Trump is not a racist

All we need is for somebody to post a shred of evidence that rover Trump is a racist. We have almost 1400 posts here of allegations, accusations, propaganda, emotional assertions, gish gallop, and dodging, but still no actual evidence.
Trump doesn’t need to be a real racists, The racists believe he shares their views. He needs these people, they are the majority of his base. He keeps feeding their positions with his policies.
I never had one shred of Evidence that Barack Obama was an American Citizen ... AND, I didn't require him to show his Birth Certificate or College Grades.

Just like I didn't need to see Donald Trump's Birth Certificate and College Grades, to know he's an American Citizen and College grad.

You can't see Trump's Racism because you won't see Trump's Racism

These are all faith based. Faith is not evidence.
RACIST rely on and depend on anonymity and other racist to constantly make excuses for their racism.

If you have to ask ... well ... think of this.

I don't know if trump is a racist but racist sure do think trump is a racist

You are right. It's almost as though they can see the white hoods that are invisible to the rest of us.
If you really think about it, how could you possibly support Trump if you are not racist. If you are a racist sympathizer...

Even if I thought Trump wasn't a Racist, just the way he treats "people" and "women" is enough for me to hate if guts.

I wonder if someone did the same to his daughters or his wife(s) would he and they defend that?
//Game Over// You Win !

I researched before starting this thread, so I already knew that lefties would only be able to post allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, or propaganda. I already posted this thread on several other political forums before I arrived here, so I knew that lefties would post the same shit, like moths flying into a flame as they do. I knew lefties would try to remove race from racism, and I knew they would claim that they already posted evidence. I knew they would never be able to reference their claims of earlier examples when asked, and I knew that the only claims posted would be faith based emotional assertions that could not be proven. I even knew that lefties would dare to do the unthinkable, which is to reference a dismissed case as evidence of guilt.

It is fun watching you post random stuff on this thread, when you already know that there is no evidence of racism available to post here. You already know that you are not going to be posting any evidence on this thread, and you know all you can do is go around spray painting the walls in protest. I want to thank you for the great fight you put up on this thread, it gives me pleasure to watch.

I researched before starting this thread, so I already knew that lefties would only be able to post allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, or propaganda. I already posted this thread on several other political forums before I arrived here, so I knew that lefties would post the same shit, like moths flying into a flame as they do. I knew lefties would try to remove race from racism, and I knew they would claim that they already posted evidence. I knew they would never be able to reference their claims of earlier examples when asked, and I knew that the only claims posted would be faith based emotional assertions that could not be proven. I even knew that lefties would dare to do the unthinkable, which is to reference a dismissed case as evidence of guilt.
Stop lying, stop denying, stop stalling.....if you don't have the intellectual honesty & maturity to acknowledge error, then there's little point in continuing trying to educate you.

And to date you still have an insipidly stubborn Trumper denying the facts. Someone please explain to this joker that a case is dismissed once a settlement OUT OF COURT has been reached. That doesn't change the facts of the case, it just relieves the accused of legal admittance of guilt via a trial.

As for Trump's racist tinged public wouldn't expect those of similar beliefs and social denial to acknowledge the record.

And the beat goes on...carry on parroting in defense for a man who wipes his feet on you. Happy New Year!

You do not need to convince anybody of anything. You do not even need to be here.

I don't know, I'd have to ask you. This thread is not asking how many people have faith that Trump is a racist, it is asking for evidence that he is a racist.

I see nothing in this article that proves Trump was not motivated by the desire to see justice served, or that he would act differently if the thugs had been white. What evidence do you have that Trump's motivation was about race? Just because some of the thugs were black, doesn't mean that it is automatically about race.

The first 3 words of your final paragraph says it all. You deny the FACTS and offer supposition and conjecture as substitute facts? Get real.
And to date you still have an insipidly stubborn Trumper denying the facts. Someone please explain to this joker that a case is dismissed once a settlement OUT OF COURT has been reached. That doesn't change the facts of the case, it just relieves the accused of legal admittance of guilt via a trial.

As for Trump's racist tinged public wouldn't expect those of similar beliefs and social denial to acknowledge the record.

And the beat goes on...carry on parroting in defense for a man who wipes his feet on you. Happy New Year!

The most insane item that could ever be used to prove guilt of anything is a case that has been dismissed as allegations. Absolutely bat shit crazy.

It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in
consideration of their affirmative assumption of responsibility
contained in part III herein, the complaint against Fred C.
Trump and Donald J. Trump is*dismissed*against them in their
personal capacity, with prejudice, as to all*allegations
contained therein, and predating this Order.