trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

......It may provide some succor in the next few days.

are you predicting something's gonna happen?......are you a friend of BucKKKle?......he predicted Hilliary would win all 50 states......he's also predicted Trump will be impeached by DecemberFebruaryMayAugust......we don't think much of his track record........
The snowflake seems to be a little sensitive this I am glad you perceive me as sensitive...


  • 1.
    a flake of snow, especially a feathery ice crystal, typically displaying delicate sixfold symmetry.

You forgot your real intended meaning:
ˈkämˌrad,ˈkämrəd/ fellow socialist or communist (often as a form of address).
No one is arguing that.....November 9 was a perfect illustration why the EC must go......letting idiots set the national agenda is destructive......

it worked exactly as intended and kept the idiots from setting the national agenda.......the fact it worked is hardly reason to end it......
I have told you many times but I guess the old memory isn't what is was, ILA and I have very little in common, apart from a mutual loathing of your BFF, and now that she's decided to haul arse out of here we can go back to the status quo.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
Yes, but it was this mutual hate for her that caused you to suck up to him, then he turned on you. My memory is just fine, thanks.
I love the way they want to reject the vote in PA, WI, and IA but think the vote in CA should be warranted......I guess they think only one state counts......

Nobody is "rejecting" such votes......The EC is a barbaric relic...The last time it thwarted "the Will of the People" we got the worst POTUS of the modern doesn't appear to have done much better this time...