Trump desparate for voters

Hmmm...Desperate for votes? Joe is giving out beer and free birth control...manicures and boot check sweepstakes and cooling towels.... :ROFLMAO:
What is our debt now, 34 trillion? Our govt needs to increase revenue, not reduce it. How can you actually ask such a fucking stupid question unless you were completely hypnotized by your fuhrer?
Great policy...Happy for those in the industry when this happens...I'll tip even better once I know the government isn't getting 50%...
But do they really?
Trumpanzees don't actually vote over issues.
They vote to piss off their obvious intellectual and moral superiors.

They are aggrieved over being very obviously inferior (devolved mutants, likely),
with no possible remedy for same,
and voting for the pigfucking orangutan is their way of acting out.
That is a very good point. The redneck ignorant fucks in this country support Trump because they know he will destroy it and they they think those with anything deserve it. They have nothing so don't have to worry about losing anything.
Good points, as the post right above yours proves.

It's unlikely that any "hotel workers" and servers and such vote for (R)s anyways as they tend to be young.
it is incredible how trump can come up with such asinine ideas and how his supporters jump on it like it's the greatest idea since sliced bread.
That is a very good point. The redneck ignorant fucks in this country support Trump because they know he will destroy it and they they think those with anything deserve it. They have nothing so don't have to worry about losing anything.
Have another cup of Joe....and eat some breakfast...I promise your day will get better...;)
But allowing an invasion on the southern border and student loan forgiveness ARENT desperate attempts to get voters. You're as stupid as box of rocks.
Listen asshole, if you want to comment on the border go find a fucking thread on it. This one is discussing the fucking stupid idea of trump eliminating income taxes for a huge segment of our population.
Another rightwing asshole who cannot come up with a rational response.
Trump is a caricature of a prototypical politician. Politicians stretch the truth, often to the point of blatant dishonesty. Trump just flat out lies and doesn't give two shits what anyone thinks about his lies. Politicians often make far-fetched promises to win elections. Trump says whatever ridiculous thought comes to mind and, in this case, that was a idiotic promise that he can't possibly follow through on.
Just like his blatant lie the other day. Years ago he came out saying veterans like McCain were suckers and losers. Then the other day he said only an idiot would claim veterans were suckers and losers. His faithful just respond with a "Yeah, he never said anything of the sort".
Hmmm...Desperate for votes? Joe is giving out beer and free birth control...manicures and boot check sweepstakes and cooling towels.... :ROFLMAO:
That does not cost our country billions if not trillions of dollars you idiot.
That does not cost our country billions if not trillions of dollars you idiot.
How much does it cost? Considering it won't buy votes...
Have you ever worked as a server? Did you get to keep the tips that you earned??
Just like his blatant lie the other day. Years ago he came out saying veterans like McCain were suckers and losers. Then the other day he said only an idiot would claim veterans were suckers and losers. His faithful just respond with a "Yeah, he never said anything of the sort".
Never trust a man who tells you his uncle was eaten by cannibals....;)
How much does it cost? Considering it won't buy votes...
Have you ever worked as a server? Did you get to keep the tips that you earned??
it will cost trillions.

Trump wants IRS to stop taxing workers' tips, as Americans say tipping is 'out of control'​

Trump wants his Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to become permanent; that would cost the government $4 trillion over 10 years,
It's a great policy...less money for the government to waste...More money in people's pockets...which will Definitely that they earned...
Why do you hate America?
Why do you ask such a fucking stupid question? Why not eliminate income taxes for everybody?

Typical of the ignorant trump supporter who will claim ANYTHING their fuhrer proposes is a great idea.
Why do you ask such a fucking stupid question? Why not eliminate income taxes for everybody?

Typical of the ignorant trump supporter who will claim ANYTHING their fuhrer proposes is a great idea.
Why are you against people being able to keep the tip money they earned? Let me guess.. you're okay with student loan pay offs...and funding illegals and terrorists...🤣
Why are you against people being able to keep the tip money they earned? Let me guess.. you're okay with student loan pay offs...and funding illegals and terrorists...🤣
I'm not for most student loan forgiveness or funding immigrants or terrorists. you didn't answer the question. why not eliminate income taxes for everyone? Is there any point at which that it's a fucking stupid idea? Why only eliminate it for tips? Many of those workers make a hell of a lot more than a teacher, how about eliminating it for them? what about the construction worker? What about nurses? What about store workers?