trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

I will check back later to see if you've thought up an argument......I gotta w\say, so far you guys have been pretty boring.....this is all stuff our own trolls have been trying to flag since November......don't you have anything real?......
They just sound like Nostradumbcunt on steroids.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
I will check back later to see if you've thought up an argument......I gotta w\say, so far you guys have been pretty boring.....this is all stuff our own trolls have been trying to flag since November......don't you have anything real?......

I can't help noticing that you are little but lip.......

So, ARE you a fetus fetishist?
Originally Posted by blackvegetable
And to any marginally sentient being, the question clearly relates to what the slogan means.

Long before Trump did the Stupid thing with Paris you and your fellow travellers were mewling about making America great "again"....for what were you pining?

Winning the election.

Is this all we can expect from you newbs?

Do you understand the word 'again' in the slogan you're admiring?

well, we're supposed to be waiting for you to explain your argument that the EC is a barbaric relic but okay......there was a competing interest between California which had an excess of 3 million people who wanted Hilliary to be president and the thirty states that Trump won by a majority of the votes......
Wisconsin is A state, singular........

yes it is.....and it and 29 other singular states voted for Trump.......California, another singular state and 19 others voted for Hilliary.......that is why Trump is our, please tell us your argument for why the EC is a barbaric relic......