Trump Advocates for State-Level Decision Making on Abortion Rights

The economy is terrible. Inflation is still rising and jobs are going to illegals. How fucking dumb are you?

You are full of shit, unemployment is the lowest in years and our inflation has been easing ever since Biden was elected. It's lower than every other developed nation proving that it was never the presidets fault anyway. I'm sorry migrants are taking your job, you should have gotten an education.
Which states are having measles outbreaks?

As of last week, the states with documented measles cases in 2024 are Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington.Mar 22
Families Crushed as Biden's Total Inflation Breaks 17%

House Budget Committee (.gov) › press-release › families-crushe...
Oct 12, 2023 — Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) released the following statement after the Consumer Price Index (CPI) report ...

The far left Democratic Socialist loons deal in lies and confounded lies.
Guno צְבִי;5959476 said:
A few things spring to mind. Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace – all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed. So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump’s limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief.

I liked that bit, too. It's almost as though the racists among the (R) contingent hated Obama for those qualities so much that they gravitated toward his exact opposite.
What a silly response to an equally silly post...
Things were better, and will be again when Joe is doesn't help when a president constantly "announces" he is there to help...and then does nothing...and that's Joe...
A good percentage of working America is truly struggling right now, as they watch resources given away to others for votes...that's going to end in November...


The stupid reply again belongs to you.

You created the critique of Joe with 'EVERY American living comfortable' as the standard for critique.

Was EVERY American living comfortably when Trump was is in? Or do you not care about that standard then and only apply it to Joe.
This would have been a rape and health related one would have argued that...
Obviously, abortion shouldn't even be an issue here...for so many reasons...
Democrats can't let a good tragedy go to waste, though...there was never a word about the heartbreak and the horror of the actual situation here...there was locally, though...

Ah yes, like the Laken Riley murder.

There were plenty of words about the little girl in Ohio here, and elsewhere as well. In fact, there was near-universal horror at the thought of a 10-yo child being raped, then having to travel out of state to get the rapist's product out of her little body. But rather than blame draconian law, you and your forced-birther ilk prefer to blame the physician who performed the abortion, the kid's mother, and everyone else except the two real culprits -- the rapist and the legislators who passed the draconian law.
Trump Leads Biden in Six of Seven Swing States, WSJ Poll ...

WSJ › Politics › Elections
Apr 2, 2024 — Incumbent trails in most battlegrounds that decided 2016 and 2020 elections. Former President Donald Trump participated in a campaign event in ...

Can you say President Trump?


President Clinton here we come...

Wonders if the above will stop Eal's idiocy. Decides instantly it will not.
That's simply not true... She has the knowledge her child will be well cared for...and not the knowledge her child doesn't exist...and never had a chance...

You don't know anyone who ever gave up a child for adoption, do you? If you did, you wouldn't have made such a stupid statement. I do. You don't know what you're talking about, as usual.
It is for the woman giving up that child who finds out that that child has done well for his/her life. You wouldn't understand...

Are you saying that you've met your birth mother? I can assure you that even if she knows that you've had a good life and are a good person, inside there will always be sadness that she wasn't the one who was able to hold you and raise you and praise you, and see your triumphs and your flubs.
So very true. I used to look at candidates for office and select the one I thought best and many times that was a republican, not any more. After seeing how fucked up our house of representatives is now and how the senate was when they ran the show I vote straight democrat down the ballot every time. When even the republican with balls can't vote his conscience because of his party I can't support any of them.

Yep. I have never voted straight ticket although I've voted in every election since 1972. In 2020 though I voted straight (D) down the line. There was not a single local, state, or national (R) I could in good conscience support. Not one.
While they try and feed us the bullshit that oh, she could have gotten an abortion in Ohio. Republicans would be happy to enact a nationwide ban with no exceptions and that is what you will hear in this election. There are plenty of republicans quoting just such a barbarian policy.
We will hear them and they will turn people off to the party from coast to coast, not just states with referendums.

Yep. This issue is going to be their Waterloo. Good.

You say what you are told to say whether you know it or not. You are a dime a dozen troll.
I’m not you, Pinkie. I say what I want to say without having to wear an aluminum foil hat, using girly font and claim others are trolls without explaining why.

The stupid reply again belongs to you.

You created the critique of Joe with 'EVERY American living comfortable' as the standard for critique.

Was EVERY American living comfortably when Trump was is in? Or do you not care about that standard then and only apply it to Joe.

Thanks for proving I was correct...