Trump is not a racist

You're losing it. And you've been losing it for a long time. All these articles show that trump and his father were racists dating back 50 years. You just don't want believe it because you're all in for trump as president.

I am trying to understand the lefty reasoning here, but may need some clarification. Are you suggesting that a high number of allegations equals guilt? How many allegations does it take to find somebody guilty of something? Is there some documentation on this system of finding people guilty?
here is a clue ev metro

we don't let the racists define racism

fuck you very much racist

It looks like you really do understand that guilt is not determined by the quantity of allegations against somebody. I am so sorry that you had no ammo to fight with on this thread, and that you were left with nothing to fight with other than juvenile rhetoric and hate speech. Your only option in this thread is to try and distract attention away from the fact that no evidence has been presented to prove Trump is a racist.

I started a special thread, just for people like you:
Your whole culture is so totally racist that it is unique, as you don't know because you were brought up in it, alkampfer. What do weirdoes like you mean by 'lefties'? Normal civilized people, I suppose.

B.S, Lefties normal civilized? Well I suppose they tell themselves that. Leftists are the bottom scum on the bottom of garbage dumpsters, the are what leaks out of porta potties. They have been propped up by the poor who they claim to champion, for 50 years the leftists have kept the poor down by telling them they could not do for themselves. What is the matter did DTT get to boring?
B.S, Lefties normal civilized? Well I suppose they tell themselves that. Leftists are the bottom scum on the bottom of garbage dumpsters, the are what leaks out of porta potties. They have been propped up by the poor who they claim to champion, for 50 years the leftists have kept the poor down by telling them they could not do for themselves. What is the matter did DTT get to boring?

go suck rat dicks in the sewer

you racists are the most hated people on the planet

people don't hate blacks

they hate you racists

you lost cumsucker

go cry
go suck rat dicks in the sewer

you racists are the most hated people on the planet

people don't hate blacks

they hate you racists

you lost cumsucker

go cry

Keep your hateful, disgusting, lying, rhetoric to yourself it doesn't work on me, I love all people of all race, color, and creed as long as they are decent people, keep your labels.
eat shit racist

that is meaningless crap

You need to get some help before you hurt someone, you don't work in the post office do you, I say again keep your label. White guilt does not work on me I have worked hard for everything I have ever gotten, and respect decent people.
white quilt?


I'm white and feel not one shread of guilt for all the racism caused by you evil fucking whitye shits I beat the crap out of daily.

want to know why?

because it was all evil and I don't defend it or deny it.

I face it head on and shame and throw FACTS in the face of assholes like you that want to teach it to your children as a good thing.

fuck you racist

the world hates you and your denial of reality

even your own children hate you for it
white quilt?


I'm white and feel not one shread of guilt for all the racism caused by you evil fucking whitye shits I beat the crap out of daily.

want to know why?

because it was all evil and I don't defend it or deny it.

I face it head on and shame and throw FACTS in the face of assholes like you that want to teach it to your children as a good thing.

fuck you racist

the world hates you and your denial of reality

even your own children hate you for it

Yeah, seriously get some help, you are an unstable person. I have never seen you defeat anyone in any thread, you do like to throw around the label racist and that is about it. no wonder you are excluded from so many threads.
Yeah, seriously get some help, you are an unstable person. I have never seen you defeat anyone in any thread, you do like to throw around the label racist and that is about it. no wonder you are excluded from so many threads.

I don't think Evince is a real person, I think Evince is a computer program bot. Notice how all the replies are so similar? The bot has a very limited number of automated messages that it posts, such as "fuck you, racist", "you are a racist", etc. Notice how the posts are never related to the thread topic? Notice how there is never any sign that it has read and understands what you post? These are all signs of a bot.
I don't think Evince is a real person, I think Evince is a computer program bot. Notice how all the replies are so similar? The bot has a very limited number of automated messages that it posts, such as "fuck you, racist", "you are a racist", etc. Notice how the posts are never related to the thread topic? Notice how there is never any sign that it has read and understands what you post? These are all signs of a bot.

Truthmatters is real. She's not bad, she's just dumb.
Truthmatters is real. She's not bad, she's just dumb.

Have you seen any Evince posts that could not be done by a bot? I suppose Evince could be a paid troll who has a limited script to stick to, but I think it is a bot. A bot could read this very post, and respond with "fuck you racist." It would not show any signs of having read or understood what it is responding to, it would just spit out the next random version of calling somebody a racist. "I beat the shit out of you white shits every day, you fucking racist!! It looks like it can scan posts to determine who is a righty, and then spit out randomly selected hate messages, but it is not able to spit out hate messages that are related to the specific topic being discussed.
Have you seen any Evince posts that could not be done by a bot? I suppose Evince could be a paid troll who has a limited script to stick to, but I think it is a bot. A bot could read this very post, and respond with "fuck you racist." It would not show any signs of having read or understood what it is responding to, it would just spit out the next random version of calling somebody a racist. "I beat the shit out of you white shits every day, you fucking racist!! It looks like it can scan posts to determine who is a righty, and then spit out randomly selected hate messages, but it is not able to spit out hate messages that are related to the specific topic being discussed.

I knew her back in the day. On USMB. If I had to choose between her and you, I'd choose her.
I am trying to understand the lefty reasoning here, but may need some clarification. Are you suggesting that a high number of allegations equals guilt? How many allegations does it take to find somebody guilty of something? Is there some documentation on this system of finding people guilty?

Only 1 allegation is needed for anyone that has an (R) after or before their name; but if there is a (D) after or before their name, allegations just don't cut it.

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