trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Nostalgia time.

Remember when rightards had a mass-case of the vapors, because Obama degraded the presidency by wearing his mom jeans in the Oval Office?

I think it was in black-and-white.
I would not pretend to know as much about computer stuff as you do, but ... click "settings" at the top, go to "general settings" on the left, scroll down to "miscellaneous options" and thin click on "enhanced interface" with the alphabet soup, and you can copy-and-paste images full-size as easily as at the old place.
Full size was too big, wouldn't take it. I had to find a smaller version. But click on the image, it gets bigger.
Ok, let's try a drag and drop.


Full size was too big, wouldn't take it. I had to find a smaller version. But click on the image, it gets bigger.

I did that. Did you go for "enhanced interface" in general settings? If you do, you don't need the image icon above. You can just copy and paste like you would anywhere else.
I see lotsa people lurking here, many of whom prefer to remain anonymous. Come on in, the water's fine. If you're a Deplorable, it's okay. In spite of my reputation, I don't generally castrate someone just for being a righty. If you are civil, I will be too.

If you're a liberal from the old place, it would be nice to have some help establishing a new colony. If you're a Deplorable from the old place, you are probably right to stay hidden until you can find some other rightard skirt to hide behind.
Sharing a bit of my genius from another thread:

I was looking at a story on Baltimore the other day. Majority black city, black officials from mayor to police chief
Plus it's an incorporated city -not pary of any county government -it stands on it's own decisions..

I swear the conditions in Gaza aren't any worse.

Massive unemployment, tons of abandoned hosing,lead paint, rats..record homicides's a living wreck

Why do blacks stick w/the Democrats?
Baltimore has been run (down) by Dems longer then I've been alive (63),and the place just gets worser over time.

That's what Trump was saying..try something else -what you are doing isn't working!
Trump is sending ATF agents to Chicago to combat gun violence.
The mayor of Baltimore is asking for FBI help for the same..

They need to try something's desperado time

Ah yes, the more polite version of the white bigotry regarding black people living on the Dem plantation. "I'm not prejudiced. I just think black people are inherently stupid and lazy, so they are more easily conned by Dem promises of 'free stuff' from the government than white people are - excepting the bulk of Rightardia, of course, where white rightards live off of California taxes."

Let's play History. Let's say a very smart black man of the 1920s tries for a career worthy of his abilities. Do you think he is likely to get it? Of course not. So, he lives and survives. Do you really think he is going to pass on to his children a belief that education and hard work will get you whatever you want? To the same degree as will a Scottsdale wife who majored in How to Catch a Husband?

Or, do you think racism is an ancient obstacle, that negroes should pull themselves up by their Gucci bootstraps as you did? If so you might want to look up the resume studies that were done involving who got called back on the same resumes when the name at the top was Debby Jones vs. Shamiqua Washington or Jose Jimenez.

The inner cities where the poorest are banished are governed by those working hardest to protect the poor? Shocking. Pretending that governance is the cause of local poverty? Typically rightarded. Now, you want to look at a case where regional governance over time has affected overall economic well being? Take a look at the Deep South, where generations of rightardism have turned the entire area into America's Third World.

Or, click the heels of your ruby slippers and descend to Kansas, Dorothy.
I just finished watching episode 10 of season 1 of "Fargo".
I had heard of Billy Bob, of course, but I had never seen him do anything. I'll bet those sex tapes he made are funny.
I watched season 3 a couple of weeks ago (I'm working on my dyslexia), and I have season 2 in the starting blocks. ready to go.
It's Canada Day tomorrow (today), so we'll have to nurture our goldie who hates bangs and flashes. Maybe the fireworks will end early, so that I can start on season 2.
Sunday night is the Bob Dylan concert.
Fuck! I hate the summer.
I just finished watching episode 10 of season 1 of "Fargo".
I had heard of Billy Bob, of course, but I had never seen him do anything. I'll bet those sex tapes he made are funny.
I watched season 3 a couple of weeks ago (I'm working on my dyslexia), and I have season 2 in the starting blocks. ready to go.
It's Canada Day tomorrow (today), so we'll have to nurture our goldie who hates bangs and flashes. Maybe the fireworks will end early, so that I can start on season 2.
Sunday night is the Bob Dylan concert.
Fuck! I hate the summer.

Okay, I've had enough to drink to where your dyslexia confounded my inebriated ability to focus.
[FONT=&quot]A top New York federal prosecutor is joining the team of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director leading an investigation into alleged Russian interference in the presidential election, a senior Justice Department official with knowledge of the matter confirmed to NBC News.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Goldstein of the Southern District of New York will join Mueller’s team, the official said.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The New York Times first reported the move Friday.


[FONT=&quot]Goldstein was former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara's top public corruption prosecutor and kept the same role under Acting U.S Attorney Joon Kim.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]He's known for multiple successful prosecutions of New York lawmakers on corruption charges. He's also highly regarded in the Southern District and across Justice for those prosecutions, his thoroughness in investigations, and high level of success.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Separately, a person with direct knowledge of the matter says that all cases previously handled in New York, which includes the probe of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, have been transferred to Mueller.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Mueller was appointed as special counsel by Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in May, amid public and Congressional pressure after President Donald Trump fired FBI director James Comey.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Mueller led the FBI for 12 years under presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Oh Noos!
The noose tightens.

I gotta say, I'm into my second year of retirement now, doing it on a barely-get-by level, and I'm enjoying the hell outa this not working for a living stuff. I retired at 63, because ... why not, eh? Work another couple/four years for another a hundred bucks a month? I fish in the summer and hunt small game in the winter. I play video games, and I get good and drunk once a week, whether I need to or not. I read good books and argue with smart, politically aware people in cyber-space. I practice literary art - I'll do another bit of genius from my blog here in a minute. Teaching was fulfilling, and it was much better than working for a living, but c'mon. Dealing with pampered brats and, worse, the parents who pampered them? Incompetent principals playing politics in hopes of becoming a superintendent? Fuck that. Hell, the reason I got into teaching, other than the money, of course, was for all the time off. For those who find validation in being a gerbil turning the wheel, Gawd bless you. Me? I'm gonna get drunk tonight, be hungover tomorrow, and enjoy the Arizona outdoors and laziness thereafter.
Anybody here skilled at using barbless hooks? I tried it a week or so ago, and I quickly lost the first to fish I hooked. I was using a fly on a #10 hook, and I didn't think I gave any slack? I WAS dealing with wild, healthy trout.

I ask, because I'm thinking of camping at a lake that allows barbless lures and flies only. I was gonna go next week, but it's 4th of July on a Tuesday, mid-week, so too many people. So, the week after, but then I begin to flirt with violent mountain storms of the Arizona monsoon season. Fun to sit in a good tent and listen to the storm rage, or at least it was when I used to get stoned. Now, I don't know. Besides, I'd prefer not to have to pitch a tent and just sleep under the stars. OTOH, storms can provoke good fishing.

This retirement life is so complicated.