore for that reason. Maybe some day he'll grow up and use something readable.

And no, you're not a troll.

I stumbled on an asshat convention where trolls reassure other trolls how they aren't trolls :laugh:
I'm surprised you can read that fourth-grade-girl font. I put him on ignore for that reason. Maybe some day he'll grow up and use something readable.

And no, you're not a troll.
My guess is Pinkie’s growing up days are long gone.

The governor said it won't be enforced but I agree as with the law as well, it is the sort of fucking stupid thing republicans are pushing for which will cause Biden to easily win AZ and be an example to others why you don't want to vote for any fucking republicans anywhere.
I suppose it can be expected for demmycrats to ignore what they consider the worst travesty of justice in 150 years rather than simply passing another law.......because demmycrats are known to be dumber than shit......
fuck you I never said or insinuated any such thing.

sure you claim the pregnant ten year old is Republicans fault when it was mom's boyfriend who raped her and mom who decided to go to another state for her abortion rather than turn her boyfriend in......there's only one explanation for your behavior.......