"Trump demands governors allow churches to open"

Got that right, no caveats for FAKE, stupidity and just plain freaky!

PS When you squint really hard does that make you more holy or does god pay more attention? Just wondering.



Yes yes, we are all well aware of the liberal penchant for bigotry. No need to belabor the point.
We just are going out of incarceration. Same precautions apply. Birx had nothing but good news today. Try and keep up.

Is the good news that we’ll hit 100,000 deaths this weekend?

You really need a building to practice your religion? Pretty flimsy religion you must have.
Trump does not have the authority to overrule the governors. He was not elected king after all. He still has not learned that.
The SCOTUS is clear on religious freedom, moron. It applies to opinions and beliefs, not how one physical carries out their religion. The government is within its authority to suspend gatherings, whether it be football games, concerts or church.
untrue. Religious freedom also allows for freedom to worship
Freedom to worship doesn’t mean you need a building to do so. Is that something your god requires?
ha ha. I'm Buddhist you moron - no gods in Buddhism.
But Christ called on his followers to "do this in remembrance of me" and gather together in His name