trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

He made such a huge deal about leaving USMB, but he won't give his username there.


Because if a cutesy emoji as part of sucking up to a coward who flings his insults at someone he claims to ignore from his hide-from bunker won't validate your clumsy dishonesty in defense of catty envy, you might have to stand on your own two legs.
Because if a cutesy emoji as part of sucking up to a coward who flings his insults at someone he claims to ignore from his hide-from bunker won't validate your clumsy dishonesty in defense of catty envy, you might have to stand on your own two legs.

I never said I ignore you.

Lying coward.
I never said I ignore you.

Lying coward.

I'm not responsible for your lack of reading comprehension, twit. I was talking about the way you suck up to a Millie who uses the protection of hide-from to sling his hypocritical, feeble insults at me. I do have two questions for you, though. Have you finished high school, and how much time before your mommy gets off work and you have to get off her computer.
With Trump, it's kind of a popularity contest.

There's a lot in the post referenced I can go along with. I can also agree with a lot in Ricky's contrarian reply, mind you. The above, however, is kind of funny. Not because it's wrong - it isn't - but because it implies that the candidate fundamentally changes the electorate. With Pence, it implies, we'd get an election about "issues". Nah, it is the same electorate, handling decisions with the exact same mindset and according to the same "criteria", the same not very well thought-out preferences. With Pence it's still a popularity contest for most (those who don't care, or know anything, about issues).

The most surprising finding still is this. Try an experiment, get back to a 2015 mindset and answer the question: Is it possible that a monumentally and obviously incompetent, whiny, mendacious, illiterate, fraudulent and petulant spoiled brat is popular? With President Obama, twice elected, I was cocksure it cannot happen. Boy did we all have to learn ever since.

That in mind, I'd be wary of predicting the popularity (or lack thereof) of Pence. Seriously, don't ever underestimate a candidate who is better than average at faking honesty.
My other username, of course, was Wobbly. It was an homage to my affection for the Industrial Workers of the World, combined with the confident self-deprecation allusion to my Friday night inebriation. Let's see how long it takes the poorly raised YoYo to find this answer to his wanderings through rightard cowardice and mutual grooming.
There's a lot in the post referenced I can go along with. I can also agree with a lot in Ricky's contrarian reply, mind you. The above, however, is kind of funny. Not because it's wrong - it isn't - but because it implies that the candidate fundamentally changes the electorate. With Pence, it implies, we'd get an election about "issues". Nah, it is the same electorate, handling decisions with the exact same mindset and according to the same "criteria", the same not very well thought-out preferences. With Pence it's still a popularity contest for most (those who don't care, or know anything, about issues).

The most surprising finding still is this. Try an experiment, get back to a 2015 mindset and answer the question: Is it possible that a monumentally and obviously incompetent, whiny, mendacious, illiterate, fraudulent and petulant spoiled brat is popular? With President Obama, twice elected, I was cocksure it cannot happen. Boy did we all have to learn ever since.

That in mind, I'd be wary of predicting the popularity (or lack thereof) of Pence. Seriously, don't ever underestimate a candidate who is better than average at faking honesty.

Remember that trump only got a minority at a time when whiny Deplorables thought they had nothing to lose but an uppity negro. Four years of watching that buffoon embarrass the office and the nation, while teaching the base that the government was not just helping "those people"? I'll take my chances.
And, Bob Dylan deserved the Noble Prize for literature, and fuck the haters who will cite some poet in a pretentious posing. Those of you who won't do that but will argue on a Leonard Cohen level are just wrong.
Remember that trump only got a minority at a time when whiny Deplorables thought they had nothing to lose but an uppity negro. Four years of watching that buffoon embarrass the office and the nation, while teaching the base that the government was not just helping "those people"? I'll take my chances.

Yeah, I know, you've said so time and again, and you may well be right. On the other hand, Pence is a staunch and proud deplorable, and he'll do his best handing his followers what got the Trumpy elected, that is, the implied or overt promise to be the one who would exact Whitey's revenge for a world that doesn't respect them as it once did. Pence may well, in a slightly different way, embarrass the office and the nation to more or less the same extent as does the Trumpy, at least in the eyes of the non-deplorables. Or so would be my take.

My fear, my panic, really, is that, over the next three and a half years and billions of dollars pouring into the rightarded propaganda machine, Whitey, still squeezed and increasingly vengeful, collectively develops even more brownish spots, and is therefore fully prepared to elect an even more reactionary Congress, with Pence at the helm, in 2020.
Yeah, I know, you've said so time and again, and you may well be right. On the other hand, Pence is a staunch and proud deplorable, and he'll do his best handing his followers what got the Trumpy elected, that is, the implied or overt promise to be the one who would exact Whitey's revenge for a world that doesn't respect them as it once did. Pence may well, in a slightly different way, embarrass the office and the nation to more or less the same extent as does the Trumpy, at least in the eyes of the non-deplorables. Or so would be my take.

My fear, my panic, really, is that, over the next three and a half years and billions of dollars pouring into the rightarded propaganda machine, Whitey, still squeezed and increasingly vengeful, collectively develops even more brownish spots, and is therefore fully prepared to elect an even more reactionary Congress, with Pence at the helm, in 2020.

I figure a several billions of dollars will be poured into the rightard propaganda machine, I just believe nothing will neutralize that so much as will a trump presidency. At that, Koch's and elk have publically threatened to cut off bribes to rightards, unless they get more rightarded.
At that, Koch's and elk have publically threatened to cut off bribes to rightards, unless they get more rightarded.

Yep, I read that. And yet, that's just the money flooding into the GOP's campaign coffers. The tsunami sweeping Faux, Breitbart, SuperPACs, "think tanks" & Co., concealed "donations", I'd guess, is at least an order of magnitude bigger than that.
Narcissism Times Ignorance Equals a trump With No Values

April 14, 2017April 15, 2017
There was never any there there. trump was simply selling simplistic to the simple-minded. He appealed to people who need to believe their limited horizons of understanding are where knowledge ends, and that people who talk of nuance and ramifications are probably commies. This is particularly effective when used in combination with promises of a scapegoat in every pot. So, while it is no surprise that a trump labeled by fact checkers as the biggest liar in a field of 19 candidates would flip-flop on so many of his campaign promises, it is really more a matter of trump never having stood for anything other than self-promotion in the first place. Let us look at the record.
First, I am not addressing here the specifics of what has made trump the most prolific liar in modern political history. I’m not talking about his promise to reveal his tax returns someday or making Mexico build the wall. I’m not talking about his promise to use his supposed business expertise to run government efficiently and now running an administration where everybody is trying to gut each other, leading to rule by nepotism. I’m not even talking about a stunningly crooked businessman making promises to “Drain the Swamp.” – “He said he’d surround himself with all the best and smartest people. You bought it. Then he put Betsy DeVos, opponent of public education, in charge of education; Jeff Sessions, opponent of the Voting Rights Act, in charge of voting rights; Ben Carson, opponent of the Fair Housing Act, in charge of fair housing; Scott Pruitt, climate change denier, in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency; and Russian quisling Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State.” (Robert Reich, Huffington Post)
No, it is my opinion that people who were dumb enough to believe trump’s more obvious lies deserve to have been suckered. I am talking here more about how trump really doesn’t stand for anything except the promotion and gratification of trump. What may have looked to some during his campaign rallies as things trump believed in were really just a brat with an insatiable appetite for having his ego stroked making a note of his lines that went over well with his audience of Deplorables.
I was struck by one glaring example today. When asked if he was in on the decision to use the MOAB in Afghanistan, trump ducked. Even though trump loves nothing better than doing Mussolini-style machismo posturing, trump dodged answering whether he was in on the decision to use the bomb. First, he has to find out if the idea was popular, before deciding if he can even stand behind martial glory. Or, maybe the lazy simp just doesn’t want to admit he was out of the loop.
trump’s promises to get rid of the “Obamacare” he did not understand blew up in his face. His ignorance of what that “repeal and replace” entailed was made worse by his easy abandonment of his promise to cover everybody. He was absolutely willing to go with the TBagger Caucus and cover nobody in order to get the perception of a win. People vs. feeding trump’s ego? No contest.
trump said Syria was none of our business. When this encouragement to Assad led to Assad gassing his people, trump decided he had to put on a fireworks display – after warning the Russians who warned Assad. Looks like whoever does the Presidential Daily Briefings needs to start adding pictures to get trump’s interest … or maybe include a coloring book.
trump said NATO was obsolete. Now, it is no longer obsolete. trump said China is a currency manipulator. Now, China does not manipulate currency. Janet Yellen of the Fed was doing the political bidding of Obama. Now, she’s doing a great job. He talked all isolationist in the campaign; now he’s huffing and puffing like a Neo-Con. Bashing NAFTA was a favorite way to get applause at his rallies. Now, he’s not only done nothing about it, he never mentions it.
Some might say that trump changing is a sign that he is learning, that he is growing into the job. Bullshit. This is a guy who railed constantly about Obama’s golfing. Now, he’s burning taxpayer money by the bushel to spend more time golfing than he does working. As I write this, he is off to another weekend at Mar a Lago. No, he has only disdain for the concerns of the people or worrying about doing what is right. He said what he needed to say in order to get elected. He wanted the presidency as a trophy. Now, the stunningly ignorant, intellectually indolent buffoon is being used by whoever manipulates his tiny mind by talking to him last. Before, it was the wacko Nazi Steve Bannon. Now, it is his Yuppie son-in-law and his traditional Regressive views on Trickle-on help for the wealthy and the globalist necessity of protecting their interests. All that matters to trump now is that he get away with doing as little work as possible.
Finally, none of this will matter to the trump-fluffers yet. For them trump was always primarily a vehicle of vengeance. They wanted to get revenge for having to suffer a black man in the White House. They wanted payback for the relative peace and prosperity that followed Obama bringing the nation back from the brink of economic disaster and the Great Rightard Recession. Eight years of no scandals only made the Muslim Kenyan more uppity. Recent studies and surveys from ANES and Klinckner of Hamilton College and ABC/WP poll and Pew Research Center and YouGov have shown what we have been saying all along. trump voters love him for his bigotry. They love the free scapegoats he gives them, so that no matter what kind of angry losers they are, they feel like they will now continue to have somebody to look down on. These people don’t care how many lies trump tells or how much he flip-flops on values he does not possess. They love trump for the white privilege he defends. The Deporables love trump, because trump is deplorable.
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Oh, I learned something botanical today. I believe that what I thought were blackberries are actually black raspberries. Won't find that on the USMB forum where you think your next mockery of a crippled Ant will be the most clever one yet.
And now a word from our sponsor. I have viciously attacked Owl'd for being a rightard lackey more concerned with his own iconoclasm than with virtue.

I have felt an obligation here to be prolific for sustenance of the colony to the point I have diluted what I do. I have begged other liberals for help.

Owl'd has done some of his best work ever here recently. Much more than I, he has established an intellectual credibility to go with some vicious snark.

Thanks, friend. Thanks for the effort and for some really nice work, regardless of a cause.
Holy shit, if Trump did the same thing you'd be squealing about it till the 10th of never.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Bullshit.....just consider the muted response to the suggestions that Donald is Vlad's bitch....imagine if these allegations were running the other way...