Trump has near total breakdown on Fox, slurring over and over about Biden: Hes stupid

Uh no, if there was a decent person in office there would be no problem, fucktard. Right now it's a motherfuckerfucker on track to plunge the world into The Next Great Depression over "Climate Change".

And that's how it is. :|

Do you really think your pussy ass can handle it? Buckle up, bitch; Because I see no off-ramp in sight.

How you gonna get food to your condo, idiot? Nobody can afford gas to deliver's hard enough to get raw supplies to the grocer.. IF there is supply..what are you going to do, idiot?

Chinese restaurants go under by the thousands. Jewish Delis too.

One cannot have Pastrami without beef.

I am doing just fine providing food for my family thank you... and if need be, I could feed them all day long with fish and vegetables. I have enough canned veg's to last until a nice crop comes in.
I am doing just fine providing food for my family thank you... and if need be, I could feed them all day long with fish and vegetables. I have enough canned veg's to last until a nice crop comes in.

You're not getting it. Some crops will not be coming in.

Fertilizer shortage, fuel shortage, oil shortage. I doubt you can fish enough to actually feed your family by yourself.

Not from the shore, and if you go out in a boat, that takes fuel..and probably chum, too.
You're not getting it. Some crops will not be coming in.

Fertilizer shortage, fuel shortage, oil shortage. I doubt you can fish enough to actually feed your family by yourself.

Not from the shore, and if you go out in a boat, that takes fuel..and probably chum, too.

I live half a mile from the ocean and I know where to catch plenty of fish all day long. The crops I am talking about will grow in my backyard with homemade fertilizer, I grew up spending lots of time on my grandmothers farm.
I live half a mile from the ocean and I know where to catch plenty of fish all day long. The crops I am talking about will grow in my backyard with homemade fertilizer, I grew up spending lots of time on my grandmothers farm.

If you don't have seeds already. :nono:
I...Trump butt fucking...
What happened to your post Jack? Did you get spanked or didja just grow into a bigger chickenshit?


someone make a call here.....this creep needs to be institutionalized immediately, whether it's a county psych ward, a county jail or a federal prison, he needs help bad

After doing America and humanity dirty as lawlessly hacked in fraud who created untold atrocities on humanity, and at doing the bidding of foreign and domestic enemies of America and the common decency of humanity, tRump, his high crime family and seditious repukes and ass kissing voters in favor of foreign and domestic enemies all deserve to reside in hell for an eternity and by the Good Graces of the God Almighty!
After doing America and humanity dirty as lawlessly hacked in fraud who created untold atrocities on humanity, and at doing the bidding of foreign and domestic enemies of America and the common decency of humanity, tRump, his high crime family and seditious repukes and ass kissing voters in favor of foreign and domestic enemies all deserve to reside in hell for an eternity and by the Good Graces of the God Almighty!

People, this is what the Regressives really are.

It is time to take action.



what is hilarious is the dickheaded chickenshit who thinks there is windmill cancer and we might could nuke a hurricane to keep it from hitting our shores, has the audacity to call anybody else stupid.