trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I am not a "Trump supporter" in the realistic sense of agreeing with him on all policy (you know.. things that actually matter). I have many disagreements with him in those areas. Where I am on board with trumpism is surely the things though that liberals seem to talk about the most. How offenthive he is, how mean he is, how shocking and what a bad boy he is. I love he's setting D.C. on fire. I love that those always clamoring for a strong executive branch get to see what happens when those powers are put into the hands of someone they disagree with. I truly love liberals being suicidal and depressed, I love their lamentations. It never gets old, it never tires out. I truly hate the takers, and I want them to experience as much misery as possible.

I love that the left used their usual tactics of using their buzzword names of racist, sexist, xenophobe, homophobe, misygonist, but nothing stuck. Their usual bag of tricks fell flat. They set about making this a culture war, and their culture got it's fucking ass kicked.

I love that the pussy grabber beat the first woman candidate who was the most qualified person for president ever. I loved and continue to love seeing smug liberals get bitch slapped by reality. They simply cannot comprehend an america that disagrees with their worldview. They grow up in a culture that agrees with them in all areas. All art, media, music, film, education, all align with liberal values. So when they lose, it hits them much harder. Yeah, some of us want the pussy grabber. 60 million of us. That is the true reality. It is not perverse, it is normal as apple pie. It is mainstream, it is acceptable. It is presidential. This is not debatable.

I have never had a real political victory on policy, where my values are truly represented and implemented. I will never see most of the policies I favor ever enacted. So I'll enjoy the bonfire. I love the potential destruction.

The problems with our current civic discourse is that the idea of our common goals, our definitions for success, have diverged. It used to be that EVERYONE agreed on more X Y Z, and the disagreement was merely on how to achieve those ends. Now however, we are not only disagreeing on the means, but the ends themselves. Liberals act as though it is an objective failure that 3rd world trash and shanty towns no longer respect America. To them it's plain as day, everyone should want to be loved by the globalist elitest european union. Well not to me. Not to US. I say it's GOOD that we are becoming more cut off from the world. I think it's GOOD that this can increased isolationism and more inward american thinking.

Our values and our goals are fundamentally different.

So I want liberals to cry. I want them to be tortured. I want them to feel unsafe and unwelcome. You ARE unwelcome. You are fucking taker parasites, entitled to someone elses hard work. You are life losers that can't survive without the government tit. You would have been naturally selected out of the gene pool ages ago.

I look forward to the 200,000 people liberals are saying will "unnecessarily die" when they get their health care revoked. I truly welcome it. I wont shed a tear.

I want you to have anxiety and fear in your heart. I want you to be driven insane and feel humiliated and agitated and disgusted and repulsed.

We are going to take the supreme court too. We are going to dominate it forever. And yes I love that we swindled you guys out of garland. We don't play your weak liberal beta games of playing nice and fair. We weren't going to let you replace one of the greatest judicial minds ever with some idealogical pimp eager to please those that champion identity politics. SUCK IT LIBERALS. WE TOOK THE SEAT AND THERE ISN'T SHIT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. HAHAHAHA.

The worse it is for you, the better it is for me. The more you feel outrage, the greater I feel pride.

I am saving this for posterity, as it is the most honest and forthright account of rightardism I have read so far. Let's call it the Rightardia Manifesto. Oh, and let us combine it with the account of fundamentalist, right-wing, rural Christians (as posted earlier by Moonie), as the two texts shine a light on each other.

It's all there, the fundamentalist, bigoted, unshakable belief system, the utter contempt for, and sense of supremacy over, Those People, the sheer verbal (Milgram) brutality that would be next to inexplicably were it not for the "higher authority" ordering same. What one text gets right by emphasizing the religious roots of bigotry, the other contributes by bringing forward how political deviance from the rightarded creed is met with stunning aggression, as all good right-wing authoritarian submissives are prone to exhibit in the face of the inexcusable differentness of much of the American population. This verges on the eliminative aggression that really knows no bounds. If it's necessary to tear the whole edifice of Enlightened Self-Government asunder in order to have fellow Americans who have the stunning temerity to disagree without a voice, so be it.

Let's think this to the logical conclusion, as it is clear enough:

"The worse it is for you, the better it is for me. The more you feel outrage, the greater I feel pride."

With this one, as it is with much of Rightardia, the fight for a "better union" is over. The fight is now over how to make things worse for Those People, and the worse it gets, the better it is for Rightardia.
What one text gets right by emphasizing the religious roots of bigotry, the other contributes by bringing forward how political deviance from the rightarded creed is met with stunning aggression, as all good right-wing authoritarian submissives are prone to exhibit in the face of the inexcusable differentness of much of the American population.
At least it has been made clear that not playing nice and fair is what made one of the greatest judicial minds...
I am saving this for posterity, as it is the most honest and forthright account of rightardism I have read so far. Let's call it the Rightardia Manifesto. Oh, and let us combine it with the account of fundamentalist, right-wing, rural Christians (as posted earlier by Moonie), as the two texts shine a light on each other.

It's all there, the fundamentalist, bigoted, unshakable belief system, the utter contempt for, and sense of supremacy over, Those People, the sheer verbal (Milgram) brutality that would be next to inexplicably were it not for the "higher authority" ordering same. What one text gets right by emphasizing the religious roots of bigotry, the other contributes by bringing forward how political deviance from the rightarded creed is met with stunning aggression, as all good right-wing authoritarian submissives are prone to exhibit in the face of the inexcusable differentness of much of the American population. This verges on the eliminative aggression that really knows no bounds. If it's necessary to tear the whole edifice of Enlightened Self-Government asunder in order to have fellow Americans who have the stunning temerity to disagree without a voice, so be it.

Let's think this to the logical conclusion, as it is clear enough:

"The worse it is for you, the better it is for me. The more you feel outrage, the greater I feel pride."

With this one, as it is with much of Rightardia, the fight for a "better union" is over. The fight is now over how to make things worse for Those People, and the worse it gets, the better it is for Rightardia.

Yup, I've said before that the part of trumpism that isn't about validation of bigotry is really nothing more than an appeal to losers with hurt feelings over the perception that others look down on them. I suppose even much of their hurt feelings are also rooted in the bigotry of not being able to soothe their self-pity by at least having some race or, religion, or ethnic group they can look down on. trump is giving that back to them. They don't care about America or anyone else but their Deplorable herd. The fact that we do look down on these crybabies and their need to blame others for their inadequacies in no way justifies their bratty tantrum.
But how does one check the posters banned by an OP from a thread?

I noticed it once when I clicked on a thread started by the wacko mentioned. Haven't noticed it since. I'm thinking most new threads don't have people banned, so no list appears.
I just stopped by to relay an interesting tidbit I got from someone who works in DC (perhaps you can guess who it is). This person works for a private company doing contract work for the gov't. This work takes place in a government building. There is a new poster in the building, not one known for high security and classified information. The poster shows a melting US flag and the warning "Every Leak Makes US Weak." Government under a flabby old brat.

I'd show the poster, but it reveals which building I'm talking about.
Oh, and a word for the cause.

I would like to see the old place lose popularity. That said, I have not and will not call for a boycott or anything like that. Am I disappointed to see that some liberals still spend all or most of their time there exchanging "wit" with SPRAYIT and ChlamydiaBear? Sure, but to each his own. My suggestion, if you are bored with the pace of this thread, but prefer not to look at crying baby pictures or read down-under wisdom, click the "new posts" button at the upper left and visit some other threads. There's lots of prey and occasional bouts of substance. If you do that, I believe you will find this place is even more active than the last one. Also, you might find some new blood worth being part of a building something better, maybe making this thread more active and diverse in the process.
Oh yeah, this afternoon Deplorable Arizona became the latest state to say no to trump's voter suppression, I mean voter fraud investigation. Our rightard Secretary of State changed her mind after talking to lawyers and a public outcry after she said she would help with voter suppress ... investigation.
Oh, and a word for the cause.

I would like to see the old place lose popularity. That said, I have not and will not call for a boycott or anything like that. Am I disappointed to see that some liberals still spend all or most of their time there exchanging "wit" with SPRAYIT and ChlamydiaBear? Sure, but to each his own. My suggestion, if you are bored with the pace of this thread, but prefer not to look at crying baby pictures or read down-under wisdom, click the "new posts" button at the upper left and visit some other threads. There's lots of prey and occasional bouts of substance. If you do that, I believe you will find this place is even more active than the last one. Also, you might find some new blood worth being part of a building something better, maybe making this thread more active and diverse in the process.
since you are a leader here, i would ask that you do not encourage your flock to engage in trollish flaming.
Not that I am a mod -just a concerned citizen. Not that you are encouraging flaming/trolling -I have no idea what you are saying ..I am simply expressing my concerns
I do not want this place to turn into a shitfest. Whatever your(s) perception the place functions fairly well with minimal modding, and I'd like to see that continue. Thanks.
since you are a leader here, i would ask that you do not encourage your flock to engage in trollish flaming.
Not that I am a mod -just a concerned citizen. Not that you are encouraging flaming/trolling -I have no idea what you are saying ..I am simply expressing my concerns
I do not want this place to turn into a shitfest. Whatever your(s) perception the place functions fairly well with minimal modding, and I'd like to see that continue. Thanks.

I wonder how many socks there are?

It might be two people lol. Or a pack of lemmings. It's hard to tell.
I wonder how many socks there are?

It might be two people lol. Or a pack of lemmings. It's hard to tell.
don't know/don't care. I just do not want a hornets nest.I have trudged thru way too many messageboards to find some semblance of a place to engage in intellectal discourse

Bill Maher Boards (HBO)
Political Groove
Debate Politics ( still there)
DC Junkies -kaput

inevitably some goofball pisses off another nut, and the whole thing crashes and burns.
I am tired of being an internet gypsy,and would like to unpack once and for all.
since you are a leader here, i would ask that you do not encourage your flock to engage in trollish flaming.
Not that I am a mod -just a concerned citizen. Not that you are encouraging flaming/trolling -I have no idea what you are saying ..I am simply expressing my concerns
I do not want this place to turn into a shitfest. Whatever your(s) perception the place functions fairly well with minimal modding, and I'd like to see that continue. Thanks.

Accusing me of being a leader is the surest way I can think of to erase any influence I might have with our mob. That said, I've done a fair amount of looking around here, and I don't see a virginal salon of deep thinkers debating with their pinkies extended. You've got looney tune flamers here in significant numbers who can compete with the worst of the airhead feeb-wits we left behind. Hell, the Millie who haunts this place does little more than hide in a bunker and fling limp-wristed shots at people he claims to be ignoring.

I like the way you fight, but I don't think you are of any greater risk of contamination by invaders than we are in by drinking the local water.