Trump Inauguration: D.C braced for 900,000 Protesters

I hope it's a complete mess. I won't watch any of that coverage. Why would I participate in the ascendency of the dark lord sauron and his fucking orcs taking over our once great country.

Fuck Trump.
Let's try to make that a million protesters!


Yipeeeeeeeeeee! Here come the bullies!!! annoyed.gif shirtysmiley.gif shirtysmiley.gif shirtysmiley.gif annoyed.gif
????.....yes she is......she is flying to DC to protest with a goal of getting doesn't get any dumber........

Not sure about your company; but some places of employment have hiring clauses that address certain behavior that could reflect negatively on their business.
With a million plus people, all the living ex Presidents, the new President and VP all in the same area I sincerely hope all they have to worry about is some protestors.
Make absolutely no mistake about this: I'm pissed. TARD is real.

I sick & tired of being right about this shite. This is the same BS as the Iraq War, with everyone telling me to calm down & that I was on the 'wrong side of history.' I knew it was stupid at the time, and it took 10 years for many others to catch up.

Electing Trump is the same BS. It's unreal to me - I get the anti-Hillary vote, but there are millions who actually believe this buffoon. And guess what? Spoiler alert here - I'm going to be right about this one, too. But only after a lot of damage has been done.


Because it's just sooooo wonderful when a right-wing pukebag white President does it.

Of course had someone even jokingly suggested that Obama might do something like that... well, we know how you and your fellow pukers would have reacted.

You objected to Obama riding a limo to his inauguration?.....why? ....