Trump Doubles Down on Ominous Election Threat in Creepy Fox Interview

You're overtly opposed to women's reproductive rights both by your posts and by your political choices, TOP.
Kamala Harris, an astute champion for women's reproductive and health care rights, is somebody you profoundly disrespect.

I guess you just don't think of abortion as being a woman's right.
You approve of the right's blatant misogyny.
My grandmothers, born in the 19th century, and still practicing Catholicism back then, would seriously be appalled by that attitude.
You say I'd love Ohio, but in reality, I grew up in a totally different word.

You did mention hoods, though. My daughter's Croatian college friends from Cleveland were [and presumably are] staunch liberals.
I'm not against women's rights at all.. My upbringing...and my job...taught me to be an advocate for all individuals...I still am...And
I don't respect Kam because she's a complete phony... I'm really surprised you don't recognize that... Ohio had a ton of "liberals"...but many don't throw away what's important for the future of their families and their country when they go to vote... (I'm from the Cleveland area you know... I can make a mean pirogi)
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I don't understand how any woman can be so vehemently against women's rights and so supportive of malignant misogynists like Trump and Vance.

Isn't that the moral equivalent of being pro terrorism or pedophilia or slavery?

Yet there are so many like you.
This nation is comprised of totally incompatible people.
No wonder it's falling apart.

Living in the conservative mid-west would make me suicidal.
I simply couldn't endure the anti-humanity and anti-intellectualism that fuels life there.

You're there. But Owl is there too. I'll never get it.
I live in Michigan, a proudly blue state. We voted to protect reproductive freedom to keep the Toxic types' freedom-hating hands off our bodies. We voted to make voting easier to encourage more participation. Our governor just signed a balanced budget that provides for increased funding for education, including free community college, and free lunches and breakfasts for all public school students. We are not a fascist shit-hole like Toxic prefers, like Ohio.

I will never understand "women" like Toxic who vote for people who want to keep us down, pregnant and barefoot and out of the workplace. I've watched her bitter envy and ugly attacks on (D) women for years, almost all based on their looks, sexuality, race, rather than policies and points of view. These conservative bitches are the monkeys trapped in a cage who pull down the one smart enough to figure out how to climb out.
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I see you have Cunto and some bullshit symbols liking your posts. Like the beta hyena with swelled up balls that's never are allowed to breed.

That's really what's wrong with humans. We allow the weak to breed. Nowhere else is that skookum.

Indeed. Your parent should have been sterilized at birth. :laugh:
Sorry to disappoint you. Your posts scream incel. I don’t know nor do I care about your penis size. Methinks the lady dith protest too much.
Easy to pretend now that I've gotten ahead of the curve. This ain't my first rodeo chief, I have seen your ilk's playbook over and over again.

The owl moron is who can't help it's self.
You abortion haters are so shallow in your thinking. Abortion is much more than whether you want to have a baby or not. It is a lifetime commitment to supporting and raising a person. In cases of rape, incest, and a surprise pregnancy, you do not or cannot or do not want to have a reminder of a terrible experience. The child tends to get treated badly.
An accidental kid is a huge blow to a girl going to school. It can wreck her entire future and doom them both to poverty.
The abortion laws the goofball rights want are taking many rights away from women. If the police believe you are trying to get an abortion, they can get the personal health records of the doctor, The patient/doctor privacy concept is taken from them on suspicion. Doctors often refuse to deal with young women because the police can and will wreck their careers.
If a girl has a miscarriage, the police can go after her on suspicion of self-abortion. Our legal system is imperfect and some young innocent women will be charged and go to jail.
The right wants to stop girls from flying to places where they can get an abortion. Can you imagine losing your right to travel based on suspicion?
Abortion makes women into second-class citizens based on suspicion. The right sees women as untrustworthy and in need of their supervision.
Vance is a veteran Marine. He has degrees from Ohio State University (BA) and Yale University (JD).

That eclipses your GED, old man.
Vance claims he nearly flunked out of high school.

Someone who later changed his name to Vance was a Marine, and did go to Ohio and Yale, but he was not called Vance back then.

Where are his fellow Marines? Remember when almost all of Kerry's crew backed him, even the Republicans.... Even the Republicans who served with Vance want nothing to do with him.
Easy to pretend now that I've gotten ahead of the curve. This ain't my first rodeo chief, I have seen your ilk's playbook over and over again.

The owl moron is who can't help its self
I guess I should get ahead of the curve too. It ain’t mine either. I have seen dozens just like you. Ignorant, hateful, and stupid. Your avatar is beneath contempt as is your attitude towards women. Carry on.
I guess I should get ahead of the curve too. It ain’t mine either. I have seen dozens just like you. Ignorant, hateful, and stupid. Your avatar is beneath contempt as is your attitude towards women. Carry on.
Nice to meet you too. Glad you are offended by my avatar. It shows me what kind of woke puke I'm dealing with. Carry on yourself, you're ordinary and boring.
trump is the only president we know of that had women sign a contract to get abortions. If that is killing a baby, why would you support such a man?
Don't take me out of context please. I clearly stated killing your liblet babies I can live with as long as you don't pretend something else is going on and try to church it up as "reproductive rights" Or "medical rights". It's killing your baby.

And don't ask me to chip in to pay for it.

Changing the term for it is what's lying and stupid. If you have to call it something it isn't then at some level you must know it's wrong and be ashamed of it.
Nice to meet you too. Glad you are offended by my avatar. It shows me what kind of woke puke I'm dealing with. Carry on yourself, you're ordinary and boring.
So you are very proud that you hate people because they are different. You would like to violently attack them. Or because you are a pussy you want someone else to do it for you. Duly noted.