Trump is not a racist

Are you being victimized again hon?

Kind of interesting how even though lefties keep posting "stuff" on this thread, non of it is evidence that Trump is a racist. The next post on this thread from you or any other lefty will not contain the evidence either. The next post from a lefty will either be an allegation, gish gallop, accusation, or dismissed case. If the next lefty reply does not contain one of those non evidence items that I have listed, it will just be about something else besides the actual evidence. What it absolutely will not contain though, is the actual evidence. Watch and see.
Funny how many have posted absolute evidence that Trump is a racist and much more showing he is a hater. Yet Evmerto claims the right to decide what is acceptable. Who decided Evmerto's terrible bias is ok? This is another thread he starts to say no to all claims he does not like . Pat Nixon must have impresssed him.
Funny how many have posted absolute evidence that Trump is a racist and much more showing he is a hater. Yet Evmerto claims the right to decide what is acceptable. Who decided Evmerto's terrible bias is ok? This is another thread he starts to say no to all claims he does not like . Pat Nixon must have impresssed him.

Check the last sentence of post 305. You are like clockwork
If Trump said, “it is simple biology that white people on average are smarter than black people on average and I say this not as a racist but a realist,” his supporters overwhelmingly would agree he’s not a racist. Which makes this thread a waste of space.
If Trump said, “it is simple biology that white people on average are smarter than black people on average and I say this not as a racist but a realist,” his supporters overwhelmingly would agree he’s not a racist. Which makes this thread a waste of space.

but he wouldn't say that.....which makes your post a waste of the way, are you another Mason sock?....because that would really be a waste....
Funny how many have posted absolute evidence that Trump is a racist

Were you responding to this entry a few posts back?

Lefties on this thread have often claimed that evidence of Trump's racism has been presented on this thread, even though we have not seen anything besides accusations, allegations, dismissed cases, and gish gallop. What is interesting though, is that no lefty will EVER cite any specific item and explain how it is more than just an allegation, accusation, dismissed case, or gish gallop. There is no such smoking gun on this thread. Lefties can only claim that evidence has been presented somewhere else in this thread, or that it has been presented many times. We never see the specific item though, or see an explanation of how the item is more than just accusation, allegation, dismissed case, or gish gallop. Can any lefty out there produce the smoking gun?

I noticed that you avoided my post above. Do you ever plan to isolate and identify any of the "many have posted absolute evidence that Trump is a racist" items that you claim have done so?
Were you responding to this entry a few posts back?

I noticed that you avoided my post above. Do you ever plan to isolate and identify any of the "many have posted absolute evidence that Trump is a racist" items that you claim have done so?

As I said, you have proof given to you and you simply deny it. That game is old. You are wrong and cheating to protect Trump, a lifetime bigot, and a hater. Perhaps you actually think you are convincing. You are not. This is how you play and it is childish, and dishonest. I understand you have mastered saying NO and think it is profound. Nope, wrong still.
If Trump said, “it is simple biology that white people on average are smarter than black people on average and I say this not as a racist but a realist,” his supporters overwhelmingly would agree he’s not a racist. Which makes this thread a waste of space.

Why don't you just post something that he really did say that proves he really is a racist? Then you can see how his supporters react.
As I said, you have proof given to you and you simply deny it. That game is old. You are wrong and cheating to protect Trump, a lifetime bigot, and a hater. Perhaps you actually think you are convincing. You are not. This is how you play and it is childish, and dishonest. I understand you have mastered saying NO and think it is profound. Nope, wrong still.

Were you responding to this entry a few posts back?

Lefties on this thread have often claimed that evidence of Trump's racism has been presented on this thread, even though we have not seen anything besides accusations, allegations, dismissed cases, and gish gallop. What is interesting though, is that no lefty will EVER cite any specific item and explain how it is more than just an allegation, accusation, dismissed case, or gish gallop. There is no such smoking gun on this thread. Lefties can only claim that evidence has been presented somewhere else in this thread, or that it has been presented many times. We never see the specific item though, or see an explanation of how the item is more than just accusation, allegation, dismissed case, or gish gallop. Can any lefty out there produce the smoking gun?

I noticed that you avoided my post above. Do you ever plan to isolate and identify any of the "many have posted absolute evidence that Trump is a racist" items that you claim have done so?
That case was dismissed. Please post some evidence of racism, not dismissed cases, allegations, accusations, or gish gallop lists.
Learn to read carefully and comprehensively, genius.

The link refers to and documents the very case were Trump and company SETTLED. The quote is his....valid documentation of admission. Also, there is another link that documents his long list of racist carrying on. Now, either address the FACTS of continue blindly parroting the most Trump chumps are only capable of doing.
Funny how many have posted absolute evidence that Trump is a racist and much more showing he is a hater. Yet Evmerto claims the right to decide what is acceptable. Who decided Evmerto's terrible bias is ok? This is another thread he starts to say no to all claims he does not like . Pat Nixon must have impresssed him.

Evmetro: “DUI traffic deaths in Peoria are increasing. Prove me wrong. But you have to exclude all incidents involving vehicles.” That’s his MO

A willfully ignorant moron.