trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Half way through my first little tub of hummus I bought a week and a half ago. I like it, I guess. Not enough to buy any more, though. Seems more fashionable than actually tasty.

Thought I'd leave you with something deep tonight.

Oh the inadequacy!!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I like some things about Canada too. For instance, they get snowed on so we can have a temperate climate. What's not to like about that?

I like the new pipeline from Mexico to Canada....of illegal immigrants. lol.

What's with Deplorables crawling so frequently up their PC crosses? Oh yeah, a desperate need to be a victim of something.

Ignoring that LBJ expanded us into a war in Vietnam that hurts us still in the name of fighting a monolithic, Kremlin-led communism that did not exist, all it took for the sons of "Tailgunner" Joe McCarthy to suck Putin was for their ham-fisted con-man leader to become Putin's bitch.

Yeah, everybody is familiar with this silly squawk. Putin was not the dictator in 2011, and Medvedev was being nice at that time, perhaps hoping to be something other than Putin's puppet.

A few things changed. Putin returned to power. He invaded the Ukraine. He helped elect a flabby, septuagenarian brat that Deplorable sissies believed would protect them from hordes of boogeymen. You squealing pigs were quick to toss aside your phony patriotism to defend this attack on American sovereignty, including hysterical caterwauling that the whole thing is some "deep state" conspiracy to overthrow your minority rule. BTW, it is an indisputable fact that Putin interfered in our election. What has trump done about it, other than criticize everybody on the planet EXCEPT his Moscow master? This video contains a comprehensive list of trump's efforts to protect America in this regard:

Your posts are becoming nonsense again, wobs. I suggest you reduce the amount of MSM fake news in your information intake.

The bill in question would establish an “Oversight Commission on Presidential Capacity,” tasked with carrying out a “medical examination of the President to determine whether the President is mentally or physically unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office.” Under the bill, this determination could be made if the “Commission finds that the President is temporarily or permanently impaired by physical illness or disability, mental illness, mental deficiency, or alcohol or drug use to the extent that the person lacks sufficient understanding or capacity to execute the powers and duties of the office of President.”

Could a bill like this, preliminary to the conventions, have stopped the corrupt party from rigging their primary contest and nominating the airhead they nominated?
Originally Posted by anatta View Post

the sanctions have been ineffective in modifying Putin's behavior.

Here you were about an hour earlier.

Crimean sanctions collapsed the Russian ruble and contributed to the Russian financial crisis.​

What's your point, BV?

Oh, and BTW, A Nutter:

Merkel had to be prodded into accepting them [the first set of sanctions],and she sure as hell does not want the new Senate sanctions

Merkel wasn't just fully behind the first set of sanctions imposed after Crimea happened, she was a driving force. Second, she sure as hell doesn't want the new, additional Senate sanctions, as they would partly target the European economy. What would you expect? Moreover, it's not just Merkel, the EU is opposed, and so is one Mr. Tillerson, BTW. As usual, if the hysterical divas populating the Earth's Greatest Deliberative Body interfere in U.S. foreign policy, you can virtually guarantee either of two things (or both) to happen: They're driven by letting themselves be seen doing "something" without much regard for that "something's" wisdom, or they are underhandedly promoting their corporate handlers' interests. In that case, that would be the U.S. LNG industry that stands to profit if Russia's access to the European natural gas market is curtailed.
He [RT] has a lot of knowledge of US history and world history but for recent decades it is useless because of his extreme politics.
You mean like joining you in wishing Saddam to have his neck s t r e t c h e d?
Half way through my first little tub of hummus I bought a week and a half ago. I like it, I guess. Not enough to buy any more, though. Seems more fashionable than actually tasty.

Thought I'd leave you with something deep tonight.

When you have a wife who makes homemade hummus, get back to me. It is so yummy and good for you.
really ? I thought it was one of the best.a bit jamming, but accurate play - very hendrixy

As a picker Hendrix's style of play always fascinated me.

Most players use the tips of their fingers on the fret board [except when doing bar chords] but Hendrix used the ends of his fingers a lot yet managed to get a clean sound. Also I can watch a clip of Bonamasa or even Stevie Ray and get a good idea what their doing---not that I can do the same things lol, but what they do makes sense, technically.

Hendrix was out there. He was such a unique player in so many ways.
[h=1]The Reddit User Who Apparently Made Trump's CNN Video Has a History of Racist Posts[/h]A Reddit user is taking credit for creating the video President Donald Trump posted to Twitter depicting him punching a physical manifestation of CNN.The same user, who goes by HanA--holeSolo, has previously posted several racist, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic memes on Reddit. One post included a photo of CNN personalities with the Star of David attached to each person. Another said "F--K ISLAM." Many of HanA--holesolo's posts denigrate black people.

HanA--holeSolo appears to have submitted the Trump wrestling GIF five days ago to The_Donald, a subreddit where people gather to idolize the President and hurl hatred toward Trump's supposed enemies.
"Trump takes down fake news," HanA--holeSolo titled the GIF, which shows Trump punching WWE head Vince McMahon in 2007, but with CNN's logo superimposed over McMahon's face.
Trump's tweet made for a spectacular day among those who visit The_Donald. HanA--holeSolo wrote in the subreddit: "Wow!! I never expected my meme to be retweeted by the God Emporer [sic] himself!!!"

trump knows who his groupies are.
