trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Lol, these noobs really do have you undone. Other than welcoming them as I do most new guests, although there have been so many as of late, I haven't kept up, I really haven't had much of an exchange with them. You are growing more hysterical, Tom, perhaps it's time for a drink to calm you.
Fuck me rigid Grind has said far more shit about women you loon, but you seemingly only notice me. To be called a misogynist by you is a badge of honour, which I wear with pride. Don't forget to pass that on to Suckee Fuckee!!

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My poor wife, as you term her, is a truly feisty woman who has her own dress design business which she co-owns with an Armenian tailor. He sells made to measure suits for around £2000 and her dresses are up there as well. She has a huge clientele these days and they will often come in with a picture from a fashion magazine and ask her to run one up.

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And yet, you can't afford a computer. She must not give you much of an allowance.
How about a real issue? Trump has created an election commission charged with finding what voter fraud happened. In order to do this, they want the states to send them all their voter information including all the information voter registration has on all including social security numbers and your history of voting. Some states including New York are refusing to do so.

Yeah, there has to be a way for that hurtful and unfair popular vote defeat to go away, and those darned millions of aliens have to be somewhere in there. They patently have to be. Darn if that Commission dares to come up with the wrong result.

All the while the GOP's fight to exclude as many Democratic voters continues unabated. As Sessions defiles the Justice Department's civil rights section, there is at least one victory for basic decency to celebrate, even though it's possible just due to the accident as represented by the combination of Scalia's demise and McCrory's electoral defeat, and is imperiled down the road by the abominable Gorsuch's appointment:

The most aggressive voter suppression law in the nation — possibly the most aggressive such law since Jim Crow — is dead.

The Supreme Court announced on Monday that it would not hear North Carolina v. North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP, a challenge to North Carolina’s omnibus voter suppression law. As the law was struck down by the lower court, that means this law is finally staked, dead, and buried.​

So far, so good. And yet, you got to savor that:

In the eyes of McCrory’s lawyers, the appeals court’s decision [which the equally divided Supreme Court let stand] is flawed because it commits the cardinal sin of accusing a white person of racism. “There is no worse charge against a State than deliberate racial discrimination,” the petition tells the justices, “especially in how the State governs elections.” And yet the appeals court “accused and convicted the North Carolina legislature of deliberately designing its laws not just to disenfranchise African-Americans, but to usher in a new ‘era of Jim Crow.’”

“That decision,” they claim, “is an affront to North Carolina’s citizens and their elected representatives.”​

A reactionary, racist legislature, headed by a reactionary, racist blockhead, defend themselves against the charge of racism and of intending to re-instate Jim Crow, by pointing out what an egregiously scandalous charge that is.

When in search of a better definition of "chutzpah" (even better than the murderer's "orphan" defense), this one is as good a candidate as any you'll likely find.
It was not his home. It was government property and the West Wing is a government office building.

And it was with an employee.

I'd hate to think that you are treating your female employees in that way.
To be discovered having sex in an office would be a sacking offence for most people, especially in a PC obsessed country like the US.

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i have explained this to you how many times now?

You lie

I call you names

its a public service
You've explained nothing, you're a fucking hypocrite who gets unhinged because I call people cunts yet you feel able to call men and women cocksuckers.

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Lol, these noobs really do have you undone. Other than welcoming them as I do most new guests, although there have been so many as of late, I haven't kept up, I really haven't had much of an exchange with them. You are growing more hysterical, Tom, perhaps it's time for a drink to calm you.

Funny how you use my real name yet if I did the same you'll scream blue murder and try to have me banned! !

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You've explained nothing, you're a fucking hypocrite who gets unhinged because I call people cunts yet you feel able to call men and women cocksuckers.

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Do you have any hobbies besides feeling sorry for yourself?
The only problem, I am not a gender feminist. You should be ashamed of your comment about women. We have more worth than just being your sperm receptacles.
Again it was a joke ffs, that it pisses you off is an added bonus for me. Grind said far far worse about women but you said nothing.

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