Trump not actually struck by a bullet?

You're free to suggest anything you like, Legina. The fact you've proved yourself a pussified piece of shit poster is beyond dispute. All you and I are discussing is just how big of a turdish human being your really are.

If you were less fucked up, you'd know that bullets fragment from hitting something such as a section of the stage, equipment on the stage, a piece of cable, anything.

The fact you spread hate against the US government, including the Trump appointee to the FBI, is another reason why I think you are just a bitter and cowardly piece of shit example of a human being, Legina.

Unless you change your ways, your family and your caretakers alike are better off without you.
Mr. Tiny Penis, you the only poster on JPP that wants to shoot rebublicans. If I were you, I would look inwards. Stay away from pills and inoculations that are destroying your ability to think. God knows, weak men like you are a drain on society. In spite of that, we all wish you a speedy recovery in your quest for normalcy.
BTW, bullets dont just magically fragment and nobody has offered any evidence to the contrary.
Mr. Tiny Penis, you the only poster on JPP that wants to shoot rebublicans. If I were you, I would look inwards. Stay away from pills and inoculations that are destroying your ability to think. God knows, weak men like you are a drain on society. In spite of that, we all wish you a speedy recovery in your quest for normalcy.
BTW, bullets dont just magically fragment and nobody has offered any evidence to the contrary.
You're free to bullshit about me, Legina. Most MAGAts do since they don't have facts on their side.

As for you, I suggest you never accept any medical advice again, but strongly suspect you are a hypocritical POS who takes his pills and his shots.

I really do love it when someone uses "we" and "us". It's a tell.

No shit, Legina. A bullet has to hit something first. A lightweight bullet like a .223 doesn't take much, especially a SP or HP.
You're free to bullshit about me, Legina. Most MAGAts do since they don't have facts on their side.

As for you, I suggest you never accept any medical advice again, but strongly suspect you are a hypocritical POS who takes his pills and his shots.

I really do love it when someone uses "we" and "us". It's a tell.

No shit, Legina. A bullet has to hit something first. A lightweight bullet like a .223 doesn't take much, especially a SP or HP.
Mr. Tiny Penis,
Tell us all,
How many shots?
How many pills?
How many wives?
How many therapists?
This kind of stuff is telling and will help us all understand the leftie mind.
A better question is, why is the Secret Service so inept?

I suggest we will find the Secret Service knew many hours before Trump's supposed "sudden decision" that he was going to play golf at that course on that day.
Who is the leaker in the FL attempt?
Any of the same staffers on security for the first attempt?
The drones with IR must still be in the shop.
Who left cocaine in the WH?
Who planted the J6 pipe bombs?

Heels UP Harris government at work.
What a fucking joke.
Graham says Trump invited him to play golf the night before. Graham said he turned them down . Hannity ate breakfast with Trump that morning and was invited but he had other commitments. So the SS had forewarning. I'm surprised that the SS didn't have a local K-9 unit search the bushes along the fence line.

I saw the Acting head of the SS say they gave Trump the same protection that they gave a sitting President since Butler. That is a lie. They would have shut down that road and searched the bushes.
Graham says Trump invited him to play golf the night before. Graham said he turned them down . Hannity ate breakfast with Trump that morning and was invited but he had other commitments. So the SS had forewarning. I'm surprised that the SS didn't have a local K-9 unit search the bushes along the fence line.

I saw the Acting head of the SS say they gave Trump the same protection that they gave a sitting President since Butler. That is a lie. They would have shut down that road and searched the bushes.
Not a lie. He has bigly secret service protection. They found him before he got his eyes on Trump. That is not a failure.
Yes, and Donnie' bizzarre behavior just after he was shot, standing up and exposing his own fat ass all the way to the car, shouting FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!, giving thumbs ups, and demanding the SS get his shoe. Donnie's own behavior looked all too rehearsed to me.

I know this sounds weird, but yes, Donnie's behavior looked like it was well rehearsed, and the whole incident looked more like a publicity stunt than an assassination attempt.

And I could say the same thing about the 2nd attempt- even more so!
So the death of that fireman trying to protect his family was also "well rehearsed" and a "publicity stunt" as well, Mr. Lizard?

I don't think you have anything more to say, Lizard.
These Evil Fucks will say anything.
They'll try. Just like the bullet "fragment" bullshit. In order for a bullet to fragment it must hit something hard. They don't just come apart (or fragment) in mid air. You'd think the forum ballistics expert would know this...

Was it really a bullet from an AR? Is that possible without more damage?

Im not a ballistics expert, but the FBI has them.

A...attempts vs actual being hit has been exploited and used by the Trump ppl to garner not just donor dollars from the dough-Nazi nuts, but has put the SS and FBI on extended detail to keep this loser safe and again, the man has yet to taste metal, ie a bullet. Why they just don't lock his fat ass up and throw away the key, only the Gods know.​

Did I ever say that asshole?????
IF a bullet did hit Trump wouldn't you think they would want to find it to make sure it was a bullet and not a piece of glass like some people are saying?
where is it you fucking MORON?
show us the bullet and a DNA report showing us it WAS the Actual bullet that hit him.
and for once you are right people like you do give a new meaning to the term MORON , you are on top of that list for SURE.
AGAIN IF he was actually hit by a bullet WHERE is IT ?
Have a nice day you fucking MORON

A..The truth will come to light someday, that man was no more hit by a bullet than I was. Trump and his doctors are all liars and its a damn shame tax payers are spending all the fuckin money to keep this whore safe, while our kids are open targets in our nations schools.​

They'll try. Just like the bullet "fragment" bullshit. In order for a bullet to fragment it must hit something hard. They don't just come apart (or fragment) in mid air. You'd think the forum ballistics expert would know this...
Re Butler it was claimed by many that Trumps ear was not hit by a bullet, but by a piece of plastic...with no evidence.
They'll try. Just like the bullet "fragment" bullshit. In order for a bullet to fragment it must hit something hard. They don't just come apart (or fragment) in mid air. You'd think the forum ballistics expert would know this...
Arbie, you are an expert on ballistics; what effect would the shockwave of a .223 round traveling at almost Mach 3 have as it passed within a mm of a person's head? Would a ricochet or fragment be a lot slower and less damaging? TIA
Arbie, you are an expert on ballistics; what effect would the shockwave of a .223 round traveling at almost Mach 3 have as it passed within a mm of a person's head? Would a ricochet or fragment be a lot slower and less damaging? TIA
The effect of a small .223 "shockwave" (M3 = 3376 fps) would be nearly zero-point-shit.
Fire one just millimeters away from a lit candle and it wouldn't blow it out.
A ricochet or fragment would be slower than the round's initial velocity at impact.
The effect of a small .223 "shockwave" (M3 = 3376 fps) would be nearly zero-point-shit.
Fire one just millimeters away from a lit candle and it wouldn't blow it out.
A ricochet or fragment would be slower than the round's initial velocity at impact.
Interesting. Thanks, but I'm not quite buying that the candle wouldn't blow out. I do, however, appreciate the insight.
Yes, and Donnie' bizzarre behavior just after he was shot, standing up and exposing his own fat ass all the way to the car, shouting FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!, giving thumbs ups, and demanding the SS get his shoe. Donnie's own behavior looked all too rehearsed to me.

I know this sounds weird, but yes, Donnie's behavior looked like it was well rehearsed, and the whole incident looked more like a publicity stunt than an assassination attempt.

And I could say the same thing about the 2nd attempt- even more so!
He's definitely got the money to hire crisis actors to stage a fake assassination attempt. I doubt though if it could be kept quiet for very long. It's weird that both would-be assassins were Republicans.