Trump desparate for voters

What did they do before 1982....relief is definitely needed for tip earners...don't you agree?
I think it would be great...If only a nose wiggle would do it...(One of my favorite shows, btw...)
All tip earners? Absolutely not. We were in Disneyland recently and at at the restaurant that you see on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride - Blue Bayou. It is not a cheap place to eat. The cheapest entré was $29. Beer was $14 a glass. Our bill was $235 and we tipped $50. Our waiter had 5 other tables. Do you think he's part of the working poor?
All tip earners? Absolutely not. We were in Disneyland recently and at at the restaurant that you see on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride - Blue Bayou. It is not a cheap place to eat. The cheapest entré was $29. Beer was $14 a glass. Our bill was $235 and we tipped $50. Our waiter had 5 other tables. Do you think he's part of the working poor?
Ridiculous prices...Did he give you $50 worth of service?
I wonder what they make per hour... My how waiting tables has changed....;)
But, I see your point...I'm ok with no tax on tips if they're not making minimum wage...
Tipping is kind of out of control these days, isn't it?
I'm sure there's a way to make everyone happy, though...and a change to look forward to....
Right. Supporting the working poor is a good idea. Lying to them to get elected is not a good idea.

What does that have to do with supporting repeal of the 1990's era assault on the working poor that includes taxing tips? (Which Senator Quid Pro Biden supported.)

Is taxing tips making the "rich pay their fair share" or something?
What does that have to do with supporting repeal of the 1990's era assault on the working poor that includes taxing tips? (Which Senator Quid Pro Biden supported.)

Is taxing tips making the "rich pay their fair share" or something?
Again ...Trump is making promises he can't fulfill. That is the focus of my comment.
If this isn't a desparate attempt to get voters I don't know what is. There is no way he is going to eliminate income taxes for the entire restaurant/hotel business without congress approving and they never will. He is preying on the intelligence of the waiter/waitresses to get their vote. why not just say we are going to eliminate taxes on your first 20 hrs of work each week? That should get a few more dumbfucks to vote for you.
Most of those tips go unreported anyway.
Ridiculous prices...Did he give you $50 worth of service?
I wonder what they make per hour... My how waiting tables has changed....;)
But, I see your point...I'm ok with no tax on tips if they're not making minimum wage...
Tipping is kind of out of control these days, isn't it?
I'm sure there's a way to make everyone happy, though...and a change to look forward to....
No he did not give us $50 worth of service. Tip being tied to the bill total really is dumb.
If this isn't a desparate attempt to get voters I don't know what is. There is no way he is going to eliminate income taxes for the entire restaurant/hotel business without congress approving and they never will. He is preying on the intelligence of the waiter/waitresses to get their vote. why not just say we are going to eliminate taxes on your first 20 hrs of work each week? That should get a few more dumbfucks to vote for you.

Yeah, because burying taxpayers in hundreds of billions to forgive school loans isn't, right mental midget?

Leftists are too stupid to comprehend the hypocrisy they wallow in.
What he should say is, "When I get to office we are going to eliminate the income tax cut off on payment of Social Security taxes."

Unless that is done hotel workers like all workers won't see much, if any, SS income when they retire.

Word salad. Apparently, you struggled in grade school.
He promises all sorts of shit that he knows will never happen -- Mexico paying for a wall, repealing the ACA and replacing it with something allegedly better, all the outsourced jobs return to the U.S., lower taxes, etc. Then when the impossible things don't materialize, he blames the (D)s. His MAGAT cult swallows this bullshit whole.

Irony from a Biden voting dumbass. :laugh:
But do they really?
Trumpanzees don't actually vote over issues.
They vote to piss off their obvious intellectual and moral superiors.

They are aggrieved over being very obviously inferior (devolved mutants, likely),
with no possible remedy for same,
and voting for the pigfucking orangutan is their way of acting out.


Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
Trump wants to reward people for their hard work. Brandon wants to reward slackers who won't pay their debts.
Yeah, because burying taxpayers in hundreds of billions to forgive school loans isn't, right mental midget?

Leftists are too stupid to comprehend the hypocrisy they wallow in.
What the fuck has that to do with my response? Why didn't you bring up the border? That's usually what you assholes revert to.