Trump is not a racist

Gawd, you're dumb. PAGE ONE.

Accordingly, without adjudication of the merit and without any admission as to the existence or absence of liability, and in
order to resolve this matter without further protracted litigation, the parties hereto are prepared to resolve this case by the
entry of a Consent Decree.

Yep, the both agreed to agree and the case was dismissed.

Seriously, you wrote the above and ignored this? Why on god's green earth would the feds bring a suit against the trumps if there was no evidence of discrimination?

because the expect people to pussy out and pay money to make them go away......just like when Jarot and his ilk file their bogus law suits.....
uh, chrispy........the statute already prevented them from doing I said, the settlement required nothing new.....


^As I said, his head is up his ass. Trump and Daddy Trump violated the very statute this idiot refers to.

The settlement required something very new to the Trumps. That they adhere to the law.

Never have I seen such a massively stupid person with zero knowledge of the English language. Is it your second language? You don't have a first language, do you, illiterate cretin?

I see you're still obsessed with me.
I'm flattered; but just a little concerned.

any human that will USE racism for their own gain IS A RACIST

Technically it makes him an opportunist. Keep in mind that I'm not defending Trump. I just don't think he's evolved mentally enough to be racist. Racism is a very base level of human reasoning, and Trump doesn't meet even that threshold. He operates on the level of a child, and most children aren't racist.
uh, chrispy........the statute already prevented them from doing I said, the settlement required nothing new.....

.....uh, Pmp..... we know that about the statute..... the problem is the trumps did what the statute said they should not do..... otherwise they wouldn't have been put under a Consent Decree.....
.....uh, Pmp..... we know that about the statute..... the problem is the trumps did what the statute said they should not do..... otherwise they wouldn't have been put under a Consent Decree.....

actually the consent agreement acknowledges there is no finding that they violated the statute......sort of fucks with your logic, doesn't it.......
actually the consent agreement acknowledges there is no finding that they violated the statute......sort of fucks with your logic, doesn't it.......

No, stupid fuck. That's standard for consent decrees. That they had to jump through all those hoops as outlined in the decree is proof they were ignoring those requirements all along.

Ignorant Trump twatwaddle