Trump argues in court filing that he can limit journalists' access to White House

That's where you're a hypocritical moron; you now support claims from FOX that support your laughably stupid notions about how the Constitution works.

I don't give a shit if TRUMP said it snowflake; there is no Constitutional right to a press pass to the White House. The precedent it would set is not merely dangerous, but moronic. Grow a brain.

you dug deep into your drugs today didnt you
In a recent poll conducted by Ipsos, an alarming number of Republicans think Trump should be able to shut down certain press members if he wants. More specifically, they think it should be a right of the president to quiet any given media outlet. But that's not the scariest aspect of the poll: almost half of the Republicans polled also agreed with the statement that the news media "is the enemy of the people."

First of all: no, Trump does not currently have the Constitutional power to shut down the press. The mainstream media is largely protected by the First amendment, which (in addition to protecting freedom of speech) protects the freedom of the press.

Many critics argue that a democracy would cease to exist without a free press, and that as soon as a president is allowed to censor or completely squash a news outlet, the United States would no longer be a democracy.

Still, that hasn't stopped some Americans from wishing Trump could stop the media. In the poll that was released Tuesday, 43 percent of Republicans believe that Trump "should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior," and 36 percent of Republicans disagreed with that.

What's more, 79 percent of those polled believed that Trump was treated "unfairly" by mainstream media outlets, with another 48 percent agreeing that the news media is "the enemy of the people."

However, the poll wasn't entirely directed at Republicans, and for that matter, Republicans weren't the only ones feeling some fatigue from mainstream media: in the poll, a third of all Americans believed that the media was the "enemy of the people." Additionally, 25 percent of all Americans agreed that Trump should be have the authority to close news outlets engaged in "bad behavior." What's more, 72 percent of all Americans polled think “it should be easier to sue reporters who knowingly publish false information.”

The sample for this poll was relatively small, at just under 1,000 Americans, with 326 Republicans, 323 Democrats, and 207 Independents. The survey was taken online by adults from August 3 to August 6.


It IS incredible that so many on that side are willing to give up precious freedoms because that abomination wants them to do so.

They are the Germans of 1930's Germany...and refuse to see that they are.
White male privilege at this finest.

Americans watch...…..and let it happen.

:lolup:Race hustling moron eruption in progress. Hop aboard! :laugh:

Riding the SHORT Race hustling BUS

It IS incredible that so many on that side are willing to give up precious freedoms because that abomination wants them to do so.

They are the Germans of 1930's Germany...and refuse to see that they are.

Our media outlets and press are privately owned NOT government owned.. Trump can't shut them down.