Trump Faces Major New Charges in Documents Case

You wanted Hillary locked up for less than what Trump is charged with.
Deleting subpoenaed emails and smashing electronic devices and having classified documents on a home server when you don't have the PRA to protect you CERTAINLY is not less. And try to find a single quote where I called for Hillary to be locked up.
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You believe Trump will testify under oath? I really hope so.

You understand there were two other people involved in the conversations that are not charged, right?

Why wouldn't he on this charge?

You realize that all of his charges are not going to be in one trial don't you?
Deleting subpoenaed emails and smashing electronic devices an having classified documents on a home server when you don't have the PRA to protect you CERTAINLY is not less. And try to find a single quote where I called for Hillary to be locked up.

Did she delete emails?? Did she smash electronic devices? Do you believe she should have been locked up?
Quote what?

The complaint, the petition or the court ruling?

The Judges opinion on the Clinton case. I said you should read it, you said you know it by hart.

Do you need more time to recite something you "know by hart?
The six charges not under the espionage act are the same, they are about Trump having classified documents, this first charge is exactly the same, once one charge is gone they all will be.

They are now literally charging Trump for the same thing seven times now.

The last charge about deleting security cam footage is irrelevant as since Trump owns the residence he can delete anything on those tapes he wants, they are his personal property.

These are bogus charges.

Think about it, if you have a personal security cam set up would it be against the law for you to erase it?

Of course not.

They are just filing charges to file charges at this point, it's a joke.

Trump sure could use a brilliant lawyer like you.
The Judges opinion on the Clinton case. I said you should read it, you said you know it by hart.

Do you need more time to recite something you "know by hart?

Easy peasy

Plaintiff Judicial Watch, Inc. brings this action against defendant National Archives and Records Administration (“NARA”) under the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”), 5 U.S.C. § 701, et seq. Plaintiff asks the Court to declare audiotapes created by former President William Jefferson Clinton and historian Taylor Branch during the Clinton administration to be “Presidential records” under the Presidential Records Act (“PRA”), 44 U.S.C. § 2203(f), and to order defendant “to assume custody and control” of them and deposit them in the Clinton Presidential Library. Plaintiff contends that defendant has acted arbitrarily and capriciously under the APA by failing to exercise control over the audiotapes and by not making them available in response to a Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) request. Defendant has moved to dismiss [Dkt. # 6] under Fed.R.Civ.P. 12(b)(1) for lack of subject matter jurisdiction and 12(b)(6) for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.
Federal prosecutors on Thursday added major accusations to an indictment charging former President Donald J. Trump with mishandling classified documents after he left office, presenting evidence that he told the property manager of Mar-a-Lago, his private club and residence in Florida, that he wanted security camera footage there to be deleted.


The Clinton camp wiped servers ......Deleted 33,000 Emails before handing them over to FBI

Clinton lawyer says her email server was wiped clean

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton’s personal lawyer has told a Senate committee that emails and all other data stored on her computer server were erased before the device was turned over to federal authorities.

That is trying to destroy possible evidence in an investigation ...was she charged?
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"Multiple cooperators": Legal experts say new indictment suggests key ex-aide "flipped" on Trump

Legal experts told The Messenger they believe a former Mar-a-Lago IT director who prosecutors allege played a key role in efforts to delete surveillance footage may have flipped on former President Donald Trump. "It is obvious that Special Counsel Jack Smith and his team have flipped the individual referenced as Trump Employee 4, who gave specific quotations about the conversations he had with Carlos de Oliveira about Trump requesting that the security camera footage be deleted," former federal prosecutor Mitchell Epner told the outlet. There is no indication that the former aide has entered into a formal agreement but "not everyone who flips pleads guilty," Epner said. Former Trump White House lawyer Ty Cobb agreed the "damning" communications in the indictment suggest the ex-IT director flipped.
Only if the tapes were requested prior to Trump asking for them to be deleted and only if they were actually deleted.

Neither of which happened as far as I know.

On top of that you have to have proof that Trump actually asked for them to be deleted, one person claiming so will not stand up in court so there needs to be either audio of it or multiple witnesses.

I guess you wouldn't know if you keep your head up your ass.

Let's go to the indictment for the timeline
June 24th - DoJ emails subpeona to Trump's lawyers
June 24th - 1:25pm Trump's lawyers tell him about the subpeona in a phone call
June 24th - 3:55pm Trump asks to see Nauta
June 24th - 2 hours after speaking to Trump Nauta changes travel plans to return to Mar-a-Lago instead of going with Trump to IL
June 24th -5:02pm and later - Nautu texts the IT person at Mar-a-Logo asking if he is around. Nautu calls De Oliveira and talks for 2 minutes. De Oliveira then texts the IT person asking if he is available to meet Nauta the next day
June 25th - Natua and De Oliveria walk through the hallway outside the storage room and point out where the cameras are
June 27th - De Oliveria meets with the IT person and says "the boss" wants the server deleted. IT person says they aren't authorized to do that.
June 27th - De Oliveria and Nauta have several contacts by phone and by De Oliveria walking through bushes to meet Natua just off the grounds of Mar-a-Lago.

The timeline clearly shows the attempt to delete the server was after the subpeona

The law cited for the indictment is this.
(c) Whoever corruptly—
(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or
(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Your claim that the server has to be deleted to violate the law is laughable. Multiple persons have been convicted under this same law for attempting to stop the certification of the electoral votes for Biden on Jan 6th. We all know the certification happened in spite of their efforts.
So it was never deleted and they obtained it after a subpoena so where is the crime?

How do you know nothing wasn't deleted?
There have been many news articles about gaps in the security camera footage.
The justice department issued a subpoena for the security camera footage last June. The video showed aides moving boxes from a storage room that may have held classified documents, the BBC's US partner, CBS News, previously reported.

But reports suggest investigators are now working to establish why there are gaps in the provided video and why some footage is missing or unavailable.
I have no problem with a resort owner deciding to get rid of security cameras at his own resort facility.
The pigfucking orangutan has done so many far more unsavory things that these charges border on the silly.

At this point, I don't even care about sending the pigfucker to jail where the taxpayers have to feed him.
Just keeping the mutant troglodyte out of the public view entirely
would be performing a major humanitarian service for all decent people.