Trump Advocates for State-Level Decision Making on Abortion Rights

You are correct, if a doctor in the third trimester tells a woman that her child has no skull or a condition where it will not live, her right to abort it in the third trimester should be enshrined.

oh gosh.....I would say you were moving the goal posts, but the reality is, you've exchanged them for a pickle ball net........
What a silly response to an equally silly post...
Things were better, and will be again when Joe is doesn't help when a president constantly "announces" he is there to help...and then does nothing...and that's Joe...
A good percentage of working America is truly struggling right now, as they watch resources given away to others for votes...that's going to end in November...

So you want to elect a fucking criminal, a rapist, a fraud. You are sick.
She could have received an abortion in Ohio...but mom was trying to protect the boyfriend...and Social Services was helping... and they put it off until someone reported it...and then they turned it into a activist's news story...
The "doctor" sure took advantage...and never let a small girl's tragedy go to waste...the undocumented rapist was never in question...that was known from the beginning, and the reason that tragedy unfolded as it did...
He received a life sentence...but will be eventually eligible for parole...because the family "begged" the judge for mercy and she ruled on it...
That's where the outrage should continue...

Rapes happen every fucking day. It is you that makes a big deal out of this one because it was an immigrant.
Which states are having measles outbreaks?

As of last week, the states with documented measles cases in 2024 are Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington.Mar 22

It seems ignorant rightwingers are refusing the vaccine in lots of states. You never saw this 10-15 yrs ago when republicans were not so ignorant.
That social worker and "pyschologist" don't have jobs anymore... And that illegal rapist will never get parole...

"illegal rapist"? What the fuck is that? I guess trump is a "legal" rapist right. Should the legal rapist get a more lenient sentence?
What if you had a button planted on you...with a planned remark... and still couldn't get the name right? Now we just need a President.
Who believes in Americans first...

Yeah, a good felon who was guilty of rape and fraud himself. One who boldly grabbed women by the pussy and bragged about it. One who is now going to trial for fucking a couple porn stars and illegally paying them to shut up.

Trump's trial will 'turn off' Christian voters regardless of verdict
Guilty or innocent — the damage done to the Don when he appears for the first time as a defendant in a Lower Manhattan criminal court on Monday will purportedly hurt his standing with a key part of his MAGA base: the evangelicals.
President Donald Trump could be badly bruised once trial gets going and unsavory details go public in the case accusing him of fudging his business records to block from public view payments to prevent affairs with porn star Stormy Daniels and ex-Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal.
"That will turn off a lot of Republican evangelical, Christian voters and they will be hard-pressed to support this president, regardless of whether he is convicted or not convicted."

Evangelicals who are not turned off by what is about to become public were never evangelicals to begin with. Trump can deny all he wants but when the evidence becomes so overwhelming only the truly ignorant Trump Nazis will be able to ignore it. He was fucking porn stars and paying them to shut up, you must be proud of him. I mean, why be with your wife in the hospital when she was having your child when you could be fucking Stormy Daniels.
sure you claim the pregnant ten year old is Republicans fault when it was mom's boyfriend who raped her and mom who decided to go to another state for her abortion rather than turn her boyfriend in......there's only one explanation for your behavior.......

It was the republicans fault that she had to travel asshole, I never said republicans were at fault for any rape.
America first... Joe doesn't do that. .
Joe honors his oath and supports all Americans, not just the white ones like you do, TOP.

Rapes happen every fucking day. It is you that makes a big deal out of this one because it was an immigrant.

Nailed it. Murders of pretty young women happen every day too. The Reichtards only make a big deal of it if the accused perp is an undocumented migrant or a non-white, notice that? Laken Riley's name has been brought up numerous times by Toxic and her ilk. They never let a good tragedy go to waste.

I've noticed that Toxic offers zero evidence of the claims she's made concerning this case. According to the CNN article on the sentencing of the rapist, Ohio banned abortion after six weeks. There was nothing about the mother allegedly "hiding" the pregnancy. In fact, according to the article, "The physician, Dr. Caitlin Bernard, told CNN last year that she provided abortion services to the child in late June 2022, and that the girl traveled to Indiana for the procedure because Ohio, after the Roe ruling, generally banned abortions after early cardiac activity is detected, which is around six weeks into a pregnancy. The girl was six weeks and three days into her pregnancy, Bernard said." How can you "hide" a six week along pregnancy? Nothing shows that early.
It was the republicans fault that she had to travel asshole, I never said republicans were at fault for any rape.

This is true. According to this article, the cut off time for a legal abortion in Ohio at that time was six weeks/detection of fetal heartbeat. The little girl was slightly over six weeks pregnant and thus unable, under Ohio law, to have the procedure.