Trump Faces Major New Charges in Documents Case


You have some imagination.

The Supreme Court has already ruled on this in the Clinton case of his audio tapes, it also applies to video evidence.

Unless those tapes were deleted after they were offiically requested by law enforcement, as in the Nixon case, there can be no charges.

Trump is free to destroy whatever he wants on those tapes.
6 different documents - 6 charges.

If you murder 6 people in one episode, you get 6 charges, same thing.

If you have a personal security camera set up, and it has evidence of a crime, it’s illegal to erase it.

If that security camera footage has been subpoenaed, it’s even more illegal to erase it.

You would need to prove it has evidence of a crime first, until that point the owner can delete it.

Was it deleted after a subpoena?

As far as I know it was never deleted.

So where is the crime?

Trump asking for something?

lol, what law does that fall under.
You would need to prove it has evidence of a crime first, until that point the owner can delete it.

Was it deleted after a subpoena?

As far as I know it was never deleted.

The chronology shows that. Why do you comment if you know nothing about the topic?

It was never deleted because the IT guy was NOT going to prison for the flaccid orange moron.
Apples/Hand Grenades

This is obstruction of justice.

Only if the tapes were requested prior to Trump asking for them to be deleted and only if they were actually deleted.

Neither of which happened as far as I know.

On top of that you have to have proof that Trump actually asked for them to be deleted, one person claiming so will not stand up in court so there needs to be either audio of it or multiple witnesses.
Only if the tapes were requested prior to Trump asking for them to be deleted and only if they were actually deleted.

Neither of which happened as far as I know.

On top of that you have to have proof that Trump actually asked for them to be deleted, one person claiming so will not stand up in court so there needs to be either audio of it or multiple witnesses.
Incorrect. To reach such a delusional conclusion you must first ignore every aspect of the case leading up to this overt attempt to obstruct justice.

The chronology shows that. Why do you comment if you know nothing about the topic?

It was never deleted because the IT guy was NOT going to prison for the flaccid orange moron.

So it was never deleted and they obtained it after a subpoena so where is the crime?
Any attempt to obstruct justice, such as the ordering of security footage to be destroyed, is still obstruction of justice, whether successful or not.
We will see who turns out to be right won't we?

You wanna make a bet since I'm so ignorant?

How about the loser leaves the forum forever.

Put your money where your mouth is.

We've all heard that wager before, Toxic II. We also know that you'll never pay up.

Next whine?
Incorrect. To reach such a delusional conclusion you must first ignore every aspect of the case leading up to this overt attempt to obstruct justice.

The Cult, as always, finds it easy to ignore reality in favor of their latest Fox-supplied fairy tale. Stinkerbelle is so lacking in self-awareness that he doesn't realize that the hole he's digging is not only getting deeper, but it's close to caving in on him.
So it was never deleted and they obtained it after a subpoena so where is the crime?

Stinkerbelle walks into a bank and hands the teller a stick-up note demanding money. The teller hits the alarm button but doesn't give Stinker any money. Stinker panics and runs away, but is nabbed outside the bank by a police officer.

Stinker will be charged with attempted bank robbery, won't he? Even though he got no money, the attempt is still a crime.

Attempting to destroy evidence in a criminal investigation is likewise a crime.

Normal, intelligent ppl do not need to have these simple concepts explained. I hope I used small enough words for you to grasp the reality here. Given your history though, it's unlikely.
One simply needs to look up the definition of obstruction to identify the elements.

One of the major character defects of righties, especially Trumpers, is that they are too fucking lazy to do so. Another character flaw where they emulate the Orange Turd.
The Cult, as always, finds it easy to ignore reality in favor of their latest Fox-supplied fairy tale. Stinkerbelle is so lacking in self-awareness that he doesn't realize that the hole he's digging is not only getting deeper, but it's close to caving in on him.
Tink is a classic troll, trying to get everyone to waste keystrokes.
If the jury finds that Trump told an employee to delete the subpoenaed tape, regardless of whether the deletion happened, that will be finding of guilty.
We will see who turns out to be right won't we?

You wanna make a bet since I'm so ignorant?

How about the loser leaves the forum forever.

Put your money where your mouth is.

So you believe its legal to erase video that has been subpoenaed?