Trump Just Revealed How He’ll Attack Biden at Debate—and It’s Vile He’s going to pin “migrant killings” on Biden.

For the first time in history a convicted felon is running against a president that has a "diminished faculties and faulty memory" to be prosecuted for the same crime.

Let that sink in...
It's already sunk in that you will have no second thoughts about voting for a convicted felon, and the trials aren't over yet.
Truth hurts I guess

Isn't that why you started this thread, Comrade? You fear Trump will tell the truth about Biden's open border and the 12 year old girls raped and murdered as a result of it?

Jocelyn Nungaray would be alive today, not raped, not murdered, if Joe Biden hadn't thrown the Southern Border wide open.
Why am I not surprised that you and the other magats would make fun of someone who was raped.

He wasn't - he was making fun of Egene. She was never raped - she is just a Marxist twat who lied for her party.

Have you ever met a man?

If they are celebrities - they don't go for the middle aged, bitter harpy who made a career of hating men and hating America.

The story is so ridiculous you Stalinists have to wink at each other as you spew it.
Isn't that why you started this thread, Comrade? You fear Trump will tell the truth about Biden's open border and the 12 year old girls raped and murdered as a result of it?

Jocelyn Nungaray would be alive today, not raped, not murdered, if Joe Biden hadn't thrown the Southern Border wide open.
I started the thread because the topic was in the news. Nothing more nothing less. Thursday will be fun!
He wasn't - he was making fun of Egene. She was never raped - she is just a Marxist twat who lied for her party.

Have you ever met a man?

If they are celebrities - they don't go for the middle aged, bitter harpy who made a career of hating men and hating America.

The story is so ridiculous you Stalinists have to wink at each other as you spew it.
According to the judge and jury she was and is why trump now as to pay her 83 million.
I started the thread because the topic was in the news.

You started this thread because you are a troll. Then you whined that Trump would tell the truth about Quid Pro and the open border.

Nothing more nothing less. Thursday will be fun!

Take a shot every time Quid Pro says "convicted felon."

I'm going to see Foreigner and Styx on Friday at the Pond, so I don't want to take one EVERY time the old crook says it - I want to enjoy the show. Think I'll stop after 7 or 8...
You started this thread because you are a troll. Then you whined that Trump would tell the truth about Quid Pro and the open border.

Take a shot every time Quid Pro says "convicted felon."

I'm going to see Foreigner and Styx on Friday at the Pond, so I don't want to take one EVERY time the old crook says it - I want to enjoy the show. Think I'll stop after 7 or 8...
You think I'm a troll because I say things you don't like. I really don't give a shit. Drink until you pass out, not my problem.
How is the truth a "lie," comrade?

And the only fascists here are you and your fellow collectivist totalitarians.

Joe Biden opened the Southern Border, all of the fentanyl, rapes and murders, and particularly the human trafficking (the reason he opened it) are on him.

There are more slaves in the USA today than there were in 1860 - thanks to Joe Biden and his human trafficking efforts with the cartels. You democrats never got over Republicans making you give up your slaves - now you've brought slavery back.
You think I'm a troll because I say things you don't like.

No, I know you're a troll because you start about 40 threads a day attacking the enemies of your party. Generally with no substance beyond Trump hate.

I really don't give a shit. Drink until you pass out, not my problem.

If I take a shot every time the senile old crook says "Convicted Felon," I just might.

Hey, Soros spent a lot buying the offices for Bragg and Merchan - all to lynch Trump, He's not going to let Quid Pro squander it.
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You think it is funny that 12 year old Jocelyn Nungaray was raped and murdered by Joe's illegal invaders.

You Stalinists are truly sick. You won't say her name, nor will Bought and Paid for Joe, but I'll bet Trump will - during the debate. Jocelyn Nungaray - 12, raped and murdered because of Biden's open border.