Trump desparate for voters

Port Tack

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Trump wants to make tipping more annoying for everyone​

"For those hotel workers and people that get tips, you're going to be very happy, because when I get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips,"

If this isn't a desparate attempt to get voters I don't know what is. There is no way he is going to eliminate income taxes for the entire restaurant/hotel business without congress approving and they never will. He is preying on the intelligence of the waiter/waitresses to get their vote. why not just say we are going to eliminate taxes on your first 20 hrs of work each week? That should get a few more dumbfucks to vote for you.
What he should say is, "When I get to office we are going to eliminate the income tax cut off on payment of Social Security taxes."

Unless that is done hotel workers like all workers won't see much, if any, SS income when they retire.
If this isn't a desparate attempt to get voters I don't know what is. There is no way he is going to eliminate income taxes for the entire restaurant/hotel business without congress approving and they never will. He is preying on the intelligence of the waiter/waitresses to get their vote. why not just say we are going to eliminate taxes on your first 20 hrs of work each week? That should get a few more dumbfucks to vote for you.

this is a solid policy which actually helps working people.

of course tips should not be taxed.

you're so deranged you've gone full retard.

trump is pegging you from both sides. accept his gift.
If this isn't a desparate attempt to get voters I don't know what is. There is no way he is going to eliminate income taxes for the entire restaurant/hotel business without congress approving and they never will. He is preying on the intelligence of the waiter/waitresses to get their vote. why not just say we are going to eliminate taxes on your first 20 hrs of work each week? That should get a few more dumbfucks to vote for you.
He promises all sorts of shit that he knows will never happen -- Mexico paying for a wall, repealing the ACA and replacing it with something allegedly better, all the outsourced jobs return to the U.S., lower taxes, etc. Then when the impossible things don't materialize, he blames the (D)s. His MAGAT cult swallows this bullshit whole.
If this isn't a desparate attempt to get voters I don't know what is. There is no way he is going to eliminate income taxes for the entire restaurant/hotel business without congress approving and they never will. He is preying on the intelligence of the waiter/waitresses to get their vote. why not just say we are going to eliminate taxes on your first 20 hrs of work each week? That should get a few more dumbfucks to vote for you.
Excellent policy.... Why would it be a problem to do this?
He promises all sorts of shit that he knows will never happen -- Mexico paying for a wall, repealing the ACA and replacing it with something allegedly better, all the outsourced jobs return to the U.S., lower taxes, etc. Then when the impossible things don't materialize, he blames the (D)s. His MAGAT cult swallows this bullshit whole.
But do they really?
Trumpanzees don't actually vote over issues.
They vote to piss off their obvious intellectual and moral superiors.

They are aggrieved over being very obviously inferior (devolved mutants, likely),
with no possible remedy for same,
and voting for the pigfucking orangutan is their way of acting out.
But do they really?
Trumpanzees don't actually vote over issues.
They vote to piss off their obvious intellectual and moral superiors.

They are aggrieved over being very obviously inferior (devolved mutants, likely),
with no possible remedy for same,
and voting for the pigfucking orangutan is their way of acting out.
Good points, as the post right above yours proves.

It's unlikely that any "hotel workers" and servers and such vote for (R)s anyways as they tend to be young.
If this isn't a desparate attempt to get voters I don't know what is. There is no way he is going to eliminate income taxes for the entire restaurant/hotel business without congress approving and they never will. He is preying on the intelligence of the waiter/waitresses to get their vote. why not just say we are going to eliminate taxes on your first 20 hrs of work each week? That should get a few more dumbfucks to vote for you.
But allowing an invasion on the southern border and student loan forgiveness ARENT desperate attempts to get voters. You're as stupid as box of rocks.
He promises all sorts of shit that he knows will never happen -- Mexico paying for a wall, repealing the ACA and replacing it with something allegedly better, all the outsourced jobs return to the U.S., lower taxes, etc. Then when the impossible things don't materialize, he blames the (D)s. His MAGAT cult swallows this bullshit whole.
many of those things happened to some degree, of course we need anti-globalist president from here on for lasting benefits from those policies.

Joe had to do a lot of executive orders to undo progress trump had made, actually.
If this isn't a desparate attempt to get voters I don't know what is. There is no way he is going to eliminate income taxes for the entire restaurant/hotel business without congress approving and they never will. He is preying on the intelligence of the waiter/waitresses to get their vote. why not just say we are going to eliminate taxes on your first 20 hrs of work each week? That should get a few more dumbfucks to vote for you.

What he should say is, "When I get to office we are going to eliminate the income tax cut off on payment of Social Security taxes."

Unless that is done hotel workers like all workers won't see much, if any, SS income when they retire.

He promises all sorts of shit that he knows will never happen -- Mexico paying for a wall, repealing the ACA and replacing it with something allegedly better, all the outsourced jobs return to the U.S., lower taxes, etc. Then when the impossible things don't materialize, he blames the (D)s. His MAGAT cult swallows this bullshit whole.

But do they really?
Trumpanzees don't actually vote over issues.
They vote to piss off their obvious intellectual and moral superiors.

They are aggrieved over being very obviously inferior (devolved mutants, likely),
with no possible remedy for same,
and voting for the pigfucking orangutan is their way of acting out.
If this isn't a desparate attempt to get voters I don't know what is. There is no way he is going to eliminate income taxes for the entire restaurant/hotel business without congress approving and they never will. He is preying on the intelligence of the waiter/waitresses to get their vote. why not just say we are going to eliminate taxes on your first 20 hrs of work each week? That should get a few more dumbfucks to vote for you.

Trump is a caricature of a prototypical politician. Politicians stretch the truth, often to the point of blatant dishonesty. Trump just flat out lies and doesn't give two shits what anyone thinks about his lies. Politicians often make far-fetched promises to win elections. Trump says whatever ridiculous thought comes to mind and, in this case, that was a idiotic promise that he can't possibly follow through on.
Trump is a caricature of a prototypical politician. Politicians stretch the truth, often to the point of blatant dishonesty. Trump just flat out lies and doesn't give two shits what anyone thinks about his lies. Politicians often make far-fetched promises to win elections. Trump says whatever ridiculous thought comes to mind and, in this case, that was a idiotic promise that he can't possibly follow through on.
You would think that the Trumpanzees would have figured this out by now, after four long years of disappointment from Trump v1.0. You'd be wrong if you did.

this is a solid policy which actually helps working people.

of course tips should not be taxed.

you're so deranged you've gone full retard.

trump is pegging you from both sides. accept his gift.
For those like a waitress, practically ALL of their income is in tips. A restaurant does not have to abide by minimum wage requirements because of tips. They may pay $2.00 /hr. Saying you are not going to tax tips is telling an entire chunk of our population you don't have to pay any income taxes.

Your response is typical Trump Nazi, excuse the fucking stupidest ideas your fuhrer comes up with as though they make sense. How about just do away with income taxes? That would help the working people too wouldn't it?
He promises all sorts of shit that he knows will never happen -- Mexico paying for a wall, repealing the ACA and replacing it with something allegedly better, all the outsourced jobs return to the U.S., lower taxes, etc. Then when the impossible things don't materialize, he blames the (D)s. His MAGAT cult swallows this bullshit whole.
Yup, Trump's Nazi's will believe anything that asshole tells them