Trump has near total breakdown on Fox, slurring over and over about Biden: Hes stupid

someone make a call here.....this creep needs to be institutionalized immediately, whether it's a county psych ward, a county jail or a federal prison, he needs help bad

And the TrumpTards who suck his dick believe every word. Trump is seriously losing it. You can tell he hates not being president. His plane doesn't work. His Truth Social app is the joke of the internet. And he STILL isn't President and he'll be in the Big House before he ever sniffs the White House.
Trump is a Patriot, and is far more honest and far more accomplished then almost anyone else.

"More accomplished"?

In what? Science? One or more of the arts? Golf? Eating cheeseburgers possibly, and bullshitting. He has a lot more money than most people as most people would who had a four-hundred million dollar gift from their father.
The more ridiculous part of your praise, however, is "far more honest". That a politically cognizant American could still think that is not possible.
Many here think you should be consigned to the funny farm, I would prefer you were hung, drawn and quartered but that's just me.
Maybe in demented monarchist states run by a Pedophile King, that's allowed, but in America we pride ourselves on being able to call even current Presidents fucking morons. Ex-Presidents, especially those who disgraced themselves, are always good for a laugh.

Like this:
I’m seeing a pattern, whenever he is not an office, the person in office is “stupid”, and destroying the world, and he alone can fix it.
Maybe in demented monarchist states run by a Pedophile King, that's allowed, but in America we pride ourselves on being able to call even current Presidents fucking morons. Ex-Presidents, especially those who disgraced themselves, are always good for a laugh.

Like this:

that's basically every king.
Does anyone else see the absurdity of jumping on how Trump is doing exactly the same thing that so many common posters regularly do to the 'other side?'

What I'm getting at is that name-calling is a poor substitute for stirring political discourse.

Really, it diminishes one's own credibility.

It is an ad hominem.

Certainly what Trump has done in the video is of the lowest cheapest quality. Yes, indeed it is.

And that is precisely why it connects for so many.

It is an easy thing to do.

What is far more challenging is to transcend above it.

Still I rise.
Does anyone else see the absurdity of jumping on how Trump is doing exactly the same thing that so many common posters regularly do to the 'other side?'

What I'm getting at is that name-calling is a poor substitute for stirring political discourse.

Really, it diminishes one's own credibility.

It is an ad hominem.

Certainly what Trump has done in the video is of the lowest cheapest quality. Yes, indeed it is.

And that is precisely why it connects for so many.

It is an easy thing to do.

What is far more challenging is to transcend above it.

Still I rise.

Is this transcending above it?

Cheering the death and economic harm to millions of Americans and their families...again.


"Dive, market, DIVE!

Take DT down with you.

02-28-2020, 06:47 AM #5 | Top

"Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better.

We're going down.


Dive! Dive! Dive!"
I’m seeing a pattern, whenever he is not an office, the person in office is “stupid”, and destroying the world, and he alone can fix it.

Uh no, if there was a decent person in office there would be no problem, fucktard. Right now it's a motherfuckerfucker on track to plunge the world into The Next Great Depression over "Climate Change".

And that's how it is. :|

Do you really think your pussy ass can handle it? Buckle up, bitch; Because I see no off-ramp in sight.

How you gonna get food to your condo, idiot? Nobody can afford gas to deliver's hard enough to get raw supplies to the grocer.. IF there is supply..what are you going to do, idiot?

Chinese restaurants go under by the thousands. Jewish Delis too.

One cannot have Pastrami without beef.
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