trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Virtual communication platforms have become an integral part of warfare strategy

sentance 5 slayit/suckit

internet as warfare is here

can you grok that russobot
Virtual communication platforms have become an integral part of warfare strategy

the 4th line

internets are how people talk to each other now

example : us all here huh

68,000 posts and you still haven't noticed how little others care what you say or think? That's gotta be some sort of record for denseness.
68,000 posts and you still haven't noticed how little others care what you say or think? That's gotta be some sort of record for denseness.

only you who cant discuss facts becuause your whole world is fucking lies from putins ass
do you undersstand line 4 in this study of the Latvian election ?

or are you at 2nd grade reading level

So you are reduced to talking to yourself and in doing so charge yourself with being at a 2nd grade reading level. You really are every bit as dim & desperate as your posts make you seem.
You've produced none in support of your claim that "voting machine" tampering altered or deleted any votes. As such you have been relegated to shrill & desperate loony-leftard status. Keep screaming ... I know you desperately need some attention.

go get the post of mine you claim exsists lying zip lock bag full of weasel jizz and bile
The recent conflicts in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine have demonstrated that social media is widely used to coordinate actions, collect information, and, most importantly, to influence the beliefs and attitudes of target audiences, even mobilise them for action

line six

like isis does huh
Well I'm shocked; SHOCKED at that. You mean the rancid petulant little twatsock gets all shockjock with slutspeak. Well I never....

Catch you tomorrow and good posting.

Yes and then complains if anybody uses the word cunt.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
You will quickly learn (or perhaps not) that I do not do the bidding of raging Village Idiots. Go get it yourself.

dear fucking idiot

I can not get what doesnt exist

you fucking lied

you made the claim

try backing it up with fact

you cant

so you act like a brain damaged 3 year old

this is how discussion works

we both assert certain things

we then back those assertions with FACTS.

Im doing that

you are shitting your pants with bloody diarhea and claiming its better than facts

fuck you very much
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