"Trump demands governors allow churches to open"

The SCOTUS is clear on religious freedom, moron. It applies to opinions and beliefs, not how one physical carries out their religion.

actually, almost every religious freedom case revolves around how one physically carries out his religion.........consider for example the use of peyote in Indian religious ceremonies, where and when prayer may be conducted, whether copies of the Ten Commandments may be displayed in court houses......
"Trump demands governors allow churches to open"
"President Trump on Friday ordered governors to allow houses of worship to open immediately, declaring them “essential” to American life during COVID-19."

“The governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important essential places of faith to open right now, this weekend,” Trump said during brief remarks at the White House. Trump took no questions, however, and left immediately after his brief statement."

“If they don't do it I will override the governors. America, we need more prayer, not less," he said."


"Behind Trump’s demand to reopen churches: Slipping poll numbers and alarm inside his campaign"
"A sudden shift in support for Donald Trump among religious conservatives is triggering alarm bells inside his reelection campaign, where top aides have long banked on expanding the president’s evangelical base as a key part of their strategy for victory this November.

The anxiety over Trump’s standing with the Christian right surfaced after a pair of surveys by reputable outfits earlier this month found waning confidence in the administration’s coronavirus response among key religious groups, with a staggering decline in the president’s favorability among white evangelicals and white Catholics.

Part of the strategy Trump allies have adopted to protect his relationship with conservative Christians is to frame the novel coronavirus — and church closures in response to social distancing restrictions — as a threat to religious freedom.

Pence told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt earlier this month that “the liberties enshrined in the Constitution still apply to every American, even in the middle of a national emergency.”

The Justice Department has also gotten involved. In a letter sent Tuesday to California Gov. Gavin Newsom, department officials warned the prominent Democrat that his measures to relax social-distancing guidelines in the Golden State cannot discriminate against religious groups and institutions


Most know Trump's history with religion is skeptical at best, so who, other than some southern evangelicals, are going to now buy Trump's sudden "we need more prayer" theme?

And how would this not be Trump pimping religion in the midst of a health crisis for his own political ends?

Your overt disdain for the 1st amendment is noted, we are all justified in extrajudicially executing all of the DNC leadership as domestic enemies of the republic.
The SCOTUS is clear on religious freedom, moron. It applies to opinions and beliefs, not how one physical carries out their religion. The government is within its authority to suspend gatherings, whether it be football games, concerts or church.

Which case law would that be you laughable faggot? Seriously cite the case or shut your retarded mouth.
Trump does not have the authority to overrule the governors. He was not elected king after all. He still has not learned that.

The governors who are ruling by decree need to be rounded up and executed for crimes against the republic you stupid little fuck.
Too bad for Trump many are already allowed to have mass and his ploys at raising his audience won't mean much. They just have to provide safe services like anyone else. Limited capacity, etc. And this is in lockdown Michigan.


Too bad for you they were limiting them to ten people but out door dining was allowed 50 so catch a bullet faggot, it's time for armed revolt from New York to Michigan storm the governors mansions and hanf the tyrants from the nearest light pole!
Too bad for you they were limiting them to ten people but out door dining was allowed 50 so catch a bullet faggot, it's time for armed revolt from New York to Michigan storm the governors mansions and hanf the tyrants from the nearest light pole!

I wait to see a pathetic little coward like you leading a revolt. All talk and no action from my little sweetie pie.
I can't see that a service without singing would be anything, and singing is extremely dangerous from the point of view of infection. Trumpf cares nothing for religious freedom, only for votes, and everyone knows that.
ha ha. I'm Buddhist you moron - no gods in Buddhism.
But Christ called on his followers to "do this in remembrance of me" and gather together in His name

Nah- you've turned the Buddha into a deity. You're kidding yourself.