Trump is not a racist

common consent decree that permitted him to not confess his crimes, using instrument that is designed to allow corporations to do precisely that. Escape confessing, while promising not to do it anymore. Stop it PP.
yet I am consistently right and you are consistently wrong......we wouldn't have so many problems if you just listened to facts.....

You haven't been right yet, stupid fuck, except when you admitted consent decrees are strictly boilerplate. That's all you half-witted lawyers use. Boilerplate.

In another career, I dealt with dumbfuck attorneys just like you on a daily basis. Laughably pathetic dimwits. Their intelligence certainly is a reflection on the lack of rigor in today's law schools. You are not different, except that you lie more than most lawyers I dealt with.
yet I am consistently right and you are consistently wrong......we wouldn't have so many problems if you just listened to facts.....

You have never been right. You are so wrapped up in Trumpiness that any ability to evaluate has been killed. You are not able to weigh facts since you are in rthe Fox no fact zone. I do worry about you. How can you be so wrong ,so often.
IF Don was not so demonstrably white nationalist/supremacist, and for decades now we've known this, we'd have no thread on it.

That isn't an appeal to white rightist Americans! It's obviously what they prefer and the reason why they support Trump. This forum has plenty of righties who aren't ashamed to admit it at all. In fact, people like CFM are quite proud of themselves and what they support.

You need to start from scratch with them and bring them along slowly. Perhaps cause them to think of their own children and what their lot in life can become if Trump is allowed to continue.
Consent decrees have been argued about for many years because they do exactly what they did in Trump's case. They get the action to stop, often collect fines and the return is they do not have to admit guilt. It is cheaper and does not tie up judicial departments for years. The problem is repeat offenders just pay fines and continue doing what they do. Need lists of all the fines banks paid, especially since CFPB. Fines are often in the billions, but how often do the people find out? The banks think it is a great deal.

Do you have some evidence that proves that this case, that was in fact dismissed as allegations, is something more than dismissed allegations? Speculating on what the decree MIGHT have meant is not evidence that it meant anything more than what the court said it meant. The official position of the court was that the allegations were simply allegations, and they dismissed the case as just that. If you have evidence that this dismissed case or consent decree mean something more than the court says, provide something more substantial than politically motivated speculation and emotional assertions.
The word is there. Did you see the others words describing all the hoops Trump had to jump through for his “non-racist” behavior?

So now we have two idiots in denial about what that Consent Decree entailed.

It is racist of you to think that complying with the same fair housing laws that everybody else follows is somehow "jumping through hoops".
You have never been right. You are so wrapped up in Trumpiness that any ability to evaluate has been killed. You are not able to weigh facts since you are in rthe Fox no fact zone. I do worry about you. How can you be so wrong ,so often.
seriously, you need to stop being such a cunt.......we've lost track of how many times you've been shown to be a fucking idiot......
seriously, you need to stop being such a cunt.......we've lost track of how many times you've been shown to be a fucking idiot......

Seriously you actually are that ignorant. You just blab some right-wing meme and declare it profound and true, because you believe it.I have been trying to help you since you claim to be a lawyer, I try to think you are capable of thinking. So far, just the opposite. You have never brought a serious point to a discussion. Just a drive by Trumpian meme and pat yourself on the back for "winning". You may be that stupid. I do worry about you.
Consent decrees have been argued about for many years because they do exactly what they did in Trump's case. They get the action to stop, often collect fines and the return is they do not have to admit guilt. It is cheaper and does not tie up judicial departments for years. The problem is repeat offenders just pay fines and continue doing what they do. Need lists of all the fines banks paid, especially since CFPB. Fines are often in the billions, but how often do the people find out? The banks think it is a great deal.

Do you have some evidence that proves that this case, that was in fact *dismissed* as allegations, is something more than dismissed allegations? Speculating on what the decree MIGHT have meant is not evidence that it meant anything more than what the court said it meant. The official position of the court was that the*allegations*were simply allegations, and they *dismissed* the case as just that. If you have evidence that this dismissed case or consent decree mean something more than the court says, provide something more substantial than politically motivated speculation and emotional assertions.
Do you have some evidence that proves that this case, that was in fact *dismissed* as allegations, is something more than dismissed allegations? Speculating on what the decree MIGHT have meant is not evidence that it meant anything more than what the court said it meant. The official position of the court was that the*allegations*were simply allegations, and they *dismissed* the case as just that. If you have evidence that this dismissed case or consent decree mean something more than the court says, provide something more substantial than politically motivated speculation and emotional assertions.

My Evidence is my VOTE ... and I'm betting there's enough American's who think the same ... C-Yea in 2020 ;)