trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

well, we're supposed to be waiting for you to explain your argument that the EC is a barbaric relic but okay......there was a competing interest between California which had an excess of 3 million people who wanted Hilliary to be president and the thirty states that Trump won by a majority of the votes......

I explained why.....

Now I am waiting to see an argument IN FAVOR of the EC......

But I'm guessing that you are cognizant of how silly they are, and would prefer not to take a beating on their behalf...
So you can't find Wisconsin saying anything of the sort....

Why don't you take a few minutes to figure out what you found so attractive about "Make America Great Again"?

The State of Wisconsin disagreed with the State of California in their voting results. So much for your 120 years theory.

It won. Anything else?
I explained why.....

you sound like Zappas.....he likes to pretend he's done things that haven't happened as well....when he does that we confound him by asking us to tell us which post number he's referring, which post number is your "explanation" in.....we really want to read it.....
The State of Wisconsin disagreed with the State of California in their voting results. So much for your 120 years theory.

It won. Anything else?

You have yet to demonstrate that Wisconsin said anything of the sort.....

I'm beginning to suspect that you fell for the SOUND of Make America Great Again, but that the actual meaning of it escaped you.
you sound like Zappas.....he likes to pretend he's done things that haven't happened as well....when he does that we confound him by asking us to tell us which post number he's referring, which post number is your "explanation" in.....we really want to read it.....

You are as senile as you are tedious.....

it is can scroll back for it......
You have yet to demonstrate that Wisconsin said anything of the sort.....

I'm beginning to suspect that you fell for the SOUND of Make America Great Again, but that the actual meaning of it escaped you.

so you are going to demonstrate your skills at debate by denying Wisconsin cast its electoral votes?......
You have yet to demonstrate that Wisconsin said anything of the sort.....

I'm beginning to suspect that you fell for the SOUND of Make America Great Again, but that the actual meaning of it escaped you.

The winning is what escapes you.

Check the election results. No wonder you're so confused.