trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I thought I'd start off this evening with yet another argument as to why trump should not be impeached.

Today, the justifiably insecure simp called for simply repealing Obamacare and replacing it someday. This is such an obviously stupid idea that it has no chance of being taken seriously by legislators. It would be political suicide.

My ultimate point is there is no way Pence would do something this stupid. trump not only protects us from the cretinism that is the Regressive economic austerity agenda, he paints the entire party as equally moronic. This, of course, is a major help in getting the kind of liberal tsunami that will be needed in 2020 to end Regressive minority rule with redistricting after that election.
it was a Rand Paul idea. Trump is trying to get the Establishmentt Republicans to do something - anything_
but they are SwampWeasels; only interested in getting re-elected.

any particular reason for impeachment, or are we ok with yet another fishing expedition?
Impeach Now-find a reason later.
I also have a pet peeve. Drives me nuts, when talking heads on TV describe trump's twitter tantrums as genius, because they deflect from his incompetence. In the first place, a genius doesn't need to deflect from his incompetence, because A GENIUS ISN'T INCOMPETENT! Second, deflecting from incompetence to childish, emotional incontinence is dumber than the original ineptitude. Third, it doesn't work. trump's incompetence does not go away.

Okay, I feel better now. Thank you for your kind attention.
it was a Rand Paul idea. Trump is trying to get the Establishmentt Republicans to do something - anything_
but they are SwampWeasels; only interested in getting re-elected.

any particular reason for impeachment, or are we ok with yet another fishing expedition?
Impeach Now-find a reason later.

trump was the first fool I heard do this idea. Sounds to me like you are doing some trumpy buck passing. And, putting Congress under a deadline in hopes they will do something is more likely to blow up in your face than not.

Impeachment? Well, my favorite is that Mueller finds trumpy money laundering. The only time I can see that brat having made any money is in real estate deals with Russian kleptocrats that stink of money laundering. Okay, there was also that hotel in the Middle East where he laundered money for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (look it up. didn't make rightard media).

As to collusion, the latest is the story in the WSJ regarding the Gooper operative who hired Russian hackers, claiming he did so for Mikey Flynn, who was a trump campaign advisor at the time. We have the son-in-law hiding his contacts with Russians and his story conflicting with theirs on why he was meeting with a Russian "bank" under sanctions. We have pretty much all the original trumpies suffering an epidemic of selective amnesia when it comes to their Russian contacts. We know Russia worked to help get trump elected. We know that parts of what was asserted by the Brit who told us of trump's fondness for pee-pee voyeurism have been corroborated. We know that trump has insulted pretty much everybody on the planet EXCEPT master Putin. We know there have been ham-fisted efforts to stop any investigation. There was the clumsy firing of Comey, of course, wherein trump tried a silly charade, before throwing his actors under the bus later. A lot of people forget, though, the even sillier charade where the chairman of the House Committee investigating trump was given info by the White House that he then gave to the White House but not members of his Committee, because he felt the White House had an urgent need to know the information it had given him to give to trump.

That's the stuff that comes immediately to mind. Not a smoking gun, I suppose, but claiming, "There's nothing to see here," is being so proud of one's partisan gullibility that one believes it should be put in neon.
how silly

two consenting adults

She was just a child of 23 wasn't she?
If she'd been born a boy, she/he would just be completing a 5-year military gig. N'est-ce pas?
Thong to schlong: natural progression.
Bill's biggest problem would be if the cigar was Cuban (in a sensible society).
Went with my brother today to investigate a tank up on the Mogollon Rim of Zane Grey fame. He caught one trout. I caught this creature from the deep:

  1. Fishing with my brother on the Verde earlier this week. He caught a carp; I caught a turtle. I like turtles. I don't like stinking Verde River mud turtles that try to bite your finger off, when you try to remove the hook.
I thought I'd start off this evening with yet another argument as to why trump should not be impeached.

Today, the justifiably insecure simp called for simply repealing Obamacare and replacing it someday. This is such an obviously stupid idea that it has no chance of being taken seriously by legislators. It would be political suicide.

My ultimate point is there is no way Pence would do something this stupid. trump not only protects us from the cretinism that is the Regressive economic austerity agenda, he paints the entire party as equally moronic. This, of course, is a major help in getting the kind of liberal tsunami that will be needed in 2020 to end Regressive minority rule with redistricting after that election.
Umm. Well, short-term, you're absolutely correct.

Short-term, obviously it makes sense to let Trump remain in office as the spectacularly incompetent Moron-in-Chief, unable to marshall his side to pass any meaningful legislation.

But, but, but, partly just out of devil's advocate-type-contrariness, ...lemme argue the opposite.

Long-term, Trump is doing irreparable damage to the Republic.

Remember when we used to think the President was someone to be admired, even emulated? ....yeah, we all do...'cuz that was true up until late January.......but what about in 2020? Around which time we--or, more unfortunately, our grandkids, if we have same--will be thinking that the president is someone who tweets stupid shit that everyone will be mocking before classes begin, and they go to their history or civics classes to learn about our country's great history and high ideals, and....they all roll their eyes.....

Trump is a pre-Enlightenment leader. He does not rely on facts, logic, information, any of that stuff. He acts out of pique, personal vendettas, minor whims. He thinks that's his right, now that he is POTUS. ...and, although Divine Wind in the former place posted a lot of nonsense, he did point out that The Donald thinks of himself more as a king than as a president. Which is spot-on, I think.

Yes, short-term, Pence would be a disaster. Still, the point is that Pence & Co. would pass bills, and then, would profit from them or pay for them, almost certainly the latter, at the ballot box. If people lose jobs, lose their healthcare, maybe even see their ranch blow away due to a drought that the scientists are all convinced is due to climate change, well, Pence, and the R's, should pay for that. That's how the goddamn system is supposed to work.

With Trump, it's kind of a popularity contest. People take sides not because of objective benefits or advantages or etc. It's just superficial shit. Ivanka is hot, Trump beat Shrillary, those libs are crying! Ain't it great!!!

...question for you, Ricky, for anyone: can you see Pence winning ANY kind of popularity contest?

I sure can't, and I live in Indiana.
Okay, the other thing that pissed me off this week was the movie Interstellar. Invested three hours in that movie only to be smacked with the dumbest ending in movie history.


Okay, it a matthew mcconaughey movie, so I was expecting some hippy, Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts profundity, but this was an insult.

See, Matthew goes "interstellar" to save humanity on a dying earth. He falls into a black hole where he is able to contact his child daughter who, after some time distortion stuff involving the black hole is made apparent to her as an adult. He can see here and push books off her shelf to set up a morse code and bend gravity to make signals in the dust from another galaxy, but he can't talk to her. Anyway, he sends her the "quantum data" needed to save humanity. Turns out, though, that the place in the black hole from which he can do this is a structure built by future humans to save humans of the past from ... HOW THE HELL DID THEY SURVIVE THIS PAST TO BUILD A PLACE FOR MATTHEW TO SAVE THEIR FUTURE?

Suckers who flock to Sedona for harmonic convergences say this a "bootstrap paradox," a chicken-and-egg thing meant to make us contemplate time and other dimensions. Those people have been drinking too much kombucha.
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Umm. Well, short-term, you're absolutely correct.

Short-term, obviously it makes sense to let Trump remain in office as the spectacularly incompetent Moron-in-Chief, unable to marshall his side to pass any meaningful legislation.

But, but, but, partly just out of devil's advocate-type-contrariness, ...lemme argue the opposite.

Long-term, Trump is doing irreparable damage to the Republic.

Remember when we used to think the President was someone to be admired, even emulated? ....yeah, we all do...'cuz that was true up until late January.......but what about in 2020? Around which time we--or, more unfortunately, our grandkids, if we have same--will be thinking that the president is someone who tweets stupid shit that everyone will be mocking before classes begin, and they go to their history or civics classes to learn about our country's great history and high ideals, and....they all roll their eyes.....

Trump is a pre-Enlightenment leader. He does not rely on facts, logic, information, any of that stuff. He acts out of pique, personal vendettas, minor whims. He thinks that's his right, now that he is POTUS. ...and, although Divine Wind in the former place posted a lot of nonsense, he did point out that The Donald thinks of himself more as a king than as a president. Which is spot-on, I think.

Yes, short-term, Pence would be a disaster. Still, the point is that Pence & Co. would pass bills, and then, would profit from them or pay for them, almost certainly the latter, at the ballot box. If people lose jobs, lose their healthcare, maybe even see their ranch blow away due to a drought that the scientists are all convinced is due to climate change, well, Pence, and the R's, should pay for that. That's how the goddamn system is supposed to work.

With Trump, it's kind of a popularity contest. People take sides not because of objective benefits or advantages or etc. It's just superficial shit. Ivanka is hot, Trump beat Shrillary, those libs are crying! Ain't it great!!!

...question for you, Ricky, for anyone: can you see Pence winning ANY kind of popularity contest?

I sure can't, and I live in Indiana.

You raise excellent points. Most importantly, it is close to likely that trump will do irreparable damage to the nation. Well, I'm old and I way we have it coming, even if it was only a minority of hate-filled, poorly educated, incessantly whining sissies who put him in office.

I would submit that Pence is almost as likely to do irreparable damage. A competent member of the American Taliban like Pence could be more effective in implementing the kind of simple-minded understanding of "free enterprise" that gave us the Great Rightard Recession. People do not appreciate how close we came to the abyss.

Lastly, I do not believe a middle-of-the road, play-it-safe approach will work anymore. I believe our only hope lies in the liberal tsunami we seek. A full implementation of the TBagger agenda could cause the kind of economic disaster for which the Regressives are known. That would do it. OTOH, accomplishing it just because trump has so degraded his office and made so inarguably clear the ugliness of Deplorable-ism, is likely to be less damaging than would be letting Pence and his jihadists have free reign.
Oh, and no I can't see Pence winning a popularity contest. However, unless he gives us an economic disaster before the next election, he may not lose in the kind of wave I am seeking. And then, we would be back again to McConnell and company simply doing what they can to make sure nothing good happens in America while a Dem is president and could get credit for it.
I never saw trump as especially racist. I just saw the sleazy old brat as willing to exploit the bigotry of the poorly educated, rightard base. He saw there were millions and millions of TBaggers seething in resentment of having that uppity negro look down on them. He saw how he could pander to Deplorable losers by offering them vari-colored scapegoats they could blame for their inadequacies. Like waving keys in the face of an infant, it worked to distract the rubes from questioning the masters who were using them. These pathetic specimens are perfectly fine with the way trump has degraded his office and the nation as a whole. It is worth it to these "patriots," so long as he flames liberals. What more could you want in a leader?