Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s Vile He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden.

Yes, Biden letting in in excess of 10 million illegals, doubling the illegal population, and not vetting virtually any of them so all the criminals, rapists, murderers, terrorists, and contagious got right in is totally criminal.

Letting in over 10 million criminals into the US should be considered treasonous.
Crime rate from illegals lower than crime rate of citizens.

Man, that fact just fucks with your little peabrain, doesn’t it?
In 2023 Biden paroled into America 1.3 million people. That is more people per year than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT has paroled into America EVER!
None of that is true... Biden is totally responsible... Ruining the country is going to be what he's remembered for... And inviting illegal immigration a huge part of that...
The perfect face for the death of the West....which is here now.