Trump is not a racist

IF Don wasn't racist you would not need to start the thread, cheers.

It is a sign of desperation. He actually thinas he won this debate. That is how tight a grip he has on logic and facts. But Evmerto dredged this up to deflect from more Trump fine messes. He wants to flee from today's lies and crashing and burning by Daffy.
I recently started an introduction thread, and was welcomed with a much appreciated hazing from the lefties here. Sweet! My kinda forum. Anyway, I saw a couple challenges from the lefties here to engage in a debate about anything. Anyway, I will open with one of my favorite debates that I have done on a half dozen other political boards, which is about evidence that Trump is a racist. Some of you may have seen my threads about this on DP, TPF, USMB, OR PF. If not, I will make you aware that I have won this debate on all those boards, and that they are available if any lefties want to research them to see how to beat me.

Ok, here is the challange. I assert that Trump is not a racist, even though the lefty media has painted him as such, and even though the general consensus of the left is that he is. I assert that there is absolutely ZERO evidence that proves he is a racist. I challange any lefty to present evidence here on this thread that proves that he is a racist. A quote in coorect context of something that Trump really did say would work, but not an allegation from another party that he said something racist. A lawsuit is not evidence either, since it is still an allegation until a legal decision is made. The other critical thing that absolutely must be clarified is which specific race Trump believes to be inferior to his own. Race must be involved for there to be racism.

Almost every lefty in the past has presented links to allegations that Trump is a racist, but none have ever been evidence. There is a lot of low hanging fruit on google, such as the HuffPo 13 items that Trump is a racist, but none of the propaganda is evidence. Ok lefties, let's see what you've got.

Question 1: Who are you?

Question 2: Why would I need to convince you?

Question 3: Why is it important to me that you believe?


Antron McCray, Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, and Korey Wise in New York City. Known as the Central Park Five, they served prison sentences after being wrongly convicted in the Central Park jogger case.

Why Trump Doubled Down on the Central Park Five

Donald J. Trump rarely apologizes. When it comes to the case of the Central Park Five, he has never even come close.
In 1989, after these black and Latino teenagers from Harlem were accused of assaulting and raping a white woman in Central Park, Mr. Trump spent $85,000 placing full-page ads in the four daily papers in New York City, calling for the return of the death penalty.

“Muggers and murderers,” he wrote, “should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes.” Though he didn’t refer to the teenagers by name, it was clear to anyone in the city that he was referring to them.
Incredibly, 14 years after their sentences were vacated based on DNA evidence and the detailed and accurate confession of a serial rapist named Matias Reyes, Mr. Trump has doubled down.

“They admitted they were guilty,” he said in a statement to CNN this month. “The police doing the original investigation say they were guilty. The fact that that case was settled with so much evidence against them is outrageous.”

Mr. Trump is apparently ignorant of our country’s epidemic of wrongful convictions, which disproportionately affect minorities, and the prevalence of false confessions in those convictions.

He isn’t alone. There has been a persistent drumbeat since the sentences were vacated that the Central Park Five were guilty either of rape or of some other crime that night. A 2003 New York Police Department review reached the conclusion that the boys were “likely guilty” of an initial assault on the jogger, even if they didn’t commit the rape. Linda Fairstein, who oversaw the sex crime unit in the Manhattan district attorney’s office at the time, maintains that the jury reached the correct verdict.

Online, the case against the Central Park Five has become a meme about liberal disregard for law and order, or as the conservative columnist Ann Coulter argued, “liberals are opposed to rape in the abstract, but when it comes to actual rapists, they’re all for them.”

Why the continued belief in the guilt of the Central Park Five, despite all the evidence to the contrary? Race and racism surely play their role. So does the cognitive trap that psychologists call anchoring and what we call first impressions: Mr. Trump quickly jumped to conclusions about their guilt, as did many in New York City.

No one cares what you believe ... or not believe, it means nothing and contributes nothing to the FACTS.
Question 1: Who are you?


Question 2: Why would I need to convince you?

You do not need to convince anybody of anything. You do not even need to be here.

Question 3: Why is it important to me that you believe?

I don't know, I'd have to ask you. This thread is not asking how many people have faith that Trump is a racist, it is asking for evidence that he is a racist.

Why Trump Doubled Down on the Central Park Five

Donald J. Trump rarely apologizes. When it comes to the case of the Central Park Five, he has never even come close.
In 1989, after these black and Latino teenagers from Harlem were accused of assaulting and raping a white woman in Central Park, Mr. Trump spent $85,000 placing full-page ads in the four daily papers in New York City, calling for the return of the death penalty.

“Muggers and murderers,” he wrote, “should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes.” Though he didn’t refer to the teenagers by name, it was clear to anyone in the city that he was referring to them.
Incredibly, 14 years after their sentences were vacated based on DNA evidence and the detailed and accurate confession of a serial rapist named Matias Reyes, Mr. Trump has doubled down.

“They admitted they were guilty,” he said in a statement to CNN this month. “The police doing the original investigation say they were guilty. The fact that that case was settled with so much evidence against them is outrageous.”

Mr. Trump is apparently ignorant of our country’s epidemic of wrongful convictions, which disproportionately affect minorities, and the prevalence of false confessions in those convictions.

He isn’t alone. There has been a persistent drumbeat since the sentences were vacated that the Central Park Five were guilty either of rape or of some other crime that night. A 2003 New York Police Department review reached the conclusion that the boys were “likely guilty” of an initial assault on the jogger, even if they didn’t commit the rape. Linda Fairstein, who oversaw the sex crime unit in the Manhattan district attorney’s office at the time, maintains that the jury reached the correct verdict.

Online, the case against the Central Park Five has become a meme about liberal disregard for law and order, or as the conservative columnist Ann Coulter argued, “liberals are opposed to rape in the abstract, but when it comes to actual rapists, they’re all for them.”

Why the continued belief in the guilt of the Central Park Five, despite all the evidence to the contrary? Race and racism surely play their role. So does the cognitive trap that psychologists call anchoring and what we call first impressions: Mr. Trump quickly jumped to conclusions about their guilt, as did many in New York City.

No one cares what you believe ... or not believe, it means nothing and contributes nothing to the FACTS.

I see nothing in this article that proves Trump was not motivated by the desire to see justice served, or that he would act differently if the thugs had been white. What evidence do you have that Trump's motivation was about race? Just because some of the thugs were black, doesn't mean that it is automatically about race.
RACIST rely on and depend on anonymity and other racist to constantly make excuses for their racism.

If you have to ask ... well ... think of this.

I don't know if trump is a racist but racist sure do think trump is a racist

RACIST rely on and depend on anonymity and other racist to constantly make excuses for their racism.

If you have to ask ... well ... think of this.

I don't know if trump is a racist but racist sure do think trump is a racist

Gish gallop.

Where is the evidence that Trump's behavior in regard to central park 5 was racially motivated?
Gish gallop.

Where is the evidence that Trump's behavior in regard to central park 5 was racially motivated?

You're the one that needs the evidence ... not me.

It's not important to be that you believe anything.

As a matter of fact, you're not important to me.
Why does anyone need to convince you that Trump is a Racist?

Nobody needs to. This question shows that you realize that you cannot post a shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist, as the opening post asks for. You have a responsibility to the left to tow the lefty line on Trump being a racist, and you have failed.
If there was any such evidence that he is a racist, the thread would have ended 1300 posts ago.

Somehow these treads are like a train wreck, I can't seem to help but look. It is perversely interesting to watch some one in complete denial repeatedly deny the obvious. Carry on.
I see quote marks in your cartoon. Who's words warrant the quote marks.

If you really wanted to know, you'd know ... :laugh:[/QUOTE]

The quote marks are not Trump's, they are second hand quotes. This has already been covered in this thread. When the fake quote marks are used and placed on Trump's picture, it is an attempt to trick the viewer into believing the words were spoken by Trump. Bourbon, do you really need to rely on deception to promote the notion that Trump is a racist? Why not just post some real evidence?
Nobody needs to. This question shows that you realize that you cannot post a shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist, as the opening post asks for. You have a responsibility to the left to tow the lefty line on Trump being a racist, and you have failed.

I never had one shred of Evidence that Barack Obama was an American Citizen ... AND, I didn't require him to show his Birth Certificate or College Grades.

Just like I didn't need to see Donald Trump's Birth Certificate and College Grades, to know he's an American Citizen and College grad.

You can't see Trump's Racism because you won't see Trump's Racism
Somehow these treads are like a train wreck, I can't seem to help but look. It is perversely interesting to watch some one in complete denial repeatedly deny the obvious. Carry on.

All we need is for somebody to post a shred of evidence that rover Trump is a racist. We have almost 1400 posts here of allegations, accusations, propaganda, emotional assertions, gish gallop, and dodging, but still no actual evidence.
Somehow these treads are like a train wreck, I can't seem to help but look. It is perversely interesting to watch some one in complete denial repeatedly deny the obvious. Carry on.

It's a Game they like to play ... Show me the Proof ...

Then when you show them the Proof, they'll say it's not Proof ...

Who cares what they believe, the Voters are beginning to speak and they're Vote will speak loud enough.