trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

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Alexandria shooter’s widow: He went ‘bananas’ after Trump won the election

Driven over the edge by Trump's victory over Crooked Hillary. Moonbats, don't let this happen to you.

As far as I've seen, you've never had much by way of wits to lose to begin with, but been over the edge at least since the Bush years. During the years since you've proved yourself completely helpless facing your condition. Maybe you aren't one well placed to dispense advice on it. Or anything else, for that matter.

Can't speak for the rest of the group, but I am embarrassed for the rightarded troll and malignant nitwit infestation we caused. You've had more than enough of that before. Please accept my apologies.
As far as I've seen, you've never had much by way of wits to lose to begin with, but been over the edge at least since the Bush years. During the years since you've proved yourself completely helpless facing your condition. Maybe you aren't one well placed to dispense advice on it. Or anything else, for that matter.

Can't speak for the rest of the group, but I am embarrassed for the rightarded troll and malignant nitwit infestation we caused. You've had more than enough of that before. Please accept my apologies.

I feel the same about the cowardly sewing circle's "Big Skedaddle" that resulted in your squatting here and annoying these nice people.
hey they infest all parts of the internets

that is what the study I have been out lining says

facts are there ONLY REAL enemy

its why I pour it on them like bleach on a cockroach
I feel the same about the cowardly sewing circle's "Big Skedaddle" that resulted in your squatting here and annoying these nice people.

why do you never adress facts

you could gossip about your neighbors from that town center you live near

Oh yeah Putin has you in siberia

there is no town center near your shack huh

put another log on the fire

your shitty attempts at getting transfered out of siberia anint working

its COLD in siberia
I feel the same about the cowardly sewing circle's "Big Skedaddle" that resulted in your squatting here and annoying these nice people.

If you haven't figured it out, the reason SPRAYIT relies so heavily on clichés is that he is simply stupid. You can see proof of this here in the way the twit is oblivious to the irony in following those he calls cowardly, because he was unable to get sufficient abuse to sate his masochistic kicks at the Deplorable safe place we came from. He is also desperate for attention and validation to the point that even the righties here will tire of his constant, cloying, and parasitic up-sucking. As soon as he figures out how to post images, you will be bombarded with crying baby pictures and pictures of a guy with his hair on fire. He was a recent addition to the Deplorable herd, but it did not take long for him to be the most "ignored." If you do not take precautions, you run a great risk of injury by boredom. He is immune to his own venom in this regard.
If someone came to America completely unaware of our politics, all they would have to know is that our "president" has declared war on an independent media and his herd of mindless groupies love him for it. Deplorables are about as American as apple vodka.
Gerg will discuss ballet, curtains, and bedcoverings with you. He doesn't discuss issues, he HAS ISSUES.

He's not considered the MANLIEST of the lot. Brags about wearing a TUTU.

hey to each their own

its just that this site is for politics

his insults are not even funny

and he has no grasp of facts

he avoids them like they are a cup of putins poisened tea

the air in siberia must be too light for proper brain function
If someone came to America completely unaware of our politics, all they would have to know is that our "president" has declared war on an independent media and his herd of mindless groupies love him for it. Deplorables are about as American as apple vodka.

yeah these cossackbots are pretty easy to spot
If you haven't figured it out, the reason SPRAYIT relies so heavily on clichés is that he is simply stupid. You can see proof of this here in the way the twit is oblivious to the irony in following those he calls cowardly, because he was unable to get sufficient abuse to sate his masochistic kicks at the Deplorable safe place we came from. He is also desperate for attention and validation to the point that even the righties here will tire of his constant, cloying, and parasitic up-sucking. As soon as he figures out how to post images, you will be bombarded with crying baby pictures and pictures of a guy with his hair on fire. He was a recent addition to the Deplorable herd, but it did not take long for him to be the most "ignored." If you do not take precautions, you run a great risk of injury by boredom. He is immune to his own venom in this regard.


a fly shit licker
Just so you know....that whole "Pole" thing......those are not very thinly veiled shots at my 18 year old daughter......your friend Native started with it when she was 12....greggah thinks it is funny, and when confronted with it, fact, he set his own head on fire playing with it this morning.

Keep this in mind when they share THEIR versions of why I am here.....

and, as I've said before, congratulations on finding your level.
There is one strict rule around here about making sexual comments about minors. However one of the mods here thought it hilarious to joke about having sex with my deceased mother, he's a really nasty piece of work. Mangy Mongoose and him would get on well.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top
There is one strict rule around here about making sexual comments about minors. However one of the mods here thought it hilarious to joke about having sex with my deceased mother, he's a really nasty piece of work. Mangy Mongoose and him would get on well.

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Deplorables, generally, are a self-pitying bunch. Among this herd Millie seems to spend the most time up on his portable cross of victimhood. Probably the same source of the cowardice that has the sissy using a hide-from bunker for protection to fling feeble shots at people he claims he ignores.