"Trump demands governors allow churches to open"

Good, freedom of religion is a Constitutionally protected right.There are no caveats in the BOR.

Got that right, no caveats for FAKE, stupidity and just plain freaky!

PS When you squint really hard does that make you more holy or does god pay more attention? Just wondering.


And it wasn't pimping COVID, even though your response is questionable, but rather religion regardless of health consequences for his own personal political ends

When I read your thread title I can’t help but think how bloody backwards it is.

Since when does a president need ‘authority’ to open churches? Where the did the ‘authority’ come from to close them to begin with?

I never thought I’d live to see the day when basic civil liberties were under such assault.
Crazy Trump is sticking his neck out big time, if this would result in more corona cases and deaths, this would give the Democrats ammunition to use against Trump, and that's just what Trump doesn't need right now.

But more coronavirus deaths are what you’re hoping for.

And they call us deplorable.
I see what you did there.

Raised in a church were you?

The SCOTUS is clear on religious freedom, moron. It applies to opinions and beliefs, not how one physical carries out their religion. The government is within its authority to suspend gatherings, whether it be football games, concerts or church.
Lord Trump, does not have the authority to override a state's governor order to keep houses of worship closed?!! Trump is pandering to the evangelist vote?!! He is getting desperate?!!
