Trump argues in court filing that he can limit journalists' access to White House

Is it my fault that you are a lying piece of shit?

Ironic coming from a low IQ lying twat on steroids. If you are so sure of yourself that I am lying, take the fucking bet you ignoramus.

Where's the fucking link you laying twat! Can't find it can you, you willfully ignorant lying liberal twat?
So you can't find out anything for yourself, what a surprise.

If you think you can find it shit-for-brains, post it! It doesn't exist. Yet low IQ willful idiots like you whine about me not finding that which does not exist. STFU you miserable pathetic little piss ant.

Take my bet if you are so sure!
Ironic coming from a low IQ lying twat on steroids. If you are so sure of yourself that I am lying, take the fucking bet you ignoramus.

Where's the fucking link you laying twat! Can't find it can you, you willfully ignorant lying liberal twat?

With all the time you have spent whining, you could have found the link long ago.
I don't need to come to your house you brain dead twat; the bet was getting permanently banned from the forum you dumb fuck.


Go ahead and ban me, honey bunny, but dont you get tired talking to yourself all day? One ID answers the next ID which pretends to be another ID.
You would really miss me.
It IS incredible that so many on that side are willing to give up precious freedoms because that abomination wants them to do so.

They are the Germans of 1930's Germany...and refuse to see that they are.

there is no freedom to be an ass, at a press conference.

it amazes me that liberals or whatever u are are more concerned about acosta than social media censorship.
there is no freedom to be an ass, at a press conference.

it amazes me that liberals or whatever u are are more concerned about acosta than social media censorship.

Being an ass is subjective and one person's definition of it will always be different than another's, hence the reason why it cannot be used as a standard.

That's why we have written rules and laws... so that one person cannot make his or her opinion the deciding factor in issues that affect everyone.

You can't really be too obtuse to understand that.

Can you???? :dunno:
are u denying he was asked to pass the mic?

I haven't heard the voice of anyone asking him to do so.

I saw a video of some young gal assaulting him by grabbing his wrist and trying to wrench the mic out of his hand with no warning or verbal communication whatsoever, but nothing that shows or proves she or anyone else asked him to relinquish it.
It IS incredible that so many on that side are willing to give up precious freedoms because that abomination wants them to do so.

They are the Germans of 1930's Germany...and refuse to see that they are.

I think he would have to nationalize all the newspapers and TV news and other media outlets. Trump is not very bright.. He's just raging and pontificating.
Our media outlets and press are privately owned NOT government owned.. Trump can't shut them down.

Trump isn't shutting them down you ignorant lying little leftist twat. White House press You morons think you can just fabricate your alternate reality and demand everyone live in it?? STFU.
No, he likes to renege on his bets like Don.

Your bet got banned? How awful, are you going to cry?

No one takes you seriously hon.

^This is your brain on moron; don't be one.
