Trump is not a racist

no evidence to support the allegations.....I had a client with 30 units hit with a non-negotiable demand of $50k for telling a tester they wouldn't rent a woman with two kids a one bedroom......and you think the state had a case against the Trumps for $0?.......
Michigan is so weird.....DHS will not allow a subsidized tenant to rent an apartment unless she has a separate bedroom for different sex children over the age of 1 year, but the Fair Housing Commission prosecutes landlords for telling the same tenant they can't rent her a one bedroom if she has a boy and a girl who are over the age of ten......
no evidence to support the allegations.....I had a client with 30 units hit with a non-negotiable demand of $50k for telling a tester they wouldn't rent a woman with two kids a one bedroom......and you think the state had a case against the Trumps for $0?.......


^This guy's lips are stained with Orangetweet's man-goo.
I had another where a condominium mobile home park was approved under an agreement with the city that only 35% of the units were occupied my more than four people.....grandma moved her daughter, her husband and one child in with her.......daughter had another company asked them to do something because they were creating a violation of the law......all five moved to one of the 35% lots that allowed for five.......then sued.....that one went to trial and FHC gave judgment for $50k, concluding the city's rules were invalid......but fined the management company, not the city....
actually the consent agreement acknowledges there is no finding that they violated the statute......sort of fucks with your logic, doesn't it.......

Unlike you I've read pages and pages of documents about this. You are just flat-out wrong. They not only violated, they did it twice.

"As is customary, [the consent agreement] did not include an admission of guilt. But it did include pages of stipulations intended to ensure the desegregation of Trump properties.

Equal housing activists celebrated the agreement as more robust than the one signed by Mr. LeFrak. It required that Trump Management provide the New York Urban League with a weekly list of all its vacancies. This did not stop Mr. Trump from declaring victory. “In the end the government couldn’t prove its case, and we ended up making a minor settlement without admitting any guilt,” he wrote in “The Art of the Deal.”

Only this was not quite the end.

A few years later, the government accused the Trumps of violating the consent decree. “We believe that an underlying pattern of discrimination continues to exist in the Trump Management organization,” a Justice Department lawyer wrote to Mr. Cohn in 1978.

Once again, the government marshaled numerous examples of blacks being denied Trump apartments. But this time, it also identified a pattern of racial steering. While more black families were now renting in Trump-owned buildings, the government said, many had been confined to a small number of complexes. And tenants in some of these buildings had complained about the conditions, from falling plaster to rusty light fixtures to bloodstained floors."
"...the Trump organization’s business practices were beginning to come under scrutiny from civil rights groups that had received complaints from prospective African-American tenants. People like Maxine Brown. Mr. Leibowitz, the rental agent at the Wilshire, remembered Ms. Brown repeatedly inquiring about the apartment. “Finally, she realized what it was all about,” he said.

But a friend, Mae Wiggins, who had also been denied an apartment at the Wilshire...encouraged Ms. Brown to file a complaint with the New York City Commission on Human Rights, as she was doing.

“We knew there was prejudice in renting,” Ms. Wiggins recalled. “It was rampant in New York. It made me feel really bad, and I wanted to do something to right the wrong.”

Mr. Leibowitz was called to testify at the commission’s hearing on Ms. Brown’s case. Asked to estimate how many blacks lived in Mr. Trump’s various properties, he remembered replying: “To the best of my knowledge, none.”

After the hearing, Ms. Brown was offered an apartment in the Wilshire, and in the spring of 1964, she moved in. For 10 years, she said, she was the only African-American in the building.

Complaints about the Trump organization’s rental policies continued to mount: By 1967, state investigators found that out of some 3,700 apartments in Trump Village, seven were occupied by African-American families...
"...the Trump organization’s business practices were beginning to come under scrutiny from civil rights groups that had received complaints from prospective African-American tenants. People like Maxine Brown. Mr. Leibowitz, the rental agent at the Wilshire, remembered Ms. Brown repeatedly inquiring about the apartment. “Finally, she realized what it was all about,” he said.

But a friend, Mae Wiggins, who had also been denied an apartment at the Wilshire...encouraged Ms. Brown to file a complaint with the New York City Commission on Human Rights, as she was doing.

“We knew there was prejudice in renting,” Ms. Wiggins recalled. “It was rampant in New York. It made me feel really bad, and I wanted to do something to right the wrong.”

Mr. Leibowitz was called to testify at the commission’s hearing on Ms. Brown’s case. Asked to estimate how many blacks lived in Mr. Trump’s various properties, he remembered replying: “To the best of my knowledge, none.”

After the hearing, Ms. Brown was offered an apartment in the Wilshire, and in the spring of 1964, she moved in. For 10 years, she said, she was the only African-American in the building.

Complaints about the Trump organization’s rental policies continued to mount: By 1967, state investigators found that out of some 3,700 apartments in Trump Village, seven were occupied by African-American families...

you seem confused......there was no testimony in the Trump case, the case was settled......your obviously talking about someone else's case......that would explain your error......
you should have ignored those put out by DNC shills......if what you claim was true, it would have cost them hundreds of thousands in fines....

You're as dumb as a plank. The articles are from the archives of numerous sources and date back decades. All the DNC did was condense them for use in the campaign.
Gee I'd think that a lawyer would understand you have to be really careful about record-keeping. I work for a corporation and they have records in underground storage going back decades.

/shrugs.....doesn't change the facts that when the records were examined at the time, the government (let's see, that would have been the LBJ administration wouldn't it?) decided not to pursue the case.........nowdays, the DNC found an alternative use for the same records......and there are plenty of sheep stupid enough to swallow the propaganda and pretend it means something that the law decided it did NOT mean at the time......