Trump is not a racist

Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss, whereas they stand to receive infinite gains and avoid infinite losses.

Richard Dawkins argues that it's a waste of a good life and it caused great harm to humanity. And of course he also argues that it's child abuse to teach a child lies that men will be incapable of escaping for their entire lives.

It's the same as the fox being imprinted on the duckling as it's mother. This is why some exceptionally bright people are Christian believers.
Richard Dawkins argues that it's a waste of a good life and it caused great harm to humanity. And of course he also argues that it's child abuse to teach a child lies that men will be incapable of escaping for their entire lives.

It's the same as the fox being imprinted on the duckling as it's mother. This is why some exceptionally bright people are Christian believers.

And it affects you, how??
Does that make you an EXPERT on voting??

Pascal argument sucks. You cannot fake it, If god existed he would know you are going through the motions and charbroil you. You actually have to believe in the right sky fairy for salvation. That is why it is good that God does not exist.
Here it is . A consent decree is a device that keeps the company from admitting guilt.

A consent decree resolves a dispute, and it does it without anybody admitting guilt. It does not prove guilt either.

It includes retraining their workers so they cannot justify the racist procedures of the Trump organization.

I could not find this in the consent decree.

Do you have some evidence that proves that this case, that was in fact *dismissed* as allegations, is something more than dismissed allegations? Speculating on what the decree MIGHT have meant is not evidence that it meant anything more than what the court said it meant. The official position of the court was that the*allegations*were simply allegations, and they *dismissed* the case as just that. If you have evidence that this dismissed case or consent decree mean something more than the court says, provide something more substantial than politically motivated speculation and emotional assertions.
Look at Trump's history of not accepting black tenants.

You are referring to an alleged history. Do you have some specific evidence from this alleged history that is not an allegation, accusation, or dismissed case that proves he is a racist? Post it with a link and explanation of how it is not an allegation, accusation, or dismissed case. A link to a gish gallop list is not evidence either, you have to find the specific evidence..
You are referring to an alleged history. Do you have some specific evidence from this alleged history that is not an allegation, accusation, or dismissed case that proves he is a racist? Post it with a link and explanation of how it is not an allegation, accusation, or dismissed case. A link to a gish gallop list is not evidence either, you have to find the specific evidence..

No not an "alleged" history.. Trump was taken to court several times so there are court transcripts, depositions, testimony and lease documents that prove his racism.
Look at Trump's history of not accepting black tenants.

With almost 1300 posts on this thread, you might consider the notion that you are not the first to present this idea. Have you looked through the thread to see if anybody else has presented the same thing? Perhaps you are not the first moth to fly into the flame?
Here it is . A consent decree is a device that keeps the company from admitting guilt. Then it lists all the items that the Trump company has to do to correct what they have not admitted doing. It includes retraining their workers so they cannot justify the racist procedures of the Trump organization.

we've been over it before.....pure permits the government from having to admit they fucked when they made the accusation....notice it doesn't even include the token $1000 my client had to pay that the feds never even bothered to cash.....
No not an "alleged" history.. Trump was taken to court several times so there are court transcripts, depositions, testimony and lease documents that prove his racism.

?....must not have been proven very well since they dismissed the case.....seriously, whatever the source for your crap is, get better're starting to look as dumb as desh....
I recently started an introduction thread, and was welcomed with a much appreciated hazing from the lefties here. Sweet! My kinda forum. Anyway, I saw a couple challenges from the lefties here to engage in a debate about anything. Anyway, I will open with one of my favorite debates that I have done on a half dozen other political boards, which is about evidence that Trump is a racist. Some of you may have seen my threads about this on DP, TPF, USMB, OR PF. If not, I will make you aware that I have won this debate on all those boards, and that they are available if any lefties want to research them to see how to beat me.

Ok, here is the challange. I assert that Trump is not a racist, even though the lefty media has painted him as such, and even though the general consensus of the left is that he is. I assert that there is absolutely ZERO evidence that proves he is a racist. I challange any lefty to present evidence here on this thread that proves that he is a racist. A quote in coorect context of something that Trump really did say would work, but not an allegation from another party that he said something racist. A lawsuit is not evidence either, since it is still an allegation until a legal decision is made. The other critical thing that absolutely must be clarified is which specific race Trump believes to be inferior to his own. Race must be involved for there to be racism.

Almost every lefty in the past has presented links to allegations that Trump is a racist, but none have ever been evidence. There is a lot of low hanging fruit on google, such as the HuffPo 13 items that Trump is a racist, but none of the propaganda is evidence. Ok lefties, let's see what you've got.

They're prepping for a race war. And they see Trump as their 'ray of hope'
Pascal argument sucks. You cannot fake it, If god existed he would know you are going through the motions and charbroil you. You actually have to believe in the right sky fairy for salvation. That is why it is good that God does not exist.

How odd that you, Nordberg, put the above comment in my reply to , Bourbon, over him being an EXPERT on voting??!!