Trump Inauguration: D.C braced for 900,000 Protesters

Make absolutely no mistake about this: I'm pissed. TARD is real.

I sick & tired of being right about this shite. This is the same BS as the Iraq War, with everyone telling me to calm down & that I was on the 'wrong side of history.' I knew it was stupid at the time, and it took 10 years for many others to catch up.

Electing Trump is the same BS. It's unreal to me - I get the anti-Hillary vote, but there are millions who actually believe this buffoon. And guess what? Spoiler alert here - I'm going to be right about this one, too. But only after a lot of damage has been done.

You were right about something 13 years ago lol?

That's good stuff.

Looks like the ACLU is demanding that cops turn off their body cams while, get this, encouraging protestors to video the event.

Be prepared for some fake news via selective editing.
Now, please - Darth, do not waste any time in telling me that as long as I think I know more than anyone else, I'll keep "my party" in the "wilderness"....

You're right, I won't, because you haven't learned a thing. You're going hog wild predicting gloom and doom and calling Trump supporters idiots while you're seemingly oblivious to how wrong you were up to this point. It's almost like you're the online embodiment of the establishment media derangement.

I'm a Trump supporter and I qualify my predictions with 'if'. If, he has success with jobs. If, he succeeds in improving trade. If, Tillerson is able to draw on his private sector diplomatic experience.

You are making biased guesses.
Let's try to make that a million protesters!

Not-My-President-Anti-Trump-Protesters-900.jpg one will miss the 40 dems from congress? Will they eat cake? this like the Dec. Surprise? The Unfaithful Electoral College voter? The ReCount that failed? The fake Russia Hacked the Election? The fake intelligence report? Funny as hell. I think I will have a vending cart in the crowd and sell popcorn. ;) Someone should make something off this failed show.
You're right, I won't, because you haven't learned a thing. You're going hog wild predicting gloom and doom and calling Trump supporters idiots while you're seemingly oblivious to how wrong you were up to this point. It's almost like you're the online embodiment of the establishment media derangement.

I'm a Trump supporter and I qualify my predictions with 'if'. If, he has success with jobs. If, he succeeds in improving trade. If, Tillerson is able to draw on his private sector diplomatic experience.

You are making biased guesses.

What was I wrong about?

Of course you use "if." It gives you an easy out for the inevitable failure, which even you know is coming, at least on some level.
If this many more had actually placed that much effort into the election and actually cast their respective votes.....Trump would not have won at all...problem solved.

But really does anyone actually think that a demography of peoples that are to lazy to work, that live off their neighbor's sweat will have the energy to protest...if there is no looting involved? Really? These deadbeats would not walk to the corner to earn a dime...and they are all going to DC and march? Lazy is as Lazy does if they were to lazy to vote.....I predict they are to lazy to do anything except sit in their underwear at home waiting on their next welfare check with the only thing running....THEIR MOUTHS :) The real workers in this nation voted for Trump. :lies:

They shouldn't be missed with the 900 K showing up. LMAO. But the group picture of the Communists in Congress is nice....its the first time they have all been together for a photo op. Research each one and you will find the communist party USA fingerprints all over their campaign. In the 114th Congress there was a list of 70 confirmed progressives.....a buzz word for social communist.