trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Given this state of affairs, the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence (NATO StratCom COE) was tasked with looking into how state and non-state actors leverage social media as a tool for conflict and hybrid warfare strategies.

line 7

so we studied it as a world body tasked to do such things

are you keeping up

facts can be copied and pasted from reliable sites

they fuck the republicans hard though.

on to the 8th line
We see many Hodgkinson types on this board. Nearly 8 full months of unrelenting butt-hurt has them all at their wits end.

So you are reduced to talking to yourself and in doing so charge yourself with being at a 2nd grade reading level. You really are every bit as dim & desperate as your posts make you seem.
I told you, the lift doesn't go to the top floor.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
dear fucking idiot

I can not get what doesnt exist

you fucking lied

you made the claim

try backing it up with fact

you cant

so you act like a brain damaged 3 year old

this is how discussion works

we both assert certain things

we then back those assertions with FACTS.

Im doing that

you are shitting your pants with bloody diarhea and claiming its better than facts

fuck you very much

You not only made the claim, when challenged to support it you asked me if I want to begin our "debate" with voter machine tampering. You have since authored at least a dozen angry, desperate screeds in which you trash me personally but fail miserably to support your claim.

Now you want to pretend the exchange never happened. If you aren't on some drug to help you manage your infirmity, you should be.
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eve has me worried the most. We will need to keep her fully occupied here and off the streets.

These message boards do indeed serve a useful purpose ... they give the most desperate among us a place to vent their frustrations. Evi is particularly shrill.
The following topics will be addressed in the report:
What is the role of social media in hybrid warfare? *How is it ‘weaponised’?
What techniques and tactics do state and non-state actors employ to support their political and military aims using social media? What effects can they achieve?
What can NATO and its member nations do to identify and counter the malicious use of social media?

i just left all these lines together

I promise ti in sult you also while we talk facts

It seems to be the rights main interest

Now lets discuss each catergorey and question taintwallows
this may sound shrill to you but

What is the role of social media in hybrid warfare?

can you comment foreskin lips
He sent you a message!

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Just so you know....that whole "Pole" thing......those are not very thinly veiled shots at my 18 year old daughter......your friend Native started with it when she was 12....greggah thinks it is funny, and when confronted with it, fact, he set his own head on fire playing with it this morning.

Keep this in mind when they share THEIR versions of why I am here.....

and, as I've said before, congratulations on finding your level.
The report summarises the conclusions of research commissioned by the StratCom COE—Internet trolling as hybrid warfare tool: the case of Latvia by the Latvian Institute of International Affairs (LIIA) in cooperation with Riga Stradiņš University,1 Social influence in Russia-Ukraine-conflictrelated communication in social media by a team of Polish researchers,2 Network of terror: how Daesh uses adaptive social networks to spread its message by Joseph Shaheen, US State Department Fellow at the StratCom COE, as well as discussions from the seminars and conferences conducted by the COE over the course of 2015

this may take some time to reduce so that you can grok it
the report goes over all the findings they came up with while studing the Latvian elections nand the tampering the russians managed to use to confuse and confound the Latvian people during the election

with me so far?
they name the other studies before them and how they contributed to the body of evidence that is now beinng seen accrossed the world in many countries