Trump Faces Major New Charges in Documents Case

Why wouldn't he on this charge?

You realize that all of his charges are not going to be in one trial don't you?

I didn't realize Trump was scheduled to be in 32 different courtrooms in May 20th. Who are the other 31 judges that will be presiding?

Judge Aileen Cannon set the date for May 20th for all the charges against Trump and Natua in this ruling.

All the documents on United States v. Trump (9:23-cr-80101) can be found here

The indictment in that case lists all the charges against Trump.
Easy peasy

Did you realize there is no subpoena in that case? It was a Freedom of Information request that was denied because the tapes of Clinton speaking privately to a book author were not government records. They were not produced by any government agency and were not part of Clinton's job as President. Anything produced by a government agency is a government record. Anything produce by a government agency and given to the President is a government record.
Federal prosecutors on Thursday added major accusations to an indictment charging former President Donald J. Trump with mishandling classified documents after he left office, presenting evidence that he told the property manager of Mar-a-Lago, his private club and residence in Florida, that he wanted security camera footage there to be deleted.

Joe Biden's mob is furiously working to shut down the 2024 Presidential election. In a move that not even Idi Amin would have pulled, the Biden Crime Syndicate is using federal law enforcement to interfere with the election. As the Biden Cartel is further exposed for taking bribes from China and Ukraine, Merrick Himmler in conjunction with the Reich propaganda corps is scrambling to shift focus to Emmanual Goldstein with more bogus charges.
She is a classic Trumpper, emotes on the board as if what she wishes were true is fact.

I think its a sign of mental illness, someone who never learned that facts are independent of desire.
Typical of every card carrying MAGAmoron

So you are actually connecting Hunter's plea deal and Trump's document theft? You have no bottom. But then being a Trumpy, you have to throw out values, respect for that law and any feelings about the American experiment going forward.
So you are actually connecting Hunter's plea deal and Trump's document theft? You have no bottom. But then being a Trumpy, you have to throw out values, respect for that law and any feelings about the American experiment going forward.

Yes I do. Timing is everything and the democrats obviously have no bottom.
Did you realize there is no subpoena in that case? It was a Freedom of Information request that was denied because the tapes of Clinton speaking privately to a book author were not government records. They were not produced by any government agency and were not part of Clinton's job as President. Anything produced by a government agency is a government record. Anything produce by a government agency and given to the President is a government record.

You are 100% correct.
Why do you think?

I think you believe he would incriminate himself in cross but he wouldn't be going in without being coached so he would know how to avoid the prosecution questions.

If he has to take the stand to refute an allegation against him in a he said she said situation I believe he would.