trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Every time I see one of the Deplorable herd knee-jerk a defense of one of trump's deranged tweets, I think of when they were caterwauling in harmony over Obama degrading the presidency by wearing his mom jeans in the Oval Office. I suppose in the end trump and his herd have a symbiotic relationship. He provides them with scapegoats to blame for their inadequacies while validating their bigotry and resentment of smart people, and they give him the unconditional love he never got from his parents and so desperately needs to compensate for the knowledge that he has never really accomplished anything on his own in his cloistered, parasitic life.

As the aftermath of the election of Donald Trump is still being sorted out, a common theme keeps cropping up from all sides: “Democrats failed to understand white, working-class, fly-over America.”
Trump supporters are saying this. Progressive pundits are saying this. Talking heads across all forms of the media are saying this. Even some Democratic leaders are saying this. It doesn’t matter how many people say it, it is complete bullshit. It is an intellectual/linguistic sleight of hand meant to throw attention away from the real problem. The real problem isn’t east coast elites who don’t understand or care about rural America. The real problem is rural America doesn’t understand the causes of their own situations and fears and they have shown no interest in finding out. They don’t want to know why they feel the way they do or why they are struggling because they don’t want to admit it is in large part because of choices they’ve made and horrible things they’ve allowed themselves to believe.

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Over the past two decades, an immense amount of journalistic energy was spent exploring the right-wing media ecosystem—from talk radio, to Fox News, to Breitbart and beyond—and documenting its growing influence on mainstream GOP politics. This turned out to be a worthy and prescient pursuit, and if any doubt remains about that, I’d present “President Donald Trump” as Exhibit A. While serious Republicans in the political class spent years scoffing at the “entertainers” and “provocateurs” on the supposedly powerless fringe, the denizens of the fever swamp were busy taking over the party.

from your link jizz slurper

Direct hit. Yowsa will just keep on trucking like nothing happened.
Trump touts 'great jobs numbers' that aren't so great

President Trump on Monday touted the “great jobs numbers” since he took office — numbers that his own administration’s statistics show aren’t all that great.
Trump said in a tweet that “at some point the Fake News will be forced to discuss our great jobs numbers, strong economy” and other successes of his administration.

From February through May — the latest data available — the U.S. economy has created 594,000 net new jobs, according to the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s fewer than the 659,000 created during the final four months of the Obama administration, which Trump criticized for its job growth.

So far, 2017 is on track to produce the fewest net new jobs in seven years.
We certainly have not done very well starting with Bush Jr huh?

It's almost as if the whole notion of enacting and administering programs focused on helping the richest Americans increase the current wealth and income disparity were a cruel trickle-on scam.

It's almost as if the whole notion of enacting and administering programs focused on helping the richest Americans increase the current wealth and income disparity were a cruel trickle-on scam.


Good things some people still look after those less fortunate. Every little bit helps.
He sure knew how to curry favor with the press.

The press was less likely to deal in dirt in those days, but I still prefer getting my news without the filter of what they or anyone else thinks is appropriate for me to know ... beyond legitimate national security, of course.

trump's crybabying about his treatment by the press is particularly aggravating, considering how much he was so responsible for so much dishonest sleaze thrown at an Obama who handled so much more with so much more dignity.
Missouri Republicans Lower St. Louis Minimum Wage From $10 To $7.70

If you thought the minimum wage only moved in one direction, then Missouri Republicans have a surprise for you.

After St. Louis leaders raised the wage floor for workers within city limits, the state GOP recently passed what’s known as a statewide “preemption” law, forbidding localities from taking such matters into their own hands. On Friday, Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens (R) said he would let the law go into effect, thereby barring cities and counties from setting a minimum wage higher than the state level.

Because Regressives are all about local rule ...
The press was less likely to deal in dirt in those days, but I still prefer getting my news without the filter of what they or anyone else thinks is appropriate for me to know ... beyond legitimate national security, of course.

trump's crybabying about his treatment by the press is particularly aggravating, considering how much he was so responsible for so much dishonest sleaze thrown at an Obama who handled so much more with so much more dignity.

I agree, of course. If what JFK told the press marks the ideal of a reasonable, responsible, ardently critical press and politicians welcoming their work - a paragraph I've heard almost word by word from President Obama at one of his Press Corps diners - the Trumpy undoubtedly marks the other end of that scale. And yes, it's a horrible sign, and yes, reminding folks how things should be is more necessary these days than at any other time in my life.
Missouri Republicans Lower St. Louis Minimum Wage From $10 To $7.70

If you thought the minimum wage only moved in one direction, then Missouri Republicans have a surprise for you.

After St. Louis leaders raised the wage floor for workers within city limits, the state GOP recently passed what’s known as a statewide “preemption” law, forbidding localities from taking such matters into their own hands. On Friday, Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens (R) said he would let the law go into effect, thereby barring cities and counties from setting a minimum wage higher than the state level.

Because Regressives are all about local rule ...

Such instances of profitable moocher-dom cannot be allowed to happen, for if it works in St. Louis, the moochers elsewhere might get ideas. Unreasonable ones...