Trump desparate for voters

Quit adding to automatic "Gratuity"... If people know that they're their tips are going 100% to the people who earn them...or don't... they'll bring cash... And hand it to the server according...
All tip earners? Absolutely not. We were in Disneyland recently and at at the restaurant that you see on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride - Blue Bayou. It is not a cheap place to eat. The cheapest entré was $29. Beer was $14 a glass. Our bill was $235 and we tipped $50. Our waiter had 5 other tables. Do you think he's part of the working poor?
You do know where the logic failed here, don't you? The vast amount of waiters and waitresses are scraping by. This Disney incident is in no way typical. My aunt worked as a waitress in an upscale restaurant in Detroit and made a good living. That is far from what most servers get. Many thousands make little money as servers.