Trump is not a racist

So, I see a whole lot of replies here from lefties, but none of them include any evidence that Trump is a racist. It sounds like the general consensus of the lefties on this thread is that the quantity of allegations against Trump actually adds up somehow, to counting as evidence of guilt. This cumulative number of allegations that eventually counts as evidence of guilt seems to be the notion that the lefties here on this thread are submitting as evidence that Trump is a racist. What we still need to clarify here, is just how many allegations against a person it takes in order to have them turn into evidence of guilt. Lefties, please clarify the number of allegations that are required. If you have decided that Trump is not actually a racist, please identify this position by responding with some kind of evasion or hate speech.
So, I see a whole lot of replies here from lefties, but none of them include any evidence that Trump is a racist. It sounds like the general consensus of the lefties on this thread is that the quantity of allegations against Trump actually adds up somehow, to counting as evidence of guilt. This cumulative number of allegations that eventually counts as evidence of guilt seems to be the notion that the lefties here on this thread are submitting as evidence that Trump is a racist. What we still need to clarify here, is just how many allegations against a person it takes in order to have them turn into evidence of guilt. Lefties, please clarify the number of allegations that are required. If you have decided that Trump is not actually a racist, please identify this position by responding with some kind of evasion or hate speech.

You were provided with all the documentation that proved Trump and the company he ran were involved in discriminatory business practices. That you are too stupid to absorb that material is on you. Go back to the kiddie forum, tard boy, if you can't comprehend adult material.
You were provided with all the documentation that proved Trump and the company he ran were involved in discriminatory business practices. That you are too stupid to absorb that material is on you. Go back to the kiddie forum, tard boy, if you can't comprehend adult material.

Ok, as per the last sentence of my post that you quoted, I will count you as one of the people who is confident that Trump is not a racist, and that you understand that there is absolutely no evidence that Trump is a racist. I thought you would miss that last sentence, so you surprised me a little. Glad to see that you have finally come to your senses.
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I am trying to understand the lefty reasoning here, but may need some clarification. Are you suggesting that a high number of allegations equals guilt? How many allegations does it take to find somebody guilty of something? Is there some documentation on this system of finding people guilty?
no.....they're just saying that if they don't like someone, they are guilty......
You need to get some help before you hurt someone, you don't work in the post office do you, I say again keep your label. White guilt does not work on me I have worked hard for everything I have ever gotten, and respect decent people.

she had a case worker assigned to her but she killed and ate him......
You were provided with all the documentation that proved Trump and the company he ran were involved in discriminatory business practices. That you are too stupid to absorb that material is on you. Go back to the kiddie forum, tard boy, if you can't comprehend adult material.

Would engaging in practices detrimental to minorities be a bad thing in your opinion?
Ok, as per the last sentence of my post that you quoted, I will count you as one of the people who is confident that Trump is not a racist, and that you understand that there is absolutely no evidence that Trump is a racist. I thought you would miss that last sentence, so you surprised me a little. Glad to see that you have finally come to your senses.


Poor little ignorant twatwaddle. You got your ass handed to you, so now you move the goal posts.

"Well, that wasn't sufficient. Show us where Trump actually lynched a nigger." Priceless!