Trump has near total breakdown on Fox, slurring over and over about Biden: Hes stupid

I’d give odds he won’t win because I think he won’t run. :)

He might not run. One thing we should always remember when we say things like "he will definitely win" is that people die, or become incapacitated all the time. Anyone could not run. Or Biden might just decide it is not worth it, or that he does not add enough to the solution to run.

But I also see a good chance that Biden will run and win. The point of getting good odds is not that you think you can definitely win, but that you think others are underestimating the odds that you could win.
In terms of intelligence, like it or not, Joke Biden is clearly one of the least intelligent Presidents the US has ever had, if not the least intelligent.
He might not run. One thing we should always remember when we say things like "he will definitely win" is that people die, or become incapacitated all the time. Anyone could not run. Or Biden might just decide it is not worth it, or that he does not add enough to the solution to run.

But I also see a good chance that Biden will run and win. The point of getting good odds is not that you think you can definitely win, but that you think others are underestimating the odds that you could win.
That’s the whole point of gambling, isn’t it? LOL

I’m betting he won’t run…or more directly, Jill won’t want him to run. :thup:
Yoohoo thanks for following me!!!! I love that site!
Which site? I’m on Predict It.

The question shouldn’t be will Biden run or not but who will be the Democratic nominee if not Biden?

A free-for-all election evens the playing field for the Republicans which is bad for the Democrats. What will they do about it?
In terms of intelligence, like it or not, Joke Biden is clearly one of the least intelligent Presidents the US has ever had, if not the least intelligent.

Pedo Don proved IQ and sanity no longer matter. Same for kiddie fucking, draft-dodging adulterers.
Which site? I’m on Predict It.

The question shouldn’t be will Biden run or not but who will be the Democratic nominee if not Biden?

A free-for-all election evens the playing field for the Republicans which is bad for the Democrats. What will they do about it?

Counter Social. You just followed me.
Which site? I’m on Predict It.

The question shouldn’t be will Biden run or not but who will be the Democratic nominee if not Biden?

A free-for-all election evens the playing field for the Republicans which is bad for the Democrats. What will they do about it?

The Republicans will do fine so long as they don't nominate a weaselly, spineless, whiner like Romney or McCain to the ticket. Against Biden, they hold all the cards. The alternatives for the Democrats equally suck. There's Bernie the Socialist, or they might go with one of the seven dwarves like Harris, Warren, Buttigieg, or the like, maybe perpetual looser Beto O'Rourke...
That’s the whole point of gambling, isn’t it? LOL

I do not gamble, but I talk about gambling a lot in order to understand investment. The point is I think there is a reasonable chance Biden will serve a second term, and I think that is being undervalued.
I do not gamble, but I talk about gambling a lot in order to understand investment. The point is I think there is a reasonable chance Biden will serve a second term, and I think that is being undervalued.
Day trading is gambling. There’s stupid risks and calculated risks. There’s people who bet on who they’d like to win and those who bet on who they think will win.

I’m a calculating type betting on what I think will happen and, unlike most of the loud-mouthed chickenshits on JPP, am wiling to put my money where my mouth is on a predicted future outcome of human behavior.