Trump Inauguration: D.C braced for 900,000 Protesters

my guess is they will take a limo......and charge it to the taxpayers... YAAYYYY!!!! :cheer:

Because it's just sooooo wonderful when a right-wing pukebag white President does it.

Of course had someone even jokingly suggested that Obama might do something like that... well, we know how you and your fellow pukers would have reacted.
If this many more had actually placed that much effort into the election and actually cast their respective votes.....Trump would not have won at all...problem solved.

But really does anyone actually think that a demography of peoples that are to lazy to work, that live off their neighbor's sweat will have the energy to protest...if there is no looting involved? Really? These deadbeats would not walk to the corner to earn a dime...and they are all going to DC and march? Lazy is as Lazy does if they were to lazy to vote.....I predict they are to lazy to do anything except sit in their underwear at home waiting on their next welfare check with the only thing running....THEIR MOUTHS :) The real workers in this nation voted for Trump. :lies:

Your idiotic generalizations about people only serve to illustrate how idiotic you are.
I wouldn't call it unfocused.

It's ridiculous that a clown like Trump got elected; absolutely ridiculous. I don't understand why this is so hard to comprehend.
The Woman's March is not unfocused, the poster should educate himself!
Your idiotic generalizations about people only serve to illustrate how idiotic you are.

And this great piece of articulation that consists of childish insults is the exact reason that the left will never be able get 900 thousand snowflakes to agree on anything. We can tell by your avatar the state of your mental capacity. Have the lizzard people finally taken over? LMAO. Just what have you refuted with the personal ad hominem insults...except your own intelligence? If you had any argumentative FACTS to would present them. You simply puke up the talking point of the day and paste the work of someone else. The quint essential snowflake.
Gotta love seeing the equivalent of "You idiotic morons insult people too much."

The left insults and runs....because they lack the capacity for critical independent thinking. They can't articulate any argument because they have no valid argument, thus the personal ad homeinem attacks and straw argument...which usually ends with BUSH DID IT.... the snowflakes today are a product of the modern public education system...they can't read at an 8th grade level and have no knowledge of history whatsoever.
Make absolutely no mistake about this: I'm pissed. TARD is real.

I sick & tired of being right about this shite. This is the same BS as the Iraq War, with everyone telling me to calm down & that I was on the 'wrong side of history.' I knew it was stupid at the time, and it took 10 years for many others to catch up.

Electing Trump is the same BS. It's unreal to me - I get the anti-Hillary vote, but there are millions who actually believe this buffoon. And guess what? Spoiler alert here - I'm going to be right about this one, too. But only after a lot of damage has been done.
Many of us were rightfuly against Iraq.
Were you the same about Libya? Did you give a shite it was a war based on lies and counterproductive like Iraq was also.

"Spoiler Alert"implies you have seen the ending - again more soothsayer politics.
If/When he screws up -go for it -i'll do the same; meanwhile he's POTUS and should be given best wishes, if not actual support.
If you (anyone) is rooting for a failed presidency you got some serious problems
More butt hurt Democrats stomping their feet in unfocused anger:
A growing group of Democratic lawmakers will boycott President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration Friday to protest what they described as his alarming and divisive policies, foreign interference in his election and his criticism of civil rights icon John Lewis, a congressman from Georgia.
what policies?
Is Trump responsible for Russian hackers?
Does John Lewis get to de-ligitemize Trump -but Trump is not supposed to give it back?
Many of us were rightfuly against Iraq.
Were you the same about Libya? Did you give a shite it was a war based on lies and counterproductive like Iraq was also.

"Spoiler Alert"implies you have seen the ending - again more soothsayer politics.
If/When he screws up -go for it -i'll do the same; meanwhile he's POTUS and should be given best wishes, if not actual support.
If you (anyone) is rooting for a failed presidency you got some serious problems

I was against Libya. I've been against every war in my lifetime.

I'm not "rooting" for a failed Presidency. I just know one when I see one.
unfocused rage...I'm sure at least 50% can't even enunciate their "grievance".
The other 50% are probably still stuck in campaign mode.


It's hard to watch them anymore. I'm so embarrassed for them while they so willingly expose their hate, intolerance, ignorance and sad discontented empty souls. They're filled with rage and hungry for war. No one ever taught them that sometimes you win, sometimes you lose...that the White House has swung between Rep wins and Dem wins for years.

Yeah......I saw those pix on my local Post Office wall already.
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It's hard to watch them anymore. I'm so embarrassed for them while they so willingly expose their hate, intolerance, ignorance and sad discontented empty souls. They're filled with rage and hungry for war. No one ever taught them that sometimes you win, sometimes you lose...that the White House has swung between Rep wins and Dem wins for years.
I recall HRClinton et all condemning Trump's not confirming he would accept the results of the election. It was a major campaign issue
The Dems cannot get over their own rhetoric