Trump is not a racist

This is gish gallup. Every last item in your gish gallup is either an accusation, dismissed case, or allegation. Allegations, accusations, and dismissed case are NOT actual evidence. Every last item in your gish gallop compilation has already been covered in this thread.

The entire world has witnessed Don in action for themselves. You understand that, which is why you felt compelled to do this thread. You already know what Don is, you're just down widdit as the kids say.
The entire world has witnessed Don in action for themselves. You understand that, which is why you felt compelled to do this thread. You already know what Don is, you're just down widdit as the kids say.

Keep in mind that you will NEVER post actual evidence on this thread, and there will NEVER EVER be a lefty who posts what the opening post asks for. Your next post absolutely WILL NOT contain what the opening post asks for, it will only be other "stuff". When I see the notification that somebody has quoted me, it takes me to the list of who quoted me. When I see that a lefty quoted me in this thread, I know before I even click on it that it absolutely will not be what the opening post asks for. When I click on it to see what the lefty wrote, it is only to see what the lefty posted instead of actual evidence.
Keep in mind that you will NEVER post actual evidence on this thread, and there will NEVER EVER be a lefty who posts what the opening post asks for. Your next post absolutely WILL NOT contain what the opening post asks for, it will only be other "stuff". When I see the notification that somebody has quoted me, it takes me to the list of who quoted me. When I see that a lefty quoted me in this thread, I know before I even click on it that it absolutely will not be what the opening post asks for. When I click on it to see what the lefty wrote, it is only to see what the lefty posted instead of actual evidence.

Your thread here is to debunk what you know to be true.
Lefties on this thread have often claimed that evidence of Trump's racism has been presented on this thread, even though we have not seen anything besides accusations, allegations, dismissed cases, and gish gallop. What is interesting though, is that no lefty will EVER cite any specific item and explain how it is more than just an allegation, accusation, dismissed case, or gish gallop. There is no such smoking gun on this thread. Lefties can only claim that evidence has been presented somewhere else in this thread, or that it has been presented many times. We never see the specific item though, or see an explanation of how the item is more than just accusation, allegation, dismissed case, or gish gallop. Can any lefty out there produce the smoking gun?
Lefties on this thread have often claimed that evidence of Trump's racism has been presented on this thread, even though we have not seen anything besides accusations, allegations, dismissed cases, and gish gallop. What is interesting though, is that no lefty will EVER cite any specific item and explain how it is more than just an allegation, accusation, dismissed case, or gish gallop. There is no such smoking gun on this thread. Lefties can only claim that evidence has been presented somewhere else in this thread, or that it has been presented many times. We never see the specific item though, or see an explanation of how the item is more than just accusation, allegation, dismissed case, or gish gallop. Can any lefty out there produce the smoking gun?

Long lists of Trumps racism are provided. You guys do not decide what is fact and not. He showed his racism his whole life clearly . Gish gallop that. He still shows it .
OPie! Denial is not a river in Africa!

This discussion should be moved to, "where threads go to die."

This is what every lefty wants the most, and of course without ever having a shred of evidence presented. Lefties absolutely hate this thread, since they cannot present the evidence, and they would love nothing more than to see this thread disappear. If there really was a shred of evidence, lefties would be in love with this thread.
about 1200 posts ago.

Keep in mind that you will NEVER post actual evidence on this thread, and there will NEVER EVER be a lefty who posts what the opening post asks for. Your next post absolutely WILL NOT contain what the opening post asks for, it will only be other "stuff". When I see the notification that somebody has quoted me, it takes me to the list of who quoted me. When I see that a lefty quoted me in this thread, I know before I even click on it that it absolutely will not be what the opening post asks for. When I click on it to see what the lefty wrote, it is only to see what the lefty posted instead of actual evidence.
He showed his racism his whole life clearly.

This emotional assertion tops the list of lame attempts to present evidence. I didn't expect that you were going to actually post real evidence, but c'mon. He just is? Nerdberg, you can do better than this. Even the other clowns who keep posting thread derailment posts look smarter than you with this lame assertion.
This emotional assertion tops the list of lame attempts to present evidence. I didn't expect that you were going to actually post real evidence, but c'mon. He just is? Nerdberg, you can do better than this. Even the other clowns who keep posting thread derailment posts look smarter than you with this lame assertion.

At no point did I believe you were going to accept the facts and indisputable evidence. But then, often posting is not just a response to a Trumplestilskin. Other people will read it and see more absolute evidence that Trump is a lifetime racist, Then they will learn. You were hiding in a bunker from post 1. You never had any intention of an honest response. You were going to prove what ever anyone said was wrong, no matter what silliness you had to employ. That was the polnt. There has been no openess out of you at all. Quite a lot of self delusion though.
This is what every lefty wants the most, and of course without ever having a shred of evidence presented. Lefties absolutely hate this thread, since they cannot present the evidence, and they would love nothing more than to see this thread disappear. If there really was a shred of evidence, lefties would be in love with this thread.

This is a stupid thread. Declare yourself the winner.
At no point did I believe you were going to accept the facts and indisputable evidence. But then, often posting is not just a response to a Trumplestilskin. Other people will read it and see more absolute evidence that Trump is a lifetime racist, Then they will learn. You were hiding in a bunker from post 1. You never had any intention of an honest response. You were going to prove what ever anyone said was wrong, no matter what silliness you had to employ. That was the polnt. There has been no openess out of you at all. Quite a lot of self delusion though.

You also quoted me as saying this:

What is interesting though, is that no lefty will EVER cite any specific item and explain how it is more than just an allegation, accusation, dismissed case, or gish gallop.

I take it you still do not have a specific item and an explanation of how it is more than just an allegation, accusation, dismissed case, or gish gallop? Let me guess, you do have one, but there is some reason why you cannot present it now?
Your ignorance of Consent Decrees is noted.

"It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in
consideration of their affirmative assumption of responsibility
contained in part III herein, the complaint against Fred C.
Trump and Donald J. Trump is*dismissed*against them in their
personal capacity, with prejudice, as to all*allegations
contained therein, and predating this Order."